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itpp::GMM Member List

This is the complete list of members for itpp::GMM, including all inherited members.

clear() (defined in itpp::GMM)itpp::GMM
d (defined in itpp::GMM)itpp::GMMprotected
draw_sample() (defined in itpp::GMM)itpp::GMM
get_covariance() (defined in itpp::GMM)itpp::GMMinline
get_covariance(int i) (defined in itpp::GMM)itpp::GMMinline
get_dimension() (defined in itpp::GMM)itpp::GMMinline
get_mean() (defined in itpp::GMM)itpp::GMMinline
get_mean(int i) (defined in itpp::GMM)itpp::GMMinline
get_no_gaussians() const (defined in itpp::GMM)itpp::GMMinline
get_no_mixtures() (defined in itpp::GMM)itpp::GMM
get_weight() (defined in itpp::GMM)itpp::GMMinline
get_weight(int i) (defined in itpp::GMM)itpp::GMMinline
GMM() (defined in itpp::GMM)itpp::GMM
GMM(int nomix, int dim) (defined in itpp::GMM)itpp::GMM
GMM(std::string filename) (defined in itpp::GMM)itpp::GMM
init(const vec &w_in, const mat &m_in, const mat &sigma_in) (defined in itpp::GMM)itpp::GMM
init_from_vq(const vec &codebook, int dim) (defined in itpp::GMM)itpp::GMM
join(const GMM &newgmm) (defined in itpp::GMM)itpp::GMM
likelihood(const vec &x) (defined in itpp::GMM)itpp::GMM
likelihood_aposteriori(const vec &x, int mixture) (defined in itpp::GMM)itpp::GMM
likelihood_aposteriori(const vec &x) (defined in itpp::GMM)itpp::GMM
load(std::string filename) (defined in itpp::GMM)itpp::GMM
m (defined in itpp::GMM)itpp::GMMprotected
M (defined in itpp::GMM)itpp::GMMprotected
marginalize(int d_new) (defined in itpp::GMM)itpp::GMM
save(std::string filename) (defined in itpp::GMM)itpp::GMM
set_covariance(const mat &sigma_in) (defined in itpp::GMM)itpp::GMM
set_covariance(const vec &covariances, bool compflag=true) (defined in itpp::GMM)itpp::GMMinline
set_covariance(int i, const vec &covariances, bool compflag=true) (defined in itpp::GMM)itpp::GMM
set_mean(const mat &m_in) (defined in itpp::GMM)itpp::GMM
set_mean(const vec &means, bool compflag=true) (defined in itpp::GMM)itpp::GMMinline
set_mean(int i, const vec &means, bool compflag=true) (defined in itpp::GMM)itpp::GMM
set_weight(const vec &weights, bool compflag=true) (defined in itpp::GMM)itpp::GMMinline
set_weight(int i, double weight, bool compflag=true) (defined in itpp::GMM)itpp::GMMinline
sigma (defined in itpp::GMM)itpp::GMMprotected
w (defined in itpp::GMM)itpp::GMMprotected
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