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Generating a correlated Rayleigh fading process

In this example we will generate a correlated Rayleigh fading process with a normaized Doppler frequency equal to 0.1. The normalized Doppler is defined as the multiplication of the maximum Doppler frequency by the sampling time (i.e. $f_d = F_d T_s$).

#include <itpp/itcomm.h>
using namespace itpp;
int main()
// Declare my_channel variable as an instance of the Rayleigh_Channel
// class
TDL_Channel my_channel;
// The normalized Doppler frequency is set to 0.1
double norm_dopp = 0.1;
// Generate nrof_samples of the fading process and store them in ch_coeffs
// matrix
int nrof_samples = 10000;
cmat ch_coeffs;
my_channel.generate(nrof_samples, ch_coeffs);
// Open an output file ""
it_file ff("");
// Save channel coefficients to the output file
ff << Name("ch_coeffs") << ch_coeffs;
// Close the output file
// Exit program
return 0;

You can use Matlab or Octave to examine the channel fading process that is stored int the output file Try the followigh code to view a part of the fading process:

figure(1); clf;

Note: Make sure that the folder $PREFIX/share/itpp is included your Matlab/Octave path variable ($PREFIX is the IT++ installation prefix: /usr/local by default).

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