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class  Array
 General array class. More...
class  bin
 Binary arithmetic (boolean) class. More...
class  bfstream_base
 Base class for binary file classesThis class serves as a base class for the classes bofstream, bifstream, and bfstream. It controls the endianity (i.e. the byte order of multibyte numbers on the disk) of the inhereted classes. More...
class  bofstream
 Binary Outfile Class. More...
class  bifstream
 Binary Infile Class. More...
class  bfstream
 Binary in/out-file Class. More...
class  Circular_Buffer
 General circular buffer class. More...
class  Factory
 Base class for class factories. More...
class  GF2mat_sparse_alist
 Parameterized "alist" representation of sparse GF(2) matrix. More...
class  GF2mat
 Class for dense GF(2) matrices. More...
class  it_file_base
 Base class for it_ifile and it_file. More...
class  it_ifile
 The IT++ file format reading class. More...
class  it_file
 The IT++ file format reading and writing class. More...
class  Name
 Automatic naming when savingAn easy way to give a variable a name and optionally description when saving. Usage: More...
class  it_file_base_old
 Base class for it_ifile_old and it_file_old. More...
class  it_ifile_old
 The old (version 2) IT++ file format reading class. More...
class  it_file_old
 The old (version 2) IT++ file format reading and writing class. More...
class  Mat
 Matrix Class (Templated) More...
class  Parser
 Argument Parser Class. More...
class  Random_Generator
 Base class for random (stochastic) sources. More...
class  Bernoulli_RNG
 Bernoulli distribution. More...
class  I_Uniform_RNG
 Integer uniform distributionExample: Generation of random uniformly distributed integers in the interval [0,10]. More...
class  Uniform_RNG
 Uniform distribution. More...
class  Exponential_RNG
 Exponential distribution. More...
class  Normal_RNG
 Normal distributionNormal (Gaussian) random variables, using a simplified Ziggurat method. More...
class  Gamma_RNG
 Gamma distributionGenerate samples from Gamma(alpha,beta) density, according to the following equation:

\[ x \sim \Gamma(\alpha,\beta) = \frac{\beta^\alpha}{\Gamma(\alpha)}x^{\alpha-1} \exp(-\beta x) \]

. More...

class  Laplace_RNG
 Laplacian distribution. More...
class  Complex_Normal_RNG
 A Complex Normal Source. More...
class  AR1_Normal_RNG
 Filtered normal distribution. More...
class  Weibull_RNG
 Weibull distribution. More...
class  Rayleigh_RNG
 Rayleigh distribution. More...
class  Rice_RNG
 Rice distribution. More...
class  Sparse_Mat
 Templated Sparse Matrix Class. More...
class  Sort
 Class for sorting of vectors. More...
class  Stack
 General stack class. More...
class  Sparse_Vec
 Templated sparse vector class. More...
class  Timer
 A virtual base class for timers. More...
class  CPU_Timer
 A CPU time timer classMeasures the time spent by the CPU on the current process. If two processes are running concurrently, one real seconds equal 5 CPU seconds per process. The resolution is not very good (in the order of 0.01 seconds). More...
class  Real_Timer
 A real time timer classMeasures real time. More...
class  Vec
 Vector Class (Templated) More...
class  BCH
 Class for binary, narrow-sense BCH codes. More...
class  Fading_Generator
 Fading generator class. More...
class  Independent_Fading_Generator
 Independent (random) fading generator class. More...
class  Static_Fading_Generator
 Static fading generator class. More...
class  Correlated_Fading_Generator
 Correlated (random) fading generator class. More...
class  Rice_Fading_Generator
 Rice type fading generator class. More...
class  FIR_Fading_Generator
 FIR type Fading generator class. More...
class  IFFT_Fading_Generator
 IFFT type Fading generator class. More...
class  Channel_Specification
 General specification of a time-domain multipath channel. More...
class  TDL_Channel
 Tapped Delay Line (TDL) channel model. More...
class  BSC
 A Binary Symetric Channel with crossover probability p. More...
class  AWGN_Channel
 Ordinary AWGN Channel for cvec or vec inputs and outputs. More...
class  Channel_Code
 Generic Channel Code class. More...
class  Dummy_Code
 Dummy Channel Code class. More...
class  Convolutional_Code
 Binary Convolutional rate 1/n class. More...
class  CRC_Code
 Cyclic Redundancy Check Codes. More...
class  Extended_Golay
 Extended Golay code (24,12,8). More...
class  BERC
 Bit Error Rate Counter (BERC) Class. More...
class  BLERC
 Class for counting block error rates. More...
class  EXIT
 EXtrinsic Information Transfer (EXIT) chart. More...
class  GF
 Galois Field GF(q). More...
class  GFX
 Polynomials over GF(q)[x], where q=2^m, m=1,...,16. More...
class  Hamming_Code
 Binary Hamming codes. More...
class  Block_Interleaver
 Block Interleaver Class. More...
class  Cross_Interleaver
 Cross Interleaver Class. More...
class  Sequence_Interleaver
 Sequence Interleaver Class. More...
class  LDPC_Parity
 LDPC parity check matrix generic class. More...
class  LDPC_Parity_Unstructured
 Pure abstract class for unstructured LDPC matrices. More...
class  LDPC_Parity_Irregular
 Irregular LDPC code generator class. More...
class  LDPC_Parity_Regular
 Regular LDPC code generator class. More...
class  BLDPC_Parity
 Block LDPC code parity-check matrix. More...
class  LDPC_Generator
 LDPC Generator pure virtual base class. More...
class  LDPC_Generator_Systematic
 Systematic LDPC Generator class. More...
class  BLDPC_Generator
 Block LDPC Generator class. More...
class  LDPC_Code
 Low-density parity check (LDPC) codec. More...
class  LLR_calc_unit
 Log-likelihood algebra calculation unit. More...
class  Modulator
 General modulator for 1D or 2D signal constellations. More...
class  QAM
 M-ary QAM modulator with square lattice. More...
class  PSK
 M-ary PSK modulator. More...
class  QPSK
 QPSK modulator. More...
class  BPSK_c
 BPSK modulator with complex symbols. More...
class  BPSK
 BPSK modulator with real symbols. More...
class  PAM_c
 M-ary PAM modulator with complex symbols. More...
class  PAM
 M-ary PAM modulator with real symbols. More...
class  Modulator_ND
 Base class for an N-dimensional (ND) vector (MIMO) modulator. More...
class  Modulator_NRD
 Base class for N-dimensional vector (MIMO) channel modulators/demodulators with real-valued components. More...
class  Modulator_NCD
 Base class for vector (MIMO) channel modulator/demodulators with complex valued components. More...
class  ND_UPAM
 Real-valued MIMO channel with uniform PAM along each dimension. More...
class  ND_UQAM
 Complex MIMO channel with uniform QAM per dimension. More...
class  ND_UPSK
class  Multilateration
 Multilateration class for 3D indoor localization More...
class  OFDM
 Class for modulating and demodulation of OFDM signals using the FFT. More...
class  Pulse_Shape
 General FIR Pulse Shape. More...
class  Raised_Cosine
 Raised Cosine (RC) Pulse Shaper. More...
class  Root_Raised_Cosine
 (Square) Root Raised Cosine (RRC) Pulse Shaper More...
class  Punctured_Convolutional_Code
 Binary Punctured Convolutional Code Class. More...
class  Rec_Syst_Conv_Code
 A Recursive Systematic Convolutional Encoder/Decoder class. More...
class  Reed_Solomon
 Reed-Solomon Codes. More...
class  LFSR
 Binary Linear Feedback Shift Register (LFSR) More...
class  Gold
 Gold Sequences. More...
class  SISO
 Soft Input Soft Output (SISO) modules. More...
class  Spread_1d
 Spreading of float symbols to float output. More...
class  Spread_2d
 Spreading of complex symbols to complex output. More...
class  Multicode_Spread_1d
 Multicode spreading of float symbols. More...
class  Multicode_Spread_2d
 Multicode spreading of complex symbols to complex output. More...
class  STC
 Space Time block Codes (STC) class. More...
class  Turbo_Codec
 Turbo encoder/decoder Class. More...
class  Punctured_Turbo_Codec
 Punctured turbo encoder/decoder Class. More...
class  CFix
 Complex fixed-point data type. More...
class  CFixed
 Templated complex fixed-point data type. More...
class  Fix
 Fixed-point data type. More...
class  Fix_Base
 Base class for fixed-point data types. More...
class  Fix_Factory
 Class factory for fixed-point data types Fix and CFix. More...
class  Fixed
 Templated fixed-point data type. More...
class  Newton_Search
 Newton Search. More...
class  Line_Search
 Line Search. More...
class  Base_Event
 Base Event Class. More...
struct  Compare_Base_Event_Times
 Compare to events, Returns true if expire time of event1 is larger than the expire time of event2. More...
class  Event_Queue
 Event Queue class. More...
class  Event
 An Event class that executes a function when the event expires. More...
class  Data_Event
 An Event class that executes a function with some data as input when the event expires. More...
class  Front_Drop_Queue
class  Packet
class  L3_Packet_Info
class  Link_Packet
class  ACK
class  Packet_Channel
class  ACK_Channel
class  Packet_Generator
class  Poisson_Packet_Generator
class  Constant_Rate_Packet_Generator
class  Burst_WWW_Packet_Generator
class  Sink
class  Selective_Repeat_ARQ_Sender
class  Selective_Repeat_ARQ_Receiver
class  Signal
 Signals and slots. More...
class  Base_Slot
 Base Slot class. More...
class  Slot
 Slot Class. More...
class  TTimer
class  Sequence_Number
class  TCP_Segment
class  TCP_Packet
class  TCP_Sender
class  TCP_Receiver_Buffer
class  TCP_Receiver
class  TCP_Server_Application
class  TCP_Client_Application
class  Fast_ICA
 Fast_ICA Fast Independent Component Analysis (Fast ICA)The software is based upon original FastICA for Matlab from A. Hyvarinen. Fast and Robust Fixed-Point Algorithms for Independent Component Analysis. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 10(3), pp. 626-634, 1999. More...
class  Filter
 Virtual Filter Base Class.The class is templated as follows: More...
class  MA_Filter
 Moving Average Filter Base Class.This class implements a moving average (MA) filter according to

\[ y(n) = b(0)*x(n) + b(1)*x(n-1) + ... + b(N)*x(n-N) \]

where b is the filter coefficients, x is the input and y is the output. More...

class  AR_Filter
 Autoregressive (AR) Filter Base Class.This class implements a autoregressive (AR) filter according to

\[ a(0)*y(n) = x(n) - a(1)*y(n-1) - ... - a(N)*y(n-N) \]

where a is the filter coefficients, x is the input and y is the output. More...

class  ARMA_Filter
 Autoregressive Moving Average (ARMA) Filter Base Class.This class implements a autoregressive moving average (ARMA) filter according to

\[ a(0)*y(n) = b(0)*x(n) + b(1)*x(n-1) + \ldots + b(N_b)*x(n-N_b) - a(1)*y(n-1) - \ldots - a(N_a)*y(n-N_a) \]

. More...

class  Freq_Filt
 Freq_Filt Frequency domain filtering using the overlap-add techniqueThe Freq_Filt class implements an FFT based filter using the overlap-add technique. The data is filtered by first transforming the input sequence into the frequency domain with an efficient FFT implementation (i.e. FFTW) and then multiplied with a Fourier transformed version of the impulse response. The resulting data is then inversed Fourier transformed to return a filtered time domain signal. More...
class  Sine_Source
 Sine-wave source. More...
class  Square_Source
 Square-wave source. More...
class  Triangle_Source
 Triangle-wave source. More...
class  Sawtooth_Source
 Sawtooth-wave source. More...
class  Impulse_Source
 Impulse source. More...
class  Pattern_Source
 Pattern source. More...
class  Audio_Stream_Description
 Description of audio stream. More...
class  SND_In_File
 Class to read audio data from au file. More...
class  SND_Out_File
 A class to write SND-files (the .au format) More...
class  SND_IO_File
 A class for doing both input and output of audio samples. More...
class  Audio_Sample< enc_mulaw8 >
 uLaw-encoded Audio samples. More...
class  Audio_Sample< enc_linear8 >
 8-bit PCM encoded audio samples. More...
class  Audio_Sample< enc_linear16 >
 16-bit PCM encoded audio samples More...
class  Sample_24
 Small class to represent 24-bit PCM samples. More...
class  Audio_Sample< enc_linear24 >
 24-bit PCM encoded audio samples. More...
class  Audio_Sample< enc_linear32 >
 32-bit PCM encoded audio samples. More...
class  Audio_Sample< enc_float >
 Audio samples encoded as floats. More...
class  Audio_Sample< enc_double >
 Audio samples encoded as doubles. More...
class  Audio_Sample< enc_alaw8 >
 aLaw-encoded Audio samples. More...
class  GMM
 Gaussian Mixture Model Class. More...
class  Vector_Quantizer
 Class for vector quantization. More...
class  Scalar_Quantizer
 Class for vector quantization. More...
class  Histogram
 Histogram computation class. More...
class  Stat
 A class for sampling a signal and calculating statistics. More...
class  MOG_diag
 Diagonal Mixture of Gaussians (MOG) class. More...
class  MOG_diag_EM_sup
 support class for MOG_diag_ML() and MOG_diag_MAP() More...
class  MOG_diag_kmeans_sup
 support class for MOG_diag_kmeans() More...
class  MOG_generic
 Generic Mixture of Gaussians (MOG) class. Used as a base for other MOG classes. More...


typedef Sparse_Vec< binGF2vec_sparse
 Sparse GF(2) vector.
typedef Sparse_Mat< binGF2mat_sparse
 Sparse GF(2) matrix.
typedef Normal_RNG Gauss_RNG
 Gauss_RNG is the same as Normal Source.
typedef AR1_Normal_RNG AR1_Gauss_RNG
 AR1_Gauss_RNG is the same as AR1_Normal_RNG.
typedef Vec< CFixcfixvec
 Typedef for complex fixed-point vector type.
typedef Mat< CFixcfixmat
 Typedef for complex fixed-point matrix type.
typedef CFixed< 1, TC, WRAPcfixed1
 Typedefs for CFixed (cfixed1, cfixed2, ..., cfixed64)
typedef Vec< Fixfixvec
 Typedef for fixed-point vector type.
typedef Mat< Fixfixmat
 Typedef for fixed-point matrix type.
typedef int64_t fixrep
 Representation for fixed-point data types.
typedef Fixed< 1, TC, WRAPfixed1
 Typedefs for Fixed (fixed1, fixed2, ..., fixed64)
typedef Fixed< 1, US, WRAPufixed1
 Typedefs for unsigned Fixed (ufixed1, ufixed2, ..., ufixed64)
typedef Fixed< 1, TC, SATsfixed1
 Typedefs for saturated Fixed (sfixed1, sfixed2, ..., sfixed64)
typedef Fixed< 1, US, SATsufixed1
 Typedefs for saturated unsigned Fixed (sufixed1, sufixed2, ..., sufixed64)
typedef double Ttype
 64-bit floating point time


enum  error_msg_style { Full, Minimum }
 Style of assert, error and warning messages.
 Sorting algorithms that can be used in a Sort class. More...
  ITU_Vehicular_A, ITU_Vehicular_B, ITU_Pedestrian_A, ITU_Pedestrian_B,
  COST207_RA, COST207_RA6, COST207_TU, COST207_TU6alt,
  COST207_TU12, COST207_TU12alt, COST207_BU, COST207_BU6alt,
  COST207_BU12, COST207_BU12alt, COST207_HT, COST207_HT6alt,
  COST207_HT12, COST207_HT12alt, COST259_TUx, COST259_RAx,
 Predefined channel profiles. Includes LOS and Doppler spectrum settings.
enum  FADING_TYPE { Independent, Static, Correlated }
 Fading generator type: Independent (default), Static or Correlated.
 Correlated fading generation methods: Rice_MEDS (default), IFFT or FIR.
 Rice fading generation methods: MEDS.
  Jakes = 0, J = 0, Classic = 0, C = 0,
  GaussI = 1, Gauss1 = 1, GI = 1, G1 = 1,
  GaussII = 2, Gauss2 = 2, GII = 2, G2 = 2
 Predefined Doppler spectra.
 Type of Convolutional Code.
enum  CONVOLUTIONAL_CODE_METHOD { Trunc, Tail, Tailbite }
 Encoding and decoding methods for Convolutional codes.
enum  Soft_Method { LOGMAP, APPROX }
 Soft demodulation methods. More...
enum  e_mode { TC, US }
 Sign encoding modes (aligned with SystemC) More...
enum  o_mode {
 Overflow modes (aligned with SystemC) More...
enum  q_mode {
 Quantization modes (aligned with SystemC) More...
 Output modes. More...
enum  Newton_Search_Method { BFGS }
 Newton Search method.
enum  Line_Search_Method { Soft, Exact }
 Line Search method.
enum  Audio_Encoding {
  enc_unknown = 0, enc_mulaw8 = 1, enc_alaw8 = 27, enc_linear8 = 2,
  enc_linear16 = 3, enc_linear24 = 4, enc_linear32 = 5, enc_float = 6,
  enc_double = 7
 Supported encoding types for audio samples. More...


bin mxArray2bin (const mxArray *in)
 Convert the matlab-format mxArray to bin.
short mxArray2short (const mxArray *in)
 Convert the matlab-format mxArray to short.
int mxArray2int (const mxArray *in)
 Convert the matlab-format mxArray to int.
double mxArray2double (const mxArray *in)
 Convert the matlab-format mxArray to double.
std::complex< double > mxArray2double_complex (const mxArray *in)
 Convert the matlab-format mxArray to complex<double>
std::string mxArray2string (const mxArray *in)
 Convert the matlab-format mxArray to string.
bvec mxArray2bvec (const mxArray *in)
 Convert the matlab-format mxArray to bvec.
svec mxArray2svec (const mxArray *in)
 Convert the matlab-format mxArray to svec.
ivec mxArray2ivec (const mxArray *in)
 Convert the matlab-format mxArray to ivec.
vec mxArray2vec (const mxArray *in)
 Convert the matlab-format mxArray to vec.
cvec mxArray2cvec (const mxArray *in)
 Convert the matlab-format mxArray to cvec.
bmat mxArray2bmat (const mxArray *in)
 Convert the matlab-format mxArray to bmat.
smat mxArray2smat (const mxArray *in)
 Convert the matlab-format mxArray to smat.
imat mxArray2imat (const mxArray *in)
 Convert the matlab-format mxArray to imat.
mat mxArray2mat (const mxArray *in)
 Convert the matlab-format mxArray to mat.
cmat mxArray2cmat (const mxArray *in)
 Convert the matlab-format mxArray to cmat.
void bin2mxArray (const bin &in, mxArray *out)
 Convert bin to the matlab-format mxArray.
void short2mxArray (const short &in, mxArray *out)
 Convert short to the matlab-format mxArray.
void int2mxArray (const int &in, mxArray *out)
 Convert int to the matlab-format mxArray.
void double2mxArray (const double &in, mxArray *out)
 Convert double to the matlab-format mxArray.
void double_complex2mxArray (const std::complex< double > &in, mxArray *out)
 Convert complex<double> to the matlab-format mxArray.
void string2mxArray (const std::string &in, mxArray *&out)
 Convert string to the matlab-format mxArray.
void bvec2mxArray (const bvec &in, mxArray *out)
 Convert bvec to the matlab-format mxArray.
void svec2mxArray (const svec &in, mxArray *out)
 Convert svec to the matlab-format mxArray.
void ivec2mxArray (const ivec &in, mxArray *out)
 Convert ivec to the matlab-format mxArray.
void vec2mxArray (const vec &in, mxArray *out)
 Convert vec to the matlab-format mxArray.
void cvec2mxArray (const cvec &in, mxArray *out)
 Convert cvec to the matlab-format mxArray.
void bmat2mxArray (const bmat &in, mxArray *out)
 Convert bmat to the matlab-format mxArray.
void smat2mxArray (const smat &in, mxArray *out)
 Convert smat to the matlab-format mxArray.
void imat2mxArray (const imat &in, mxArray *out)
 Convert imat to the matlab-format mxArray.
void mat2mxArray (const mat &in, mxArray *out)
 Convert mat to the matlab-format mxArray.
void cmat2mxArray (const cmat &in, mxArray *out)
 Convert cmat to the matlab-format mxArray.
void mxArray2Csvec (const mxArray *in, short *out)
 Convert the matlab-format mxArray to C-format pointer to short.
void mxArray2Civec (const mxArray *in, int *out)
 Convert the matlab-format mxArray to C-format pointer to int.
void mxArray2Cvec (const mxArray *in, double *out)
 Convert the matlab-format mxArray to C-format pointer to double.
void mxArray2Ccvec (const mxArray *in, double *out_real, double *out_imag)
 Convert the matlab-format mxArray to C-format pointers to double (real and imaginary parts)
void mxArray2Csmat (const mxArray *in, short **out)
 Convert the matlab-format mxArray to C-format pointer to pointer to short.
void mxArray2Cimat (const mxArray *in, int **out)
 Convert the matlab-format mxArray to C-format pointer to pointer to int.
void mxArray2Cmat (const mxArray *in, double **out)
 Convert the matlab-format mxArray to C-format pointer to pointer to double.
void mxArray2Ccmat (const mxArray *in, double **out_real, double **out_imag)
 Convert the matlab-format mxArray to C-format pointer to pointer to double (real and imaginary parts)
void Csvec2mxArray (short *in, mxArray *out)
 Convert C-format pointer to short to matlab-format mxArray.
void Civec2mxArray (int *in, mxArray *out)
 Convert C-format pointer to int to matlab-format mxArray.
void Cvec2mxArray (double *in, mxArray *out)
 Convert C-format pointer to double to matlab-format mxArray.
void Ccvec2mxArray (double *in_real, double *in_imag, mxArray *out)
 Convert C-format pointers to double (real and imaginary parts) to matlab-format mxArray.
void Csmat2mxArray (short **in, mxArray *out)
 Convert C-format pointer to pointer to short to matlab-format mxArray.
void Cimat2mxArray (int **in, mxArray *out)
 Convert C-format pointer to pointer to int to matlab-format mxArray.
void Cmat2mxArray (double **in, mxArray *out)
 Convert C-format pointer to pointer to double to matlab-format mxArray.
void Ccmat2mxArray (double **in_real, double **in_imag, mxArray *out)
 Convert C-format pointer to pointer to double (real and imaginary parts) to matlab-format mxArray.
template<class T >
const Array< T > concat (const Array< T > &a, const T &e)
 Append element e to the end of the Array a.
template<class T >
const Array< T > concat (const T &e, const Array< T > &a)
 Append element e to the beginning of the Array a.
template<class T >
const Array< T > concat (const Array< T > &a1, const Array< T > &a2)
 Concat Arrays a1 and a2.
template<class T >
const Array< T > concat (const Array< T > &a1, const Array< T > &a2, const Array< T > &a3)
 Concat Arrays a1, a2 and a3.
double besselj (int nu, double x)
 Bessel function of first kind of order nu for nu integer.
vec besselj (int nu, const vec &x)
 Bessel function of first kind of order nu for nu integer.
double besselj (double nu, double x)
 Bessel function of first kind of order nu. nu is real.
vec besselj (double nu, const vec &x)
 Bessel function of first kind of order nu. nu is real.
double bessely (int nu, double x)
 Bessel function of second kind of order nu. nu is integer.
vec bessely (int nu, const vec &x)
 Bessel function of second kind of order nu. nu is integer.
double bessely (double nu, double x)
 Bessel function of second kind of order nu. nu is real.
vec bessely (double nu, const vec &x)
 Bessel function of second kind of order nu. nu is real.
double besseli (double nu, double x)
 Modified Bessel function of first kind of order nu. nu is double. x is double.
vec besseli (double nu, const vec &x)
 Modified Bessel function of first kind of order nu. nu is double. x is double.
double besselk (int nu, double x)
 Modified Bessel function of second kind of order nu. nu is double. x is double.
vec besselk (int nu, const vec &x)
 Modified Bessel function of second kind of order nu. nu is double. x is double.
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &output, const bin &inbin)
 Output stream of bin.
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &input, bin &outbin)
 Input stream of bin.
bin abs (const bin &inbin)
 absolute value of bin
template<typename T1 , typename T2 >
void read_endian (T1 &st, T2 &data, bool switch_endian=false)
 Read binary data and optionally switch endianness.
template<typename T1 , typename T2 >
void write_endian (T1 &st, T2 data, bool switch_endian=false)
 Write binary data and optionally switch endianness.
bool exist (const std::string &name)
 Checks if a file named name already exists on the disk.
template<class T >
bvec to_bvec (const Vec< T > &v)
 Converts a Vec<T> to bvec.
template<class T >
svec to_svec (const Vec< T > &v)
 Converts a Vec<T> to svec.
template<class T >
ivec to_ivec (const Vec< T > &v)
 Converts a Vec<T> to ivec.
template<class T >
vec to_vec (const Vec< T > &v)
 Converts a Vec<T> to vec.
template<class T >
cvec to_cvec (const Vec< T > &v)
 Converts a Vec<T> to cvec.
template<class T >
cvec to_cvec (const Vec< T > &real, const Vec< T > &imag)
 Converts real and imaginary Vec<T> to cvec.
ivec to_ivec (int s)
 Converts an int to ivec.
vec to_vec (double s)
 Converts an double to vec.
cvec to_cvec (double real, double imag)
 Converts real and imaginary double to cvec.
template<class T >
bmat to_bmat (const Mat< T > &m)
 Converts a Mat<T> to bmat.
template<class T >
smat to_smat (const Mat< T > &m)
 Converts a Mat<T> to smat.
template<class T >
imat to_imat (const Mat< T > &m)
 Converts a Mat<T> to imat.
template<class T >
mat to_mat (const Mat< T > &m)
 Converts a Mat<T> to mat.
template<class T >
cmat to_cmat (const Mat< T > &m)
 Converts a Mat<T> to cmat.
template<class T >
cmat to_cmat (const Mat< T > &real, const Mat< T > &imag)
 Converts real and imaginary Mat<T> to cmat.
ITPP_EXPORT bvec dec2bin (int length, int index)
 Convert a decimal int index to bvec using length bits in the representation.
ITPP_EXPORT void dec2bin (int index, bvec &v)
 Convert a decimal int index to bvec. Value returned in v.
ITPP_EXPORT bvec dec2bin (int index, bool msb_first=true)
 Convert a decimal int index to bvec with the first bit as MSB if msb_first == true.
ITPP_EXPORT int bin2dec (const bvec &inbvec, bool msb_first=true)
 Convert a bvec to decimal int with the first bit as MSB if msb_first == true.
ITPP_EXPORT bvec oct2bin (const ivec &octalindex, short keepzeros=0)
 Convert ivec of octal form to bvec.
ITPP_EXPORT ivec bin2oct (const bvec &inbits)
 Convert bvec to octal ivec.
ITPP_EXPORT ivec bin2pol (const bvec &inbvec)
 Convert bvec to polar binary representation as ivec.
ITPP_EXPORT bvec pol2bin (const ivec &inpol)
 Convert binary polar ivec to bvec.
double rad_to_deg (double x)
 Convert radians to degrees.
double deg_to_rad (double x)
 Convert degrees to radians.
ITPP_EXPORT double round (double x)
 Round to nearest integer, return result in double.
ITPP_EXPORT vec round (const vec &x)
 Round to nearest integer.
ITPP_EXPORT mat round (const mat &x)
 Round to nearest integer.
ITPP_EXPORT int round_i (double x)
 Round to nearest integer.
ITPP_EXPORT ivec round_i (const vec &x)
 Round to nearest integer and return ivec.
ITPP_EXPORT imat round_i (const mat &x)
 Round to nearest integer and return imat.
vec ceil (const vec &x)
 Round to nearest upper integer.
mat ceil (const mat &x)
 Round to nearest upper integer.
int ceil_i (double x)
 The nearest larger integer.
ITPP_EXPORT ivec ceil_i (const vec &x)
 Round to nearest upper integer.
ITPP_EXPORT imat ceil_i (const mat &x)
 Round to nearest upper integer.
vec floor (const vec &x)
 Round to nearest lower integer.
mat floor (const mat &x)
 Round to nearest lower integer.
int floor_i (double x)
 The nearest smaller integer.
ITPP_EXPORT ivec floor_i (const vec &x)
 Round to nearest lower integer.
ITPP_EXPORT imat floor_i (const mat &x)
 Round to nearest lower integer.
double round_to_zero (double x, double threshold=1e-14)
 Round x to zero if abs(x) is smaller than threshold.
std::complex< double > round_to_zero (const std::complex< double > &x, double threshold=1e-14)
 Round each part of x smaller than threshold to zero.
vec round_to_zero (const vec &x, double threshold=1e-14)
 Round each element to zero if element < threshold.
mat round_to_zero (const mat &x, double threshold=1e-14)
 Round each element to zero if element < threshold.
ITPP_EXPORT cvec round_to_zero (const cvec &x, double threshold=1e-14)
 Round each element to zero if element < threshold.
ITPP_EXPORT cmat round_to_zero (const cmat &x, double threshold=1e-14)
 Round each element to zero if element < threshold.
double round_to_infty (const double in, const double threshold=1e9)
 Remove trailing digits, found after the decimal point, for numbers greater than threshold.
std::complex< double > round_to_infty (const std::complex< double > &in, const double threshold=1e9)
 Remove trailing digits, found after the decimal point, for complex numbers whose real and imaginary parts are greater than threshold.
vec round_to_infty (const vec &in, const double threshold=1e9)
 Remove trailing digits, found after the decimal point, for vectors greater than threshold.
mat round_to_infty (const mat &in, const double threshold=1e9)
 Remove trailing digits, found after the decimal point, for matrices greater than threshold.
ITPP_EXPORT cvec round_to_infty (const cvec &in, const double threshold=1e9)
 Remove trailing digits, found after the decimal point, for complex vectors greater than threshold.
ITPP_EXPORT cmat round_to_infty (const cmat &in, const double threshold=1e9)
 Remove trailing digits, found after the decimal point, for complex matrices greater than threshold.
int gray_code (int x)
 Convert to Gray Code.
template<typename T >
std::string to_str (const T &i)
 Convert anything to string.
ITPP_EXPORT std::string to_str (const double &i, const int precision)
 Convert double to string.
void copy_vector (int n, const double *x, double *y)
void copy_vector (int n, const std::complex< double > *x, std::complex< double > *y)
void copy_vector (int n, const double *x, int incx, double *y, int incy)
void copy_vector (int n, const std::complex< double > *x, int incx, std::complex< double > *y, int incy)
void swap_vector (int n, double *x, double *y)
void swap_vector (int n, std::complex< double > *x, std::complex< double > *y)
void swap_vector (int n, double *x, int incx, double *y, int incy)
void swap_vector (int n, std::complex< double > *x, int incx, std::complex< double > *y, int incy)
void scal_vector (int n, double alpha, double *x)
void scal_vector (int n, std::complex< double > alpha, std::complex< double > *x)
void scal_vector (int n, double alpha, double *x, int incx)
void scal_vector (int n, std::complex< double > alpha, std::complex< double > *x, int incx)
void axpy_vector (int n, double alpha, const double *x, double *y)
void axpy_vector (int n, std::complex< double > alpha, const std::complex< double > *x, std::complex< double > *y)
void axpy_vector (int n, double alpha, const double *x, int incx, double *y, int incy)
void axpy_vector (int n, std::complex< double > alpha, const std::complex< double > *x, int incx, std::complex< double > *y, int incy)
template<class T >
void create_elements (T *&ptr, int n, const Factory &)
 Create an n-length array of T to be used as Array, Vec or Mat elements.
void create_elements< unsigned char > (unsigned char *&ptr, int n, const Factory &)
 Specialization for unsigned char data arrays (used in GF2Mat)
void create_elements< bin > (bin *&ptr, int n, const Factory &)
 Specialization for binary data arrays.
void create_elements< short int > (short int *&ptr, int n, const Factory &)
 Specialization for short integer data arrays.
void create_elements< int > (int *&ptr, int n, const Factory &)
 Specialization for integer data arrays.
void create_elements< double > (double *&ptr, int n, const Factory &)
 Specialization for 16-byte aligned double data arrays.
void create_elements< std::complex< double > > (std::complex< double > *&ptr, int n, const Factory &)
 Specialization for 16-byte aligned complex double data arrays.
template<class T >
void destroy_elements (T *&ptr, int n)
 Destroy an array of Array, Vec or Mat elements.
void destroy_elements< unsigned char > (unsigned char *&ptr, int)
 Specialization for unsigned char data arrays (used in GF2Mat)
void destroy_elements< bin > (bin *&ptr, int)
 Specialization for binary data arrays.
void destroy_elements< short int > (short int *&ptr, int)
 Specialization for short integer data arrays.
void destroy_elements< int > (int *&ptr, int)
 Specialization for integer data arrays.
void destroy_elements< double > (double *&ptr, int)
 Specialisation for 16-byte aligned double data arrays.
void destroy_elements< std::complex< double > > (std::complex< double > *&ptr, int)
 Specialisation for 16-byte aligned complex double data arrays.
template<class T >
void create_elements (Array< T > *&ptr, int n, const Factory &f)
 Create an n-length array of Array<T> to be used as Array elements.
template<class T >
void create_elements (Mat< T > *&ptr, int n, const Factory &f)
 Create an n-length array of Mat<T> to be used as Array elements.
template<class T >
void create_elements (Vec< T > *&ptr, int n, const Factory &f)
 Create an n-length array of Vec<T> to be used as Array elements.
void sub_v_vT_m (mat &m, const vec &v)
 Calculates m=m-v*v'*m.
void sub_m_v_vT (mat &m, const vec &v)
 Calculates m=m-m*v*v'.
GF2mat gf2dense_eye (int m)
 GF(2) Identity matrix.
GF2mat operator* (const GF2mat &X, const GF2mat &Y)
 GF(2) matrix multiplication.
bvec operator* (const GF2mat &X, const bvec &y)
 GF(2) matrix multiplication with "regular" binary vector.
GF2mat mult_trans (const GF2mat &X, const GF2mat &Y)
 Multiplication X*Y' where X and Y are GF(2) matrices.
GF2mat operator+ (const GF2mat &X, const GF2mat &Y)
 GF(2) matrix addition.
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const GF2mat &X)
 Output stream (plain text) operator for dense GF(2) matrices.
it_fileoperator<< (it_file &f, const GF2mat &X)
it_ifileoperator>> (it_ifile &f, GF2mat &X)
template<typename T , typename Ftn >
Vec< T > apply_functor (Ftn f, const Vec< T > &v)
 Help function to apply function object to Vec<T>
template<typename T >
Vec< T > apply_function (T(*f)(T), const Vec< T > &v)
 Help function to call for a function: Vec<T> function(Vec<T>)
template<typename T >
Vec< T > apply_function (T(*f)(const T &), const Vec< T > &v)
 Help function to call for a function: Vec<T> function(const Vec<T>&)
template<typename T , typename Ftn >
Mat< T > apply_functor (Ftn f, const Mat< T > &m)
 Help function to apply function object to Mat<T>
template<typename T >
Mat< T > apply_function (T(*f)(T), const Mat< T > &m)
 Help function to call for a function: Mat<T> function(Mat<T>&)
template<typename T >
Mat< T > apply_function (T(*f)(const T &), const Mat< T > &m)
 Help function to call for a function: Mat<T> function(const Mat<T>&)
template<typename T >
Vec< T > apply_function (T(*f)(T, T), const T &x, const Vec< T > &v)
 Help function to call for a function: Vec<T> function(T, Vec<T>)
template<typename T >
Vec< T > apply_function (T(*f)(const T &, const T &), const T &x, const Vec< T > &v)
 Help function to call for a function: Vec<T> function(const T&, const Vec<T>&)
template<typename T >
Mat< T > apply_function (T(*f)(T, T), const T &x, const Mat< T > &m)
 Help function to call for a function: Mat<T> function(T, Mat<T>)
template<typename T >
Mat< T > apply_function (T(*f)(const T &, const T &), const T &x, const Mat< T > &m)
 Help function to call for a function: Mat<T> function(const T&, const Mat<T>&)
template<typename T >
Vec< T > apply_function (T(*f)(T, T), const Vec< T > &v, const T &x)
 Help function to call for a function: Vec<T> function(Vec<T>, T)
template<typename T >
Vec< T > apply_function (T(*f)(const T &, const T &), const Vec< T > &v, const T &x)
 Help function to call for a function: Vec<T> function(const Vec<T>&, const T&)
template<typename T >
Mat< T > apply_function (T(*f)(T, T), const Mat< T > &m, const T &x)
 Help function to call for a function: Mat<T> function(Mat<T>, T)
template<typename T >
Mat< T > apply_function (T(*f)(const T &, const T &), const Mat< T > &m, const T &x)
 Help function to call for a function: Mat<T> function(const Mat<T>&, const T&)
void it_assert_f (std::string ass, std::string msg, std::string file, int line)
 Helper function for the it_assert and it_assert_debug macros.
void it_error_f (std::string msg, std::string file, int line)
 Helper function for the it_error and it_error_if macros.
void it_info_f (std::string msg)
 Helper function for the it_info and it_info_debug macros.
void it_warning_f (std::string msg, std::string file, int line)
 Helper function for the it_warning macro.
void it_enable_warnings ()
 Enable warnings.
void it_disable_warnings ()
 Disable warnings.
void it_redirect_warnings (std::ostream *warn_stream)
 Redirect warnings to the ostream warn_stream.
void it_error_msg_style (error_msg_style style)
 Set preferred style of assert, error and warning messages.
ITPP_EXPORT void it_enable_exceptions (bool on)
 Enable/disable using exceptions for error handling.
it_ifileoperator>> (it_ifile &f, char &v)
 Read the char variable v from the it_ifile pointer.
it_ifileoperator>> (it_ifile &f, bool &v)
 Read the bool variable v from the it_ifile pointer.
it_ifileoperator>> (it_ifile &f, bin &v)
 Read the binary variable v from the it_ifile pointer.
it_ifileoperator>> (it_ifile &f, short &v)
 Read the short variable v from the it_ifile pointer.
it_ifileoperator>> (it_ifile &f, int &v)
 Read the integer variable v from the it_ifile pointer.
it_ifileoperator>> (it_ifile &f, float &v)
 Read the float variable v from the it_ifile pointer.
it_ifileoperator>> (it_ifile &f, double &v)
 Read the double variable v from the it_ifile pointer.
it_ifileoperator>> (it_ifile &f, std::complex< float > &v)
 Read the float complex variable v from the it_ifile pointer.
it_ifileoperator>> (it_ifile &f, std::complex< double > &v)
 Read the double complex variable v from the it_ifile pointer.
it_ifileoperator>> (it_ifile &f, bvec &v)
 Read the bvec v from the it_ifile pointer.
it_ifileoperator>> (it_ifile &f, svec &v)
 Read the svec v from the it_ifile pointer.
it_ifileoperator>> (it_ifile &f, ivec &v)
 Read the ivec v from the it_ifile pointer.
it_ifileoperator>> (it_ifile &f, vec &v)
 Read the vec v from the it_ifile pointer.
it_ifileoperator>> (it_ifile &f, cvec &v)
 Read the cvec v from the it_ifile pointer.
it_ifileoperator>> (it_ifile &f, std::string &str)
 Read the string str from the it_ifile pointer.
it_ifileoperator>> (it_ifile &f, bmat &m)
 Read the bmat m from the it_ifile pointer.
it_ifileoperator>> (it_ifile &f, smat &m)
 Read the smat m from the it_ifile pointer.
it_ifileoperator>> (it_ifile &f, imat &m)
 Read the imat m from the it_ifile pointer.
it_ifileoperator>> (it_ifile &f, mat &m)
 Read the mat m from the it_ifile pointer.
it_ifileoperator>> (it_ifile &f, cmat &m)
 Read the cmat m from the it_ifile pointer.
it_ifileoperator>> (it_ifile &f, Array< bin > &v)
 Read the binary Array v from the it_ifile pointer.
it_ifileoperator>> (it_ifile &f, Array< short > &v)
 Read the short integer Array v from the it_ifile pointer.
it_ifileoperator>> (it_ifile &f, Array< int > &v)
 Read the integer Array v from the it_ifile pointer.
it_ifileoperator>> (it_ifile &f, Array< float > &v)
 Read the float Array v from the it_ifile pointer.
it_ifileoperator>> (it_ifile &f, Array< double > &v)
 Read the double Array v from the it_ifile pointer.
it_ifileoperator>> (it_ifile &f, Array< std::complex< float > > &v)
 Read the float complex Array v from the it_ifile pointer.
it_ifileoperator>> (it_ifile &f, Array< std::complex< double > > &v)
 Read the double complex Array v from the it_ifile pointer.
it_ifileoperator>> (it_ifile &f, Array< bvec > &v)
 Read the bvec Array v from the it_ifile pointer.
it_ifileoperator>> (it_ifile &f, Array< svec > &v)
 Read the svec Array v from the it_ifile pointer.
it_ifileoperator>> (it_ifile &f, Array< ivec > &v)
 Read the ivec Array v from the it_ifile pointer.
it_ifileoperator>> (it_ifile &f, Array< vec > &v)
 Read the vec Array v from the it_ifile pointer.
it_ifileoperator>> (it_ifile &f, Array< cvec > &v)
 Read the cvec Array v from the it_ifile pointer.
it_ifileoperator>> (it_ifile &f, Array< std::string > &v)
 Read the string Array v from the it_ifile pointer.
it_ifileoperator>> (it_ifile &f, Array< bmat > &v)
 Read the bmat Array v from the it_ifile pointer.
it_ifileoperator>> (it_ifile &f, Array< smat > &v)
 Read the bmat Array v from the it_ifile pointer.
it_ifileoperator>> (it_ifile &f, Array< imat > &v)
 Read the imat Array v from the it_ifile pointer.
it_ifileoperator>> (it_ifile &f, Array< mat > &v)
 Read the mat Array v from the it_ifile pointer.
it_ifileoperator>> (it_ifile &f, Array< cmat > &v)
 Read the cmat Array v from the it_ifile pointer.
it_fileoperator<< (it_file &f, char x)
 Write the char variable x to the it_file pointer.
it_fileoperator<< (it_file &f, bool x)
 Write the bool variable x to the it_file pointer.
it_fileoperator<< (it_file &f, bin x)
 Write the binary variable x to the it_file pointer.
it_fileoperator<< (it_file &f, short x)
 Write the short variable x to the it_file pointer.
it_fileoperator<< (it_file &f, int x)
 Write the integer variable x to the it_file pointer.
it_fileoperator<< (it_file &f, float x)
 Write the float variable x to the it_file pointer.
it_fileoperator<< (it_file &f, double x)
 Write the double variable x to the it_file pointer.
it_fileoperator<< (it_file &f, std::complex< float > x)
 Write the float complex variable x to the it_file pointer.
it_fileoperator<< (it_file &f, std::complex< double > x)
 Write the double complex variable x to the it_file pointer.
it_fileoperator<< (it_file &f, const bvec &v)
 Write the bvec v to the it_file pointer.
it_fileoperator<< (it_file &f, const svec &v)
 Write the svec v to the it_file pointer.
it_fileoperator<< (it_file &f, const ivec &v)
 Write the ivec v to the it_file pointer.
it_fileoperator<< (it_file &f, const vec &v)
 Write the vec v to the it_file pointer.
it_fileoperator<< (it_file &f, const cvec &v)
 Write the cvec v to the it_file pointer.
it_fileoperator<< (it_file &f, const std::string &str)
 Write the string str to the it_file pointer.
it_fileoperator<< (it_file &f, const bmat &m)
 Write the bmat m to the it_file pointer.
it_fileoperator<< (it_file &f, const smat &m)
 Write the smat m to the it_file pointer.
it_fileoperator<< (it_file &f, const imat &m)
 Write the imat m to the it_file pointer.
it_fileoperator<< (it_file &f, const mat &m)
 Write the mat m to the it_file pointer.
it_fileoperator<< (it_file &f, const cmat &m)
 Write the cmat m to the it_file pointer.
it_fileoperator<< (it_file &f, const Array< bin > &v)
 Write the bin Array v to the it_file pointer.
it_fileoperator<< (it_file &f, const Array< short > &v)
 Write the short int Array v to the it_file pointer.
it_fileoperator<< (it_file &f, const Array< int > &v)
 Write the int Array v to the it_file pointer.
it_fileoperator<< (it_file &f, const Array< float > &v)
 Write the float Array v to the it_file pointer.
it_fileoperator<< (it_file &f, const Array< double > &v)
 Write the double Array v to the it_file pointer.
it_fileoperator<< (it_file &f, const Array< std::complex< float > > &v)
 Write the float complex Array v to the it_file pointer.
it_fileoperator<< (it_file &f, const Array< std::complex< double > > &v)
 Write the double complex Array v to the it_file pointer.
it_fileoperator<< (it_file &f, const Array< bvec > &v)
 Write the bvec Array v to the it_file pointer.
it_fileoperator<< (it_file &f, const Array< svec > &v)
 Write the svec Array v to the it_file pointer.
it_fileoperator<< (it_file &f, const Array< ivec > &v)
 Write the ivec Array v to the it_file pointer.
it_fileoperator<< (it_file &f, const Array< vec > &v)
 Write the vec Array v to the it_file pointer.
it_fileoperator<< (it_file &f, const Array< cvec > &v)
 Write the cvec Array v to the it_file pointer.
it_fileoperator<< (it_file &f, const Array< std::string > &v)
 Write the string Array v to the it_file pointer.
it_fileoperator<< (it_file &f, const Array< bmat > &v)
 Write the bmat Array v to the it_file pointer.
it_fileoperator<< (it_file &f, const Array< smat > &v)
 Write the smat Array v to the it_file pointer.
it_fileoperator<< (it_file &f, const Array< imat > &v)
 Write the imat Array v to the it_file pointer.
it_fileoperator<< (it_file &f, const Array< mat > &v)
 Write the mat Array v to the it_file pointer.
it_fileoperator<< (it_file &f, const Array< cmat > &v)
 Write the cmat Array v to the it_file pointer.
it_ifile_oldoperator>> (it_ifile_old &f, char &v)
 Read the char variable v from the it_ifile_old pointer.
it_ifile_oldoperator>> (it_ifile_old &f, bin &v)
 Read the binary variable v from the it_ifile_old pointer.
it_ifile_oldoperator>> (it_ifile_old &f, short &v)
 Read the short variable v from the it_ifile_old pointer.
it_ifile_oldoperator>> (it_ifile_old &f, int &v)
 Read the integer variable v from the it_ifile_old pointer.
it_ifile_oldoperator>> (it_ifile_old &f, double &v)
 Read the double variable v from the it_ifile_old pointer.
it_ifile_oldoperator>> (it_ifile_old &f, float &v)
 Read the float variable v from the it_ifile_old pointer.
it_ifile_oldoperator>> (it_ifile_old &f, std::complex< float > &v)
 Read the float complex variable v from the it_ifile_old pointer.
it_ifile_oldoperator>> (it_ifile_old &f, std::complex< double > &v)
 Read the double complex variable v from the it_ifile_old pointer.
it_ifile_oldoperator>> (it_ifile_old &f, vec &v)
 Read the vec v from the it_ifile_old pointer.
it_ifile_oldoperator>> (it_ifile_old &f, ivec &v)
 Read the ivec v from the it_ifile_old pointer.
it_ifile_oldoperator>> (it_ifile_old &f, bvec &v)
 Read the bvec v from the it_ifile_old pointer.
it_ifile_oldoperator>> (it_ifile_old &f, cvec &v)
 Read the cvec v from the it_ifile_old pointer.
it_ifile_oldoperator>> (it_ifile_old &f, std::string &str)
 Read the string str from the it_ifile_old pointer.
it_ifile_oldoperator>> (it_ifile_old &f, mat &m)
 Read the mat m from the it_ifile_old pointer.
it_ifile_oldoperator>> (it_ifile_old &f, imat &m)
 Read the imat m from the it_ifile_old pointer.
it_ifile_oldoperator>> (it_ifile_old &f, bmat &m)
 Read the bmat m from the it_ifile_old pointer.
it_ifile_oldoperator>> (it_ifile_old &f, cmat &m)
 Read the cmat m from the it_ifile_old pointer.
it_ifile_oldoperator>> (it_ifile_old &f, Array< float > &v)
 Read the float Array v from the it_ifile_old pointer.
it_ifile_oldoperator>> (it_ifile_old &f, Array< double > &v)
 Read the double Array v from the it_ifile_old pointer.
it_ifile_oldoperator>> (it_ifile_old &f, Array< int > &v)
 Read the integer Array v from the it_ifile_old pointer.
it_ifile_oldoperator>> (it_ifile_old &f, Array< bin > &v)
 Read the binary Array v from the it_ifile_old pointer.
it_ifile_oldoperator>> (it_ifile_old &f, Array< std::complex< float > > &v)
 Read the float complex Array v from the it_ifile_old pointer.
it_ifile_oldoperator>> (it_ifile_old &f, Array< std::complex< double > > &v)
 Read the double complex Array v from the it_ifile_old pointer.
it_ifile_oldoperator>> (it_ifile_old &f, Array< vec > &v)
 Read the vec Array v from the it_ifile_old pointer.
it_ifile_oldoperator>> (it_ifile_old &f, Array< ivec > &v)
 Read the ivec Array v from the it_ifile_old pointer.
it_ifile_oldoperator>> (it_ifile_old &f, Array< bvec > &v)
 Read the bvec Array v from the it_ifile_old pointer.
it_ifile_oldoperator>> (it_ifile_old &f, Array< cvec > &v)
 Read the cvec Array v from the it_ifile_old pointer.
it_ifile_oldoperator>> (it_ifile_old &f, Array< std::string > &v)
 Read the string Array v from the it_ifile_old pointer.
it_ifile_oldoperator>> (it_ifile_old &f, Array< mat > &v)
 Read the mat Array v from the it_ifile_old pointer.
it_ifile_oldoperator>> (it_ifile_old &f, Array< imat > &v)
 Read the imat Array v from the it_ifile_old pointer.
it_ifile_oldoperator>> (it_ifile_old &f, Array< bmat > &v)
 Read the bmat Array v from the it_ifile_old pointer.
it_ifile_oldoperator>> (it_ifile_old &f, Array< cmat > &v)
 Read the cmat Array v from the it_ifile_old pointer.
it_file_oldoperator<< (it_file_old &f, char x)
 Write the char variable x to the it_file_old pointer.
it_file_oldoperator<< (it_file_old &f, bin x)
 Write the binary variable x to the it_file_old pointer.
it_file_oldoperator<< (it_file_old &f, short x)
 Write the short variable x to the it_file_old pointer.
it_file_oldoperator<< (it_file_old &f, int x)
 Write the integer variable x to the it_file_old pointer.
it_file_oldoperator<< (it_file_old &f, float x)
 Write the float variable x to the it_file_old pointer.
it_file_oldoperator<< (it_file_old &f, double x)
 Write the double variable x to the it_file_old pointer.
it_file_oldoperator<< (it_file_old &f, std::complex< float > x)
 Write the float complex variable x to the it_file_old pointer.
it_file_oldoperator<< (it_file_old &f, std::complex< double > x)
 Write the double complex variable x to the it_file_old pointer.
it_file_oldoperator<< (it_file_old &f, const vec &v)
 Write the vec v to the it_file_old pointer.
it_file_oldoperator<< (it_file_old &f, const ivec &v)
 Write the ivec v to the it_file_old pointer.
it_file_oldoperator<< (it_file_old &f, const bvec &v)
 Write the bvec v to the it_file_old pointer.
it_file_oldoperator<< (it_file_old &f, const cvec &v)
 Write the cvec v to the it_file_old pointer.
it_file_oldoperator<< (it_file_old &f, const std::string &str)
 Write the string str to the it_file_old pointer.
it_file_oldoperator<< (it_file_old &f, const mat &m)
 Write the mat m to the it_file_old pointer.
it_file_oldoperator<< (it_file_old &f, const imat &m)
 Write the imat m to the it_file_old pointer.
it_file_oldoperator<< (it_file_old &f, const bmat &m)
 Write the bmat m to the it_file_old pointer.
it_file_oldoperator<< (it_file_old &f, const cmat &m)
 Write the cmat m to the it_file_old pointer.
it_file_oldoperator<< (it_file_old &f, const Array< float > &v)
 Write the float Array v to the it_file_old pointer.
it_file_oldoperator<< (it_file_old &f, const Array< double > &v)
 Write the double Array v to the it_file_old pointer.
it_file_oldoperator<< (it_file_old &f, const Array< int > &v)
 Write the int Array v to the it_file_old pointer.
it_file_oldoperator<< (it_file_old &f, const Array< bin > &v)
 Write the bin Array v to the it_file_old pointer.
it_file_oldoperator<< (it_file_old &f, const Array< std::complex< float > > &v)
 Write the float complex Array v to the it_file_old pointer.
it_file_oldoperator<< (it_file_old &f, const Array< std::complex< double > > &v)
 Write the double complex Array v to the it_file_old pointer.
it_file_oldoperator<< (it_file_old &f, const Array< vec > &v)
 Write the vec Array v to the it_file_old pointer.
it_file_oldoperator<< (it_file_old &f, const Array< ivec > &v)
 Write the ivec Array v to the it_file_old pointer.
it_file_oldoperator<< (it_file_old &f, const Array< bvec > &v)
 Write the bvec Array v to the it_file_old pointer.
it_file_oldoperator<< (it_file_old &f, const Array< cvec > &v)
 Write the cvec Array v to the it_file_old pointer.
it_file_oldoperator<< (it_file_old &f, const Array< std::string > &v)
 Write the string Array v to the it_file_old pointer.
it_file_oldoperator<< (it_file_old &f, const Array< mat > &v)
 Write the mat Array v to the it_file_old pointer.
it_file_oldoperator<< (it_file_old &f, const Array< imat > &v)
 Write the imat Array v to the it_file_old pointer.
it_file_oldoperator<< (it_file_old &f, const Array< bmat > &v)
 Write the bmat Array v to the it_file_old pointer.
it_file_oldoperator<< (it_file_old &f, const Array< cmat > &v)
 Write the cmat Array v to the it_file_old pointer.
it_fileflush (it_file &f)
 Flush operatorFlushes the data. Usage:
it_ifileoperator>> (it_ifile &f, const Name &s)
 Finds the variable Name in the it_ifile. Returns file pointer for reading.
it_fileoperator<< (it_file &f, const Name &s)
 Finds the variable Name in the it_file. Returns file pointer for writing.
template<class T >
void it_save_var_as (const T &v, const std::string &name)
 Save the variable v in the file as the name name.
template<class T >
void it_load_var_as (T &v, const std::string &name)
 Load the variable v from the file as the name name.
it_file_oldflush (it_file_old &f)
 Flush operator.Flushes the data. Usage:
it_ifile_oldoperator>> (it_ifile_old &f, const Name &s)
 Finds the variable Name in the it_ifile_old. Returns file pointer for reading.
it_file_oldoperator<< (it_file_old &f, const Name &s)
 Finds the variable Name in the it_file_old. Returns file pointer for writing.
template<class Num_T >
Mat< Num_T > concat_horizontal (const Mat< Num_T > &m1, const Mat< Num_T > &m2)
 Horizontal concatenation of two matrices.
template<class Num_T >
Mat< Num_T > concat_vertical (const Mat< Num_T > &m1, const Mat< Num_T > &m2)
 Vertical concatenation of two matrices.
template<class Num_T >
Mat< Num_T > operator+ (const Mat< Num_T > &m1, const Mat< Num_T > &m2)
 Addition of two matrices.
template<class Num_T >
Mat< Num_T > operator+ (const Mat< Num_T > &m, Num_T t)
 Addition of a matrix and a scalar.
template<class Num_T >
Mat< Num_T > operator+ (Num_T t, const Mat< Num_T > &m)
 Addition of a scalar and a matrix.
template<class Num_T >
Mat< Num_T > operator- (const Mat< Num_T > &m1, const Mat< Num_T > &m2)
 Subtraction of two matrices.
template<class Num_T >
Mat< Num_T > operator- (const Mat< Num_T > &m, Num_T t)
 Subtraction of matrix and scalar.
template<class Num_T >
Mat< Num_T > operator- (Num_T t, const Mat< Num_T > &m)
 Subtraction of scalar and matrix.
template<class Num_T >
Mat< Num_T > operator- (const Mat< Num_T > &m)
 Negation of matrix.
template<class Num_T >
Mat< Num_T > operator* (const Mat< Num_T > &m1, const Mat< Num_T > &m2)
 Multiplication of two matrices.
template<class Num_T >
Vec< Num_T > operator* (const Mat< Num_T > &m, const Vec< Num_T > &v)
 Multiplication of matrix and vector.
template<class Num_T >
Mat< Num_T > operator* (const Mat< Num_T > &m, Num_T t)
 Multiplication of matrix and scalar.
template<class Num_T >
Mat< Num_T > operator* (Num_T t, const Mat< Num_T > &m)
 Multiplication of scalar and matrix.
template<class Num_T >
Mat< Num_T > elem_mult (const Mat< Num_T > &m1, const Mat< Num_T > &m2)
 Element wise multiplication of two matrices.
template<class Num_T >
void elem_mult_out (const Mat< Num_T > &m1, const Mat< Num_T > &m2, Mat< Num_T > &out)
 Element wise multiplication of two matrices, storing the result in matrix out.
template<class Num_T >
void elem_mult_out (const Mat< Num_T > &m1, const Mat< Num_T > &m2, const Mat< Num_T > &m3, Mat< Num_T > &out)
 Element wise multiplication of three matrices, storing the result in matrix out.
template<class Num_T >
void elem_mult_out (const Mat< Num_T > &m1, const Mat< Num_T > &m2, const Mat< Num_T > &m3, const Mat< Num_T > &m4, Mat< Num_T > &out)
 Element wise multiplication of four matrices, storing the result in matrix out.
template<class Num_T >
void elem_mult_inplace (const Mat< Num_T > &m1, Mat< Num_T > &m2)
 In-place element wise multiplication of two matrices. Fast version of B = elem_mult(A, B).
template<class Num_T >
Num_T elem_mult_sum (const Mat< Num_T > &m1, const Mat< Num_T > &m2)
 Element wise multiplication of two matrices, followed by summation of the resultant elements. Fast version of sumsum(elem_mult(A, B)).
template<class Num_T >
Mat< Num_T > operator/ (const Mat< Num_T > &m, Num_T t)
 Element-wise division by a scalar.
template<class Num_T >
Mat< Num_T > operator/ (Num_T t, const Mat< Num_T > &m)
 Element-wise division (t is the dividend, elements of m are divisors)
template<class Num_T >
Mat< Num_T > elem_div (const Mat< Num_T > &m1, const Mat< Num_T > &m2)
 Element wise division of two matrices.
template<class Num_T >
void elem_div_out (const Mat< Num_T > &m1, const Mat< Num_T > &m2, Mat< Num_T > &out)
 Element wise division of two matrices, storing the result in matrix out.
template<class Num_T >
Num_T elem_div_sum (const Mat< Num_T > &m1, const Mat< Num_T > &m2)
 Element wise division of two matrices, followed by summation of the resultant elements. Fast version of sumsum(elem_div(A, B)).
template<class Num_T >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Mat< Num_T > &m)
 Output stream for matrices.
template<class Num_T >
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &is, Mat< Num_T > &m)
 Input stream for matrices.
template<class T >
int length (const Vec< T > &v)
 Length of vector.
template<class T >
int size (const Vec< T > &v)
 Length of vector.
template<class T >
sum (const Vec< T > &v)
 Sum of all elements in the vector.
template<class T >
Vec< T > sum (const Mat< T > &m, int dim=1)
 Sum of elements in the matrix m, either along columns or rows.
template<class T >
sumsum (const Mat< T > &X)
 Sum of all elements in the given matrix. Fast version of sum(sum(X))
template<class T >
sum_sqr (const Vec< T > &v)
 Sum of square of the elements in a vector.
template<class T >
Vec< T > sum_sqr (const Mat< T > &m, int dim=1)
 Sum of the square of elements in the matrix m.
template<class T >
Vec< T > cumsum (const Vec< T > &v)
 Cumulative sum of all elements in the vector.
template<class T >
Mat< T > cumsum (const Mat< T > &m, int dim=1)
 Cumulative sum of elements in the matrix m.
template<class T >
prod (const Vec< T > &v)
 The product of all elements in the vector.
template<class T >
Vec< T > prod (const Mat< T > &m, int dim=1)
 Product of elements in the matrix m.
template<class T >
Vec< T > cross (const Vec< T > &v1, const Vec< T > &v2)
 Vector cross product. Vectors need to be of size 3.
template<class T >
Vec< T > zero_pad (const Vec< T > &v, int n)
 Zero-pad a vector to size n.
template<class T >
Vec< T > zero_pad (const Vec< T > &v)
 Zero-pad a vector to the nearest greater power of two.
template<class T >
Mat< T > zero_pad (const Mat< T > &m, int rows, int cols)
 Zero-pad a matrix to size rows x cols.
template<class T >
index_zero_pad (const Vec< T > &v, const int index)
template<class T >
void transpose (const Mat< T > &m, Mat< T > &out)
 Transposition of the matrix m returning the transposed matrix in out.
template<class T >
Mat< T > transpose (const Mat< T > &m)
 Transposition of the matrix m.
template<class T >
void hermitian_transpose (const Mat< T > &m, Mat< T > &out)
template<class T >
Mat< T > hermitian_transpose (const Mat< T > &m)
 Hermitian transpose (complex conjugate transpose) of the matrix m.
template<class Num_T >
bool is_hermitian (const Mat< Num_T > &X)
 Returns true if matrix X is hermitian, false otherwise.
template<class Num_T >
bool is_unitary (const Mat< Num_T > &X)
 Returns true if matrix X is unitary, false otherwise.
template<class Num_T >
Mat< Num_T > kron (const Mat< Num_T > &X, const Mat< Num_T > &Y)
 Computes the Kronecker product of two matrices.
ITPP_EXPORT cmat sqrtm (const cmat &A)
 Square root of the complex square matrix A.
ITPP_EXPORT cmat sqrtm (const mat &A)
 Square root of the real square matrix A.
template<class T >
int rank (const Mat< T > &m, double tol=-1.0)
 Calculate the rank of matrix m.
int rank (const imat &m, double tol)
 Specialisation of rank() function.
int rank (const smat &m, double tol)
 Specialisation of rank() function.
int rank (const bmat &, double)
 Specialisation of rank() function.
template<class T >
Mat< T > diag (const Vec< T > &v, const int K=0)
 Create a diagonal matrix using vector v as its diagonal.
template<class T >
void diag (const Vec< T > &v, Mat< T > &m)
 Create a diagonal matrix using vector v as its diagonal.
template<class T >
Vec< T > diag (const Mat< T > &m)
 Get the diagonal elements of the input matrix m.
template<class T >
Mat< T > bidiag (const Vec< T > &main, const Vec< T > &sup)
 Returns a matrix with the elements of the input vector main on the diagonal and the elements of the input vector sup on the diagonal row above.
template<class T >
void bidiag (const Vec< T > &main, const Vec< T > &sup, Mat< T > &m)
 Returns in the output variable m a matrix with the elements of the input vector main on the diagonal and the elements of the input vector sup on the diagonal row above.
template<class T >
void bidiag (const Mat< T > &m, Vec< T > &main, Vec< T > &sup)
 Returns the main diagonal and the diagonal row above in the two output vectors main and sup.
template<class T >
Mat< T > tridiag (const Vec< T > &main, const Vec< T > &sup, const Vec< T > &sub)
 Returns a matrix with the elements of main on the diagonal, the elements of sup on the diagonal row above, and the elements of sub on the diagonal row below.
template<class T >
void tridiag (const Vec< T > &main, const Vec< T > &sup, const Vec< T > &sub, Mat< T > &m)
 Returns in the output matrix m a matrix with the elements of main on the diagonal, the elements of sup on the diagonal row above, and the elements of sub on the diagonal row below.
template<class T >
void tridiag (const Mat< T > &m, Vec< T > &main, Vec< T > &sup, Vec< T > &sub)
 Returns the main diagonal, the diagonal row above, and the diagonal row below int the output vectors main, sup, and sub.
template<class T >
trace (const Mat< T > &m)
 The trace of the matrix m, i.e. the sum of the diagonal elements.
template<class T >
Vec< T > reverse (const Vec< T > &in)
 Reverse the input vector.
template<class T >
Vec< T > rvectorize (const Mat< T > &m)
 Row vectorize the matrix [(0,0) (0,1) ... (N-1,N-2) (N-1,N-1)].
template<class T >
Vec< T > cvectorize (const Mat< T > &m)
 Column vectorize the matrix [(0,0) (1,0) ... (N-2,N-1) (N-1,N-1)].
template<class T >
Mat< T > reshape (const Mat< T > &m, int rows, int cols)
 Reshape the matrix into an rows*cols matrix.
template<class T >
Mat< T > reshape (const Vec< T > &v, int rows, int cols)
 Reshape the vector into an rows*cols matrix.
ITPP_EXPORT bool all (const bvec &testvec)
 Returns true if all elements are ones and false otherwise.
ITPP_EXPORT bool any (const bvec &testvec)
 Returns true if any element is one and false otherwise.
vec operator+ (const double &s, const ivec &v)
 Addition operator for double and ivec.
vec operator- (const double &s, const ivec &v)
 Subtraction operator for double and ivec.
vec operator* (const double &s, const ivec &v)
 Multiplication operator for double and ivec.
vec operator/ (const double &s, const ivec &v)
 Division operator for double and ivec.
vec operator/ (const ivec &v, const double &s)
 Division operator for ivec and double.
cvec operator+ (const std::complex< double > &s, const ivec &v)
 Addition operator for complex<double> and ivec.
cvec operator- (const std::complex< double > &s, const ivec &v)
 Subtraction operator for complex<double> and ivec.
cvec operator* (const std::complex< double > &s, const ivec &v)
 Multiplication operator for complex<double> and ivec.
cvec operator/ (const std::complex< double > &s, const ivec &v)
 Division operator for complex<double> and ivec.
cvec operator/ (const ivec &v, const std::complex< double > &s)
 Division operator for ivec and complex<double>
cvec operator+ (const double &s, const cvec &v)
 Addition operator for double and cvec.
cvec operator- (const double &s, const cvec &v)
 Subtraction operator for double and cvec.
cvec operator* (const double &s, const cvec &v)
 Multiplication operator for double and cvec.
cvec operator/ (const cvec &v, const double &s)
 Division operator for cvec and double.
cvec operator/ (const double &s, const cvec &v)
 Division operator for double and cvec.
cmat operator+ (const double &s, const cmat &m)
 Addition operator for double and cmat.
cmat operator- (const double &s, const cmat &m)
 Subtraction operator for double and cmat.
cmat operator* (const double &s, const cmat &m)
 Multiplication operator for double and cmat.
cmat operator* (const std::complex< double > &s, const mat &m)
 Multiplication operator for complex<double> and mat.
cmat operator/ (const cmat &m, const double &s)
 Division operator for cmat and double.
cvec operator* (const std::complex< double > &s, const vec &v)
 Multiplication operator for complex<double> and vec.
cvec operator* (const vec &v, const std::complex< double > &s)
 Multiplication operator for vec and complex<double>
vec operator+ (const bvec &a, const vec &b)
 Addition operator for bvec and vec.
vec operator+ (const svec &a, const vec &b)
 Addition operator for svec and vec.
vec operator+ (const ivec &a, const vec &b)
 Addition operator for ivec and vec.
cvec operator+ (const bvec &a, const cvec &b)
 Addition operator for bvec and cvec.
cvec operator+ (const svec &a, const cvec &b)
 Addition operator for svec and cvec.
cvec operator+ (const ivec &a, const cvec &b)
 Addition operator for ivec and cvec.
double operator* (const bvec &a, const vec &b)
 Multiplication operator for bvec and vec.
double operator* (const svec &a, const vec &b)
 Multiplication operator for svec and vec.
double operator* (const ivec &a, const vec &b)
 Multiplication operator for ivec and vec.
std::complex< double > operator* (const bvec &a, const cvec &b)
 Multiplication operator for bvec and cvec.
std::complex< double > operator* (const svec &a, const cvec &b)
 Multiplication operator for svec and cvec.
std::complex< double > operator* (const ivec &a, const cvec &b)
 Multiplication operator for ivec and cvec.
mat operator+ (const bmat &a, const mat &b)
 Addition operator for bmat and mat.
mat operator+ (const smat &a, const mat &b)
 Addition operator for smat and mat.
mat operator+ (const imat &a, const mat &b)
 Addition operator for imat and mat.
cmat operator+ (const bmat &a, const cmat &b)
 Addition operator for bmat and cmat.
cmat operator+ (const smat &a, const cmat &b)
 Addition operator for smat and cmat.
cmat operator+ (const imat &a, const cmat &b)
 Addition operator for imat and cmat.
cmat operator+ (const mat &a, const cmat &b)
 Addition operator for mat and cmat.
std::complex< double > operator+ (const int &x, const std::complex< double > &y)
 Addition operator for int and complex double.
std::complex< double > operator+ (const float &x, const std::complex< double > &y)
 Addition operator for float and complex double.
std::complex< double > operator+ (const std::complex< double > &x, const int &y)
 Addition operator for int and complex double.
std::complex< double > operator+ (const std::complex< double > &x, const float &y)
 Addition operator for float and complex double.
std::complex< double > operator- (const int &x, const std::complex< double > &y)
 Subtraction operator for int and complex double.
std::complex< double > operator- (const float &x, const std::complex< double > &y)
 Subtraction operator for float and complex double.
std::complex< double > operator- (const std::complex< double > &x, const int &y)
 Subtraction operator for int and complex double.
std::complex< double > operator- (const std::complex< double > &x, const float &y)
 Subtraction operator for float and complex double.
std::complex< double > operator* (const int &x, const std::complex< double > &y)
 Multiplication operator for int and complex double.
std::complex< double > operator* (const float &x, const std::complex< double > &y)
 Multiplication operator for float and complex double.
std::complex< double > operator* (const std::complex< double > &x, const int &y)
 Multiplication operator for int and complex double.
std::complex< double > operator* (const std::complex< double > &x, const float &y)
 Multiplication operator for float and complex double.
std::complex< double > operator/ (const std::complex< double > &x, const int &y)
 Division operator for complex double and int.
std::complex< double > operator/ (const std::complex< double > &x, const float &y)
 Division operator for complex double and float.
vec operator+ (const float &s, const vec &v)
 Addition operator for float and vec.
vec operator+ (const short &s, const vec &v)
 Addition operator for short and vec.
vec operator+ (const int &s, const vec &v)
 Addition operator for int and vec.
vec operator+ (const vec &v, const float &s)
 Addition operator for vec and float.
vec operator+ (const vec &v, const short &s)
 Addition operator for vec and short.
vec operator+ (const vec &v, const int &s)
 Addition operator for vec and int.
vec operator- (const float &s, const vec &v)
 Subtraction operator for float and vec.
vec operator- (const short &s, const vec &v)
 Subtraction operator for short and vec.
vec operator- (const int &s, const vec &v)
 Subtraction operator for int and vec.
vec operator- (const vec &v, const float &s)
 Subtraction operator for vec and float.
vec operator- (const vec &v, const short &s)
 Subtraction operator for vec and short.
vec operator- (const vec &v, const int &s)
 Subtraction operator for vec and int.
vec operator* (const float &s, const vec &v)
 Multiplication operator for float and vec.
vec operator* (const short &s, const vec &v)
 Multiplication operator for short and vec.
vec operator* (const int &s, const vec &v)
 Multiplication operator for int and vec.
vec operator* (const vec &v, const float &s)
 Multiplication operator for vec and float.
vec operator* (const vec &v, const short &s)
 Multiplication operator for vec and short.
vec operator* (const vec &v, const int &s)
 Multiplication operator for vec and int.
vec operator/ (const vec &v, const float &s)
 Division operator for vec and float.
vec operator/ (const vec &v, const short &s)
 Division operator for vec and short.
vec operator/ (const vec &v, const int &s)
 Division operator for vec and int.
vec operator+ (const ivec &v, const double &s)
 Addition operator for ivec and double.
vec operator- (const ivec &v, const double &s)
 Subtraction operator for ivec and double.
vec operator* (const ivec &v, const double &s)
 Multiplication operator for ivec and double.
cvec operator+ (const ivec &v, const std::complex< double > &s)
 Addition operator for ivec and complex<double>
cvec operator- (const ivec &v, const std::complex< double > &s)
 Subtraction operator for ivec and complex<double>
cvec operator* (const ivec &v, const std::complex< double > &s)
 Multiplication operator for ivec and complex<double>
cvec operator+ (const float &s, const cvec &v)
 Addition operator for float and cvec.
cvec operator+ (const short &s, const cvec &v)
 Addition operator for short and cvec.
cvec operator+ (const int &s, const cvec &v)
 Addition operator for int and cvec.
cvec operator+ (const cvec &v, const float &s)
 Addition operator for cvec and float.
cvec operator+ (const cvec &v, const double &s)
 Addition operator for cvec and double.
cvec operator+ (const cvec &v, const short &s)
 Addition operator for cvec and short.
cvec operator+ (const cvec &v, const int &s)
 Addition operator for cvec and int.
cvec operator- (const float &s, const cvec &v)
 Subtraction operator for float and cvec.
cvec operator- (const short &s, const cvec &v)
 Subtraction operator for short and cvec.
cvec operator- (const int &s, const cvec &v)
 Subtraction operator for int and cvec.
cvec operator- (const cvec &v, const float &s)
 Subtraction operator for cvec and float.
cvec operator- (const cvec &v, const double &s)
 Subtraction operator for cvec and double.
cvec operator- (const cvec &v, const short &s)
 Subtraction operator for cvec and short.
cvec operator- (const cvec &v, const int &s)
 Subtraction operator for cvec and int.
cvec operator* (const float &s, const cvec &v)
 Multiplication operator for float and cvec.
cvec operator* (const short &s, const cvec &v)
 Multiplication operator for short and cvec.
cvec operator* (const int &s, const cvec &v)
 Multiplication operator for int and cvec.
cvec operator* (const cvec &v, const float &s)
 Multiplication operator for cvec and float.
cvec operator* (const cvec &v, const double &s)
 Multiplication operator for cvec and double.
cvec operator* (const cvec &v, const short &s)
 Multiplication operator for cvec and short.
cvec operator* (const cvec &v, const int &s)
 Multiplication operator for cvec and int.
cvec operator/ (const cvec &v, const float &s)
 Division operator for cvec and float.
cvec operator/ (const cvec &v, const short &s)
 Division operator for cvec and short.
cvec operator/ (const cvec &v, const int &s)
 Division operator for cvec and int.
mat operator+ (const float &s, const mat &m)
 Addition operator for float and mat.
mat operator+ (const short &s, const mat &m)
 Addition operator for short and mat.
mat operator+ (const int &s, const mat &m)
 Addition operator for int and mat.
mat operator+ (const mat &m, const float &s)
 Addition operator for mat and float.
mat operator+ (const mat &m, const short &s)
 Addition operator for mat and short.
mat operator+ (const mat &m, const int &s)
 Addition operator for mat and int.
mat operator- (const float &s, const mat &m)
 Subtraction operator for float and mat.
mat operator- (const short &s, const mat &m)
 Subtraction operator for short and mat.
mat operator- (const int &s, const mat &m)
 Subtraction operator for int and mat.
mat operator- (const mat &m, const float &s)
 Subtraction operator for mat and float.
mat operator- (const mat &m, const short &s)
 Subtraction operator for mat and short.
mat operator- (const mat &m, const int &s)
 Subtraction operator for mat and int.
mat operator* (const float &s, const mat &m)
 Multiplication operator for float and mat.
mat operator* (const short &s, const mat &m)
 Multiplication operator for short and mat.
mat operator* (const int &s, const mat &m)
 Multiplication operator for int and mat.
mat operator* (const mat &m, const float &s)
 Multiplication operator for mat and float.
mat operator* (const mat &m, const short &s)
 Multiplication operator for mat and short.
mat operator* (const mat &m, const int &s)
 Multiplication operator for mat and int.
mat operator/ (const mat &m, const float &s)
 Division operator for mat and float.
mat operator/ (const mat &m, const short &s)
 Division operator for mat and short.
mat operator/ (const mat &m, const int &s)
 Division operator for mat and int.
cmat operator* (const mat &m, const std::complex< double > &s)
 Multiplication operator for mat and complex<double>
vec operator+ (const vec &a, const bvec &b)
 Addition operator for vec and bvec.
vec operator+ (const vec &a, const svec &b)
 Addition operator for vec and svec.
vec operator+ (const vec &a, const ivec &b)
 Addition operator for vec and ivec.
vec operator- (const bvec &a, const vec &b)
 Subtraction operator for bvec and vec.
vec operator- (const svec &a, const vec &b)
 Subtraction operator for svec and vec.
vec operator- (const ivec &a, const vec &b)
 Subtraction operator for ivec and vec.
vec operator- (const vec &a, const bvec &b)
 Subtraction operator for vec and bvec.
vec operator- (const vec &a, const svec &b)
 Subtraction operator for vec and svec.
vec operator- (const vec &a, const ivec &b)
 Subtraction operator for vec and ivec.
double operator* (const vec &a, const bvec &b)
 Multiplication operator for vec and bvec.
double operator* (const vec &a, const svec &b)
 Multiplication operator for vec and svec.
double operator* (const vec &a, const ivec &b)
 Multiplication operator for vec and ivec.
cvec operator+ (const cvec &a, const bvec &b)
 Addition operator for cvec and bvec.
cvec operator+ (const cvec &a, const svec &b)
 Addition operator for cvec and svec.
cvec operator+ (const cvec &a, const ivec &b)
 Addition operator for cvec and ivec.
cvec operator- (const bvec &a, const cvec &b)
 Subtraction operator for bvec and cvec.
cvec operator- (const svec &a, const cvec &b)
 Subtraction operator for svec and cvec.
cvec operator- (const ivec &a, const cvec &b)
 Subtraction operator for ivec and cvec.
cvec operator- (const cvec &a, const bvec &b)
 Subtraction operator for cvec and bvec.
cvec operator- (const cvec &a, const svec &b)
 Subtraction operator for cvec and svec.
cvec operator- (const cvec &a, const ivec &b)
 Subtraction operator for cvec and ivec.
std::complex< double > operator* (const cvec &a, const bvec &b)
 Multiplication operator for cvec and bvec.
std::complex< double > operator* (const cvec &a, const svec &b)
 Multiplication operator for cvec and svec.
std::complex< double > operator* (const cvec &a, const ivec &b)
 Multiplication operator for cvec and ivec.
mat operator+ (const mat &a, const bmat &b)
 Addition operator for mat and bmat.
mat operator+ (const mat &a, const smat &b)
 Addition operator for mat and smat.
mat operator+ (const mat &a, const imat &b)
 Addition operator for mat and imat.
mat operator- (const bmat &a, const mat &b)
 Subtraction operator for bmat and mat.
mat operator- (const smat &a, const mat &b)
 Subtraction operator for smat and mat.
mat operator- (const imat &a, const mat &b)
 Subtraction operator for imat and mat.
mat operator- (const mat &a, const bmat &b)
 Subtraction operator for mat and bmat.
mat operator- (const mat &a, const smat &b)
 Subtraction operator for mat and smat.
mat operator- (const mat &a, const imat &b)
 Subtraction operator for mat and imat.
cmat operator+ (const cmat &a, const bmat &b)
 Addition operator for cmat and bmat.
cmat operator+ (const cmat &a, const smat &b)
 Addition operator for cmat and smat.
cmat operator+ (const cmat &a, const imat &b)
 Addition operator for cmat and imat.
cmat operator+ (const cmat &a, const mat &b)
 Addition operator for cmat and mat.
cmat operator- (const bmat &a, const cmat &b)
 Subtraction operator for bmat and cmat.
cmat operator- (const smat &a, const cmat &b)
 Subtraction operator for smat and cmat.
cmat operator- (const imat &a, const cmat &b)
 Subtraction operator for imat and cmat.
cmat operator- (const mat &a, const cmat &b)
 Subtraction operator for mat and cmat.
cmat operator- (const cmat &a, const bmat &b)
 Subtraction operator for cmat and bmat.
cmat operator- (const cmat &a, const smat &b)
 Subtraction operator for cmat and smat.
cmat operator- (const cmat &a, const imat &b)
 Subtraction operator for cmat and imat.
cmat operator- (const cmat &a, const mat &b)
 Subtraction operator for cmat and mat.
cmat operator* (const mat &a, const cmat &b)
 Multiplication operator for mat and cmat.
cmat operator* (const bmat &a, const cmat &b)
 Multiplication operator for bmat and cmat.
cmat operator* (const smat &a, const cmat &b)
 Multiplication operator for smat and cmat.
cmat operator* (const imat &a, const cmat &b)
 Multiplication operator for imat and cmat.
cmat operator* (const cmat &a, const mat &b)
 Multiplication operator for cmat and mat.
cmat operator* (const cmat &a, const bmat &b)
 Multiplication operator for cmat and bmat.
cmat operator* (const cmat &a, const smat &b)
 Multiplication operator for cmat and smat.
cmat operator* (const cmat &a, const imat &b)
 Multiplication operator for cmat and imat.
GlobalSeedProvider & global_seed_provider ()
void GlobalRNG_reset (unsigned int seed)
 Set the internal seed of the Global Seed Provider.
void GlobalRNG_reset ()
 Reset the internal seed of the Global Seed Provider to the previously set value.
unsigned int GlobalRNG_get_local_seed ()
 Get new seed to initialize thread-local generators.
void GlobalRNG_randomize ()
 Set a random seed for the Global Seed Provider seed.
void GlobalRNG_get_state (ivec &state)
 Save current full state of global seed provider in memory.
void GlobalRNG_set_state (const ivec &state)
 Resume the global seed provider state saved in memory.
void RNG_reset (unsigned int seed)
 Set the seed for all Random Number Generators in the current thread.
void RNG_reset ()
 Reset the seed to the previously set value for all Random Number Generators in the current thread.
void RNG_randomize ()
 Set a random seed for all Random Number Generators in the current thread.
void RNG_get_state (ivec &state)
 Save Random Number generation context used in the current thread.
void RNG_set_state (const ivec &state)
 Resume Random Number generation in the current thread with previously stored context.
bin randb (void)
 Generates a random bit (equally likely 0s and 1s)
void randb (int size, bvec &out)
 Generates a random bit vector (equally likely 0s and 1s)
bvec randb (int size)
 Generates a random bit vector (equally likely 0s and 1s)
void randb (int rows, int cols, bmat &out)
 Generates a random bit matrix (equally likely 0s and 1s)
bmat randb (int rows, int cols)
 Generates a random bit matrix (equally likely 0s and 1s)
double randu (void)
 Generates a random uniform (0,1) number.
void randu (int size, vec &out)
 Generates a random uniform (0,1) vector.
vec randu (int size)
 Generates a random uniform (0,1) vector.
void randu (int rows, int cols, mat &out)
 Generates a random uniform (0,1) matrix.
mat randu (int rows, int cols)
 Generates a random uniform (0,1) matrix.
int randi (int low, int high)
 Generates a random integer in the interval [low,high].
ivec randi (int size, int low, int high)
 Generates a random ivec with elements in the interval [low,high].
imat randi (int rows, int cols, int low, int high)
 Generates a random imat with elements in the interval [low,high].
vec randray (int size, double sigma=1.0)
 Generates a random Rayleigh vector.
vec randrice (int size, double sigma=1.0, double s=1.0)
 Generates a random Rice vector (See J.G. Poakis, "Digital Communications, 3rd ed." p.47)
vec randexp (int size, double lambda=1.0)
 Generates a random complex Gaussian vector.
double randn (void)
 Generates a random Gaussian (0,1) variable.
void randn (int size, vec &out)
 Generates a random Gaussian (0,1) vector.
vec randn (int size)
 Generates a random Gaussian (0,1) vector.
void randn (int rows, int cols, mat &out)
 Generates a random Gaussian (0,1) matrix.
mat randn (int rows, int cols)
 Generates a random Gaussian (0,1) matrix.
std::complex< double > randn_c (void)
 Generates a random complex Gaussian (0,1) variable.
void randn_c (int size, cvec &out)
 Generates a random complex Gaussian (0,1) vector.
cvec randn_c (int size)
 Generates a random complex Gaussian (0,1) vector.
void randn_c (int rows, int cols, cmat &out)
 Generates a random complex Gaussian (0,1) matrix.
cmat randn_c (int rows, int cols)
 Generates a random complex Gaussian (0,1) matrix.
template<class T >
Sparse_Mat< T > operator+ (const Sparse_Mat< T > &m1, const Sparse_Mat< T > &m2)
 m1+m2 where m1 and m2 are sparse matrices
template<class T >
Sparse_Mat< T > operator* (const T &c, const Sparse_Mat< T > &m)
 c*m where c is a scalar and m is a sparse matrix
template<class T >
Sparse_Mat< T > operator* (const Sparse_Mat< T > &m1, const Sparse_Mat< T > &m2)
 m1*m2 where m1 and m2 are sparse matrices
template<class T >
Sparse_Vec< T > operator* (const Sparse_Mat< T > &m, const Sparse_Vec< T > &v)
 m*v where m is a sparse matrix and v is a sparse vector
template<class T >
Vec< T > operator* (const Sparse_Mat< T > &m, const Vec< T > &v)
 m*v where m is a sparse matrix and v is a full column vector
template<class T >
Vec< T > operator* (const Vec< T > &v, const Sparse_Mat< T > &m)
 v'*m where m is a sparse matrix and v is a full column vector
template<class T >
Mat< T > trans_mult (const Sparse_Mat< T > &m)
 m'*m where m is a sparse matrix
template<class T >
Sparse_Mat< T > trans_mult_s (const Sparse_Mat< T > &m)
 m'*m where m is a sparse matrix
template<class T >
Sparse_Mat< T > trans_mult (const Sparse_Mat< T > &m1, const Sparse_Mat< T > &m2)
 m1'*m2 where m1 and m2 are sparse matrices
template<class T >
Vec< T > trans_mult (const Sparse_Mat< T > &m, const Vec< T > &v)
 m'*v where m is a sparse matrix and v is a full column vector
template<class T >
Sparse_Mat< T > mult_trans (const Sparse_Mat< T > &m1, const Sparse_Mat< T > &m2)
 m1*m2' where m1 and m2 are sparse matrices
template<class T >
Sparse_Mat< T > sparse (const Mat< T > &m, T epsilon)
 Convert a dense matrix m into its sparse representation.
template<class T >
Mat< T > full (const Sparse_Mat< T > &s)
 Convert a sparse matrix s into its dense representation.
template<class T >
Sparse_Mat< T > transpose (const Sparse_Mat< T > &s)
 Transpose a sparse matrix s.
ivec find (const bvec &invector)
 Return a integer vector with indicies where bvec == 1.
vec impulse (int size)
 Impulse vector.
vec linspace (double from, double to, int length=100)
 linspace (works in the same way as the MATLAB version)
vec zigzag_space (double t0, double t1, int K=5)
 Zig-zag space function (variation on linspace)
imat hadamard (int size)
 Hadamard matrix.
imat jacobsthal (int p)
 Jacobsthal matrix.
imat conference (int n)
 Conference matrix.
const cmat toeplitz (const cvec &c)
 Generate symmetric Toeplitz matrix from vector c (complex valued)
mat rotation_matrix (int dim, int plane1, int plane2, double angle)
 Create a rotation matrix that rotates the given plane angle radians. Note that the order of the planes are important!
void house (const vec &x, vec &v, double &beta)
 Calcualte the Householder vector.
void givens (double a, double b, double &c, double &s)
 Calculate the Givens rotation values.
void givens (double a, double b, mat &m)
 Calculate the Givens rotation matrix.
mat givens (double a, double b)
 Calculate the Givens rotation matrix.
void givens_t (double a, double b, mat &m)
 Calculate the transposed Givens rotation matrix.
mat givens_t (double a, double b)
 Calculate the transposed Givens rotation matrix.
template void eye (int, mat &)
 Template instantiation of eye.
template void eye (int, bmat &)
 Template instantiation of eye.
template void eye (int, imat &)
 Template instantiation of eye.
template void eye (int, cmat &)
 Template instantiation of eye.
template vec linspace_fixed_step (double, double, double)
 Template instantiation of linspace_fixed_step.
template ivec linspace_fixed_step (int, int, int)
 Template instantiation of linspace_fixed_step.
template svec linspace_fixed_step (short int, short int, short int)
 Template instantiation of linspace_fixed_step.
ITPP_EXPORT vec ones (int size)
 A float vector of ones.
ITPP_EXPORT bvec ones_b (int size)
 A Binary vector of ones.
ITPP_EXPORT ivec ones_i (int size)
 A Int vector of ones.
ITPP_EXPORT cvec ones_c (int size)
 A float Complex vector of ones.
ITPP_EXPORT mat ones (int rows, int cols)
 A float (rows,cols)-matrix of ones.
ITPP_EXPORT bmat ones_b (int rows, int cols)
 A Binary (rows,cols)-matrix of ones.
ITPP_EXPORT imat ones_i (int rows, int cols)
 A Int (rows,cols)-matrix of ones.
ITPP_EXPORT cmat ones_c (int rows, int cols)
 A Double Complex (rows,cols)-matrix of ones.
ITPP_EXPORT vec zeros (int size)
 A Double vector of zeros.
ITPP_EXPORT bvec zeros_b (int size)
 A Binary vector of zeros.
ITPP_EXPORT ivec zeros_i (int size)
 A Int vector of zeros.
ITPP_EXPORT cvec zeros_c (int size)
 A Double Complex vector of zeros.
ITPP_EXPORT mat zeros (int rows, int cols)
 A Double (rows,cols)-matrix of zeros.
ITPP_EXPORT bmat zeros_b (int rows, int cols)
 A Binary (rows,cols)-matrix of zeros.
ITPP_EXPORT imat zeros_i (int rows, int cols)
 A Int (rows,cols)-matrix of zeros.
ITPP_EXPORT cmat zeros_c (int rows, int cols)
 A Double Complex (rows,cols)-matrix of zeros.
ITPP_EXPORT mat eye (int size)
 A Double (size,size) unit matrix.
ITPP_EXPORT bmat eye_b (int size)
 A Binary (size,size) unit matrix.
ITPP_EXPORT imat eye_i (int size)
 A Int (size,size) unit matrix.
ITPP_EXPORT cmat eye_c (int size)
 A Double Complex (size,size) unit matrix.
template<class T >
void eye (int size, Mat< T > &m)
 A non-copying version of the eye function.
template<class T >
Vec< T > linspace_fixed_step (T from, T to, T step=1)
 linspace_fixed_step (works in the same way as "from:step:to" in MATLAB)
template<typename Num_T >
const Mat< Num_T > toeplitz (const Vec< Num_T > &c, const Vec< Num_T > &r)
 Generate Toeplitz matrix from two vectors c and r.
template<typename Num_T >
const Mat< Num_T > toeplitz (const Vec< Num_T > &c)
 Generate symmetric Toeplitz matrix from vector c.
template<class T >
Sparse_Vec< T > operator+ (const Sparse_Vec< T > &v1, const Sparse_Vec< T > &v2)
 v1+v2 where v1 and v2 are sparse vector
template<class T >
operator* (const Sparse_Vec< T > &v1, const Sparse_Vec< T > &v2)
 v1*v2 where v1 and v2 are sparse vectors
template<class T >
operator* (const Sparse_Vec< T > &v1, const Vec< T > &v2)
 v1*v2 where v1 is a sparse vector and v2 is a dense vector
template<class T >
operator* (const Vec< T > &v1, const Sparse_Vec< T > &v2)
 v1*v2 where v1 is a dense vector and v2 is a sparse vector
template<class T >
Sparse_Vec< T > elem_mult (const Sparse_Vec< T > &v1, const Sparse_Vec< T > &v2)
 Elementwise multiplication of two sparse vectors returning a sparse vector.
template<class T >
Vec< T > elem_mult (const Sparse_Vec< T > &v1, const Vec< T > &v2)
 Elementwise multiplication of a sparse vector and a dense vector returning a dense vector.
template<class T >
Sparse_Vec< T > elem_mult_s (const Sparse_Vec< T > &v1, const Vec< T > &v2)
 Elementwise multiplication of a sparse vector and a dense vector returning a sparse vector.
template<class T >
Vec< T > elem_mult (const Vec< T > &v1, const Sparse_Vec< T > &v2)
 Elementwise multiplication of a dense vector and a sparse vector returning a dense vector.
template<class T >
Sparse_Vec< T > elem_mult_s (const Vec< T > &v1, const Sparse_Vec< T > &v2)
 Elementwise multiplication of a dense vector and a sparse vector returning a sparse vector.
template<class T >
Sparse_Vec< T > sparse (const Vec< T > &v)
 Convert a dense vector v into its sparse representation.
template<class T >
Sparse_Vec< T > sparse (const Vec< T > &v, T epsilon)
 Convert a dense vector v into its sparse representation.
template<class T >
Vec< T > full (const Sparse_Vec< T > &s)
 Convert a sparse vector s into its dense representation.
void tic ()
 Reset and start timer.
double toc ()
 Returns the elapsed time since last tic()
void toc_print ()
 Prints the elapsed time since last tic()
void pause (double t=-1)
template<class Num_T >
Vec< Num_T > operator+ (const Vec< Num_T > &v1, const Vec< Num_T > &v2)
 Addition of two vectors.
template<class Num_T >
Vec< Num_T > operator+ (const Vec< Num_T > &v, Num_T t)
 Addition of a vector and a scalar.
template<class Num_T >
Vec< Num_T > operator+ (Num_T t, const Vec< Num_T > &v)
 Addition of a scalar and a vector.
template<class Num_T >
Vec< Num_T > operator- (const Vec< Num_T > &v1, const Vec< Num_T > &v2)
 Subtraction of a vector from a vector.
template<class Num_T >
Vec< Num_T > operator- (const Vec< Num_T > &v, Num_T t)
 Subtraction of a scalar from a vector.
template<class Num_T >
Vec< Num_T > operator- (Num_T t, const Vec< Num_T > &v)
 Subtraction of vector from scalar. Results in a vector.
template<class Num_T >
Vec< Num_T > operator- (const Vec< Num_T > &v)
 Negation of vector.
template<class Num_T >
Num_T dot (const Vec< Num_T > &v1, const Vec< Num_T > &v2)
 Inner (dot) product of two vectors v1 and v2.
template<class Num_T >
Num_T operator* (const Vec< Num_T > &v1, const Vec< Num_T > &v2)
 Inner (dot) product of two vectors v1 and v2.
template<class Num_T >
Mat< Num_T > outer_product (const Vec< Num_T > &v1, const Vec< Num_T > &v2, bool hermitian=false)
 Outer product of two vectors v1 and v2.
template<class Num_T >
Vec< Num_T > operator* (const Vec< Num_T > &v, Num_T t)
 Multiplication of a vector and a scalar.
template<class Num_T >
Vec< Num_T > operator* (Num_T t, const Vec< Num_T > &v)
 Multiplication of a scalar and a vector. Results in a vector.
template<class Num_T >
Vec< Num_T > elem_mult (const Vec< Num_T > &a, const Vec< Num_T > &b)
 Element-wise multiplication of two vectors.
template<class Num_T >
Vec< Num_T > elem_mult (const Vec< Num_T > &a, const Vec< Num_T > &b, const Vec< Num_T > &c)
 Element-wise multiplication of three vectors.
template<class Num_T >
Vec< Num_T > elem_mult (const Vec< Num_T > &a, const Vec< Num_T > &b, const Vec< Num_T > &c, const Vec< Num_T > &d)
 Element-wise multiplication of four vectors.
template<class Num_T >
void elem_mult_out (const Vec< Num_T > &a, const Vec< Num_T > &b, Vec< Num_T > &out)
 Element-wise multiplication of two vectors, storing the result in vector out.
template<class Num_T >
void elem_mult_out (const Vec< Num_T > &a, const Vec< Num_T > &b, const Vec< Num_T > &c, Vec< Num_T > &out)
 Element-wise multiplication of three vectors, storing the result in vector out.
template<class Num_T >
void elem_mult_out (const Vec< Num_T > &a, const Vec< Num_T > &b, const Vec< Num_T > &c, const Vec< Num_T > &d, Vec< Num_T > &out)
 Element-wise multiplication of four vectors, storing the result in vector out.
template<class Num_T >
void elem_mult_inplace (const Vec< Num_T > &a, Vec< Num_T > &b)
 In-place element-wise multiplication of two vectors. Faster version of b = elem_mult(a,b).
template<class Num_T >
Num_T elem_mult_sum (const Vec< Num_T > &a, const Vec< Num_T > &b)
 Element-wise multiplication of two vectors, followed by summation of the resultant elements. Fast version of sum(elem_mult(a,b)).
template<class Num_T >
Vec< Num_T > operator/ (const Vec< Num_T > &v, Num_T t)
 Division of all elements in v with t.
template<class Num_T >
Vec< Num_T > operator/ (Num_T t, const Vec< Num_T > &v)
 Division of t with all elements in v.
template<class Num_T >
Vec< Num_T > elem_div (const Vec< Num_T > &a, const Vec< Num_T > &b)
 Elementwise division of two vectors.
template<class Num_T >
Vec< Num_T > elem_div (Num_T t, const Vec< Num_T > &v)
 This function is deprecated. Please use operator/(Num_T, const Vec<Num_T &) instead.
template<class Num_T >
void elem_div_out (const Vec< Num_T > &a, const Vec< Num_T > &b, Vec< Num_T > &out)
 Elementwise division of two vectors, storing the result in vector out.
template<class Num_T >
Num_T elem_div_sum (const Vec< Num_T > &a, const Vec< Num_T > &b)
 Elementwise division of two vectors, followed by summation of the resultant elements. Fast version of sum(elem_div(a,b))
template<class Num_T >
Vec< Num_T > concat (const Vec< Num_T > &v, Num_T a)
 Append element a to the end of the vector v.
template<class Num_T >
Vec< Num_T > concat (Num_T a, const Vec< Num_T > &v)
 Concat element a to the beginning of the vector v.
template<class Num_T >
Vec< Num_T > concat (const Vec< Num_T > &v1, const Vec< Num_T > &v2)
 Concat vectors v1 and v2.
template<class Num_T >
Vec< Num_T > concat (const Vec< Num_T > &v1, const Vec< Num_T > &v2, const Vec< Num_T > &v3)
 Concat vectors v1, v2 and v3.
template<class Num_T >
Vec< Num_T > concat (const Vec< Num_T > &v1, const Vec< Num_T > &v2, const Vec< Num_T > &v3, const Vec< Num_T > &v4)
 Concat vectors v1, v2, v3 and v4.
template<class Num_T >
Vec< Num_T > concat (const Vec< Num_T > &v1, const Vec< Num_T > &v2, const Vec< Num_T > &v3, const Vec< Num_T > &v4, const Vec< Num_T > &v5)
 Concat vectors v1, v2 v3, v4 and v5.
template<class Num_T >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Vec< Num_T > &v)
 Output stream operator of a vector v.
template<class Num_T >
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &is, Vec< Num_T > &v)
 Input stream operator to read a vector.
bool chol (const mat &X, mat &F)
 Cholesky factorisation of real symmetric and positive definite matrix.
bool chol (const cmat &X, cmat &F)
 Cholesky factorisation of complex hermitian and positive-definite matrix.
cmat chol (const cmat &X)
 Cholesky factorisation of complex hermitian and positive-definite matrix.
mat chol (const mat &X)
 Cholesky factorisation of real symmetric and positive definite matrix.
double det (const mat &X)
 Determinant of real square matrix.Calculate determinant of the real matrix $\mathbf{X}$.
std::complex< double > det (const cmat &X)
 Determinant of complex square matrix.Calculate determinant of the complex matrix $\mathbf{X}$.
bool eig_sym (const mat &A, vec &d, mat &V)
 Calculates the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a symmetric real matrix.
bool eig_sym (const mat &A, vec &d)
 Calculates the eigenvalues of a symmetric real matrix.
bool eig_sym (const cmat &A, vec &d, cmat &V)
 Calculates the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a hermitian complex matrix.
bool eig_sym (const cmat &A, vec &d)
 Calculates the eigenvalues of a hermitian complex matrix.
bool eig (const mat &A, cvec &d, cmat &V)
 Calculates the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a real non-symmetric matrix.
bool eig (const mat &A, cvec &d)
 Calculates the eigenvalues of a real non-symmetric matrix.
bool eig (const cmat &A, cvec &d, cmat &V)
 Calculates the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a complex non-hermitian matrix.
bool eig (const cmat &A, cvec &d)
 Calculates the eigenvalues of a complex non-hermitian matrix.
vec eig_sym (const mat &A)
 Calculates the eigenvalues of a symmetric real matrix.
vec eig_sym (const cmat &A)
 Calculates the eigenvalues of a hermitian complex matrix.
cvec eig (const mat &A)
 Calculates the eigenvalues of a real non-symmetric matrix.
cvec eig (const cmat &A)
 Calculates the eigenvalues of a complex non-hermitian matrix.
bool inv (const mat &X, mat &Y)
 Inverse of real square matrix.Calculate the inverse of the real matrix $\mathbf{X}$.
bool inv (const cmat &X, cmat &Y)
 Inverse of complex square matrix.Calculate the inverse of the complex matrix $\mathbf{X}$.
cmat inv (const cmat &X)
 Inverse of real square matrix.Calculate the inverse of the complex matrix $\mathbf{X}$.
mat inv (const mat &X)
 Inverse of real square matrix.Calculate the inverse of the real matrix $\mathbf{X}$.
bool ls_solve_chol (const mat &A, const vec &b, vec &x)
 Solve linear equation system by Cholesky factorisation.
bool ls_solve_chol (const mat &A, const mat &B, mat &X)
 Solve linear equation system by Cholesky factorisation.
bool ls_solve_chol (const cmat &A, const cvec &b, cvec &x)
 Solve linear equation system by Cholesky factorisation.
bool ls_solve_chol (const cmat &A, const cmat &B, cmat &X)
 Solve linear equation system by Cholesky factorisation.
vec ls_solve_chol (const mat &A, const vec &b)
 Solve linear equation system by Cholesky factorisation.
mat ls_solve_chol (const mat &A, const mat &B)
 Solve linear equation system by Cholesky factorisation.
cvec ls_solve_chol (const cmat &A, const cvec &b)
 Solve linear equation system by Cholesky factorisation.
cmat ls_solve_chol (const cmat &A, const cmat &B)
 Solve linear equation system by Cholesky factorisation.
bool ls_solve (const mat &A, const vec &b, vec &x)
 Solve linear equation system by LU factorisation.
bool ls_solve (const mat &A, const mat &B, mat &X)
 Solve multiple linear equations by LU factorisation.
bool ls_solve (const cmat &A, const cvec &b, cvec &x)
 Solve linear equation system by LU factorisation.
bool ls_solve (const cmat &A, const cmat &B, cmat &X)
 Solve multiple linear equations by LU factorisation.
vec ls_solve (const mat &A, const vec &b)
 Solve linear equation system by LU factorisation.
mat ls_solve (const mat &A, const mat &B)
 Solve multiple linear equations by LU factorisation.
cvec ls_solve (const cmat &A, const cvec &b)
 Solve linear equation system by LU factorisation.
cmat ls_solve (const cmat &A, const cmat &B)
 Solve multiple linear equations by LU factorisation.
bool ls_solve_od (const mat &A, const vec &b, vec &x)
 Solves overdetermined linear equation systems.
bool ls_solve_od (const mat &A, const mat &B, mat &X)
 Solves overdetermined linear equation systems.
bool ls_solve_od (const cmat &A, const cvec &b, cvec &x)
 Solves overdetermined linear equation systems.
bool ls_solve_od (const cmat &A, const cmat &B, cmat &X)
 Solves overdetermined linear equation systems.
vec ls_solve_od (const mat &A, const vec &b)
 Solves overdetermined linear equation systems.
mat ls_solve_od (const mat &A, const mat &B)
 Solves overdetermined linear equation systems.
cvec ls_solve_od (const cmat &A, const cvec &b)
 Solves overdetermined linear equation systems.
cmat ls_solve_od (const cmat &A, const cmat &B)
 Solves overdetermined linear equation systems.
bool ls_solve_ud (const mat &A, const vec &b, vec &x)
 Solves underdetermined linear equation systems.
bool ls_solve_ud (const mat &A, const mat &B, mat &X)
 Solves underdetermined linear equation systems.
bool ls_solve_ud (const cmat &A, const cvec &b, cvec &x)
 Solves underdetermined linear equation systems.
bool ls_solve_ud (const cmat &A, const cmat &B, cmat &X)
 Solves underdetermined linear equation systems.
vec ls_solve_ud (const mat &A, const vec &b)
 Solves overdetermined linear equation systems.
mat ls_solve_ud (const mat &A, const mat &B)
 Solves underdetermined linear equation systems.
cvec ls_solve_ud (const cmat &A, const cvec &b)
 Solves overdetermined linear equation systems.
cmat ls_solve_ud (const cmat &A, const cmat &B)
 Solves underdetermined linear equation systems.
bool backslash (const mat &A, const vec &b, vec &x)
 A general linear equation system solver.
vec backslash (const mat &A, const vec &b)
 A general linear equation system solver.
bool backslash (const mat &A, const mat &B, mat &X)
 A general linear equation system solver.
mat backslash (const mat &A, const mat &B)
 A general linear equation system solver.
bool backslash (const cmat &A, const cvec &b, cvec &x)
 A general linear equation system solver.
cvec backslash (const cmat &A, const cvec &b)
 A general linear equation system solver.
bool backslash (const cmat &A, const cmat &B, cmat &X)
 A general linear equation system solver.
cmat backslash (const cmat &A, const cmat &B)
 A general linear equation system solver.
vec forward_substitution (const mat &L, const vec &b)
 Forward substitution of square matrix.
void forward_substitution (const mat &L, const vec &b, vec &x)
 Forward substitution of square matrix.
vec forward_substitution (const mat &L, int p, const vec &b)
 Forward substitution of band matrices.
void forward_substitution (const mat &L, int p, const vec &b, vec &x)
 Forward substitution of band matrices.
vec backward_substitution (const mat &U, const vec &b)
 Backward substitution of square matrix.
void backward_substitution (const mat &U, const vec &b, vec &x)
 Backward substitution of square matrix.
vec backward_substitution (const mat &U, int q, const vec &b)
 Backward substitution of band matrix.
void backward_substitution (const mat &U, int q, const vec &b, vec &x)
 Backward substitution of band matrix.
bool lu (const mat &X, mat &L, mat &U, ivec &p)
 LU factorisation of real matrix.
bool lu (const cmat &X, cmat &L, cmat &U, ivec &p)
 LU factorisation of real matrix.
void interchange_permutations (vec &b, const ivec &p)
 Makes swapping of vector b according to the interchange permutation vector p.
bmat permutation_matrix (const ivec &p)
 Make permutation matrix P from the interchange permutation vector p.
bool qr (const mat &A, mat &Q, mat &R)
 QR factorisation of real matrix.
bool qr (const mat &A, mat &R)
 QR factorisation of real matrix with suppressed evaluation of Q.
bool qr (const mat &A, mat &Q, mat &R, bmat &P)
 QR factorisation of real matrix with pivoting.
bool qr (const cmat &A, cmat &Q, cmat &R)
 QR factorisation of a complex matrix.
bool qr (const cmat &A, cmat &R)
 QR factorisation of complex matrix with suppressed evaluation of Q.
bool qr (const cmat &A, cmat &Q, cmat &R, bmat &P)
 QR factorisation of a complex matrix with pivoting.
bool schur (const mat &A, mat &U, mat &T)
 Schur decomposition of a real matrix.
bool schur (const cmat &A, cmat &U, cmat &T)
 Schur decomposition of a complex matrix.
mat schur (const mat &A)
 Schur decomposition of a real matrix.
cmat schur (const cmat &A)
 Schur decomposition of a complex matrix.
bool svd (const mat &A, vec &s)
 Get singular values s of a real matrix A using SVD.
bool svd (const cmat &A, vec &s)
 Get singular values s of a complex matrix A using SVD.
bool svd (const mat &A, mat &U, vec &s, mat &V)
 Perform Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) of a real matrix A.
bool svd (const cmat &A, cmat &U, vec &s, cmat &V)
 Perform Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) of a complex matrix A.
vec svd (const mat &A)
 Return singular values of a real matrix A using SVD.
vec svd (const cmat &A)
 Return singular values of a complex matrix A using SVD.
vec sqr (const cvec &x)
 Absolute square of elements.
mat sqr (const cmat &x)
 Absolute square of elements.
vec abs (const cvec &x)
 Absolute value.
mat abs (const cmat &x)
 Absolute value.
double gamma (double x)
 Deprecated gamma function - please use tgamma() instead.
vec gamma (const vec &x)
 Deprecated gamma function for vectors. Will be changed to tgamma().
mat gamma (const mat &x)
 Deprecated gamma function for matrices. Will be changed to tgamma().
double fact (int index)
 Calculates factorial coefficient for index <= 170.
double binom (int n, int k)
 Compute the binomial coefficient "n over k".
int binom_i (int n, int k)
 Compute the binomial coefficient "n over k".
double log_binom (int n, int k)
 Compute the base 10 logarithm of the binomial coefficient "n over k".
int gcd (int a, int b)
 Compute the greatest common divisor (GCD) g of the elements a and b.
vec real (const cvec &x)
 Real part of complex values.
mat real (const cmat &x)
 Real part of complex values.
vec imag (const cvec &x)
 Imaginary part of complex values.
mat imag (const cmat &x)
 Imaginary part of complex values.
vec arg (const cvec &x)
 Argument (angle)
mat arg (const cmat &x)
 Argument (angle)
double sqr (double x)
 Square of x.
double sqr (const std::complex< double > &x)
 Absolute square of complex-valued x, ||x||^2.
vec sqr (const vec &x)
 Square of elements.
mat sqr (const mat &x)
 Square of elements.
vec abs (const vec &x)
 Absolute value.
mat abs (const mat &x)
 Absolute value.
ivec abs (const ivec &x)
 Absolute value.
imat abs (const imat &x)
 Absolute value.
double sign (double x)
 Signum function.
vec sign (const vec &x)
 Signum function.
mat sign (const mat &x)
 Signum function.
double sgn (double x)
 Signum function.
vec sgn (const vec &x)
 Signum function.
mat sgn (const mat &x)
 Signum function.
int sign_i (int x)
 Signum function.
ivec sign_i (const ivec &x)
 Signum function.
imat sign_i (const imat &x)
 Signum function.
int sgn_i (int x)
 Signum function.
ivec sgn_i (const ivec &x)
 Signum function.
imat sgn_i (const imat &x)
 Signum function.
int sign_i (double x)
 Signum function.
vec sqrt (const vec &x)
 Square root of the elements.
mat sqrt (const mat &x)
 Square root of the elements.
double rem (double x, double y)
 The reminder of the division x/y.
vec rem (const vec &x, double y)
 Elementwise reminder of the division x/y for vec and double.
vec rem (double x, const vec &y)
 Elementwise reminder of the division x/y for double and vec.
mat rem (const mat &x, double y)
 Elementwise reminder of the division x/y for mat and double.
mat rem (double x, const mat &y)
 Elementwise reminder of the division x/y for double and mat.
int mod (int k, int n)
 Calculates the modulus, i.e. the signed reminder after division.
vec angle (const cvec &x)
mat angle (const cmat &x)
cvec conj (const cvec &x)
 Conjugate of complex value.
cmat conj (const cmat &x)
 Conjugate of complex value.
std::complex< double > cerfc_continued_fraction (const std::complex< double > &z)
std::complex< double > cerf_continued_fraction (const std::complex< double > &z)
 Complementary function to cerfc_continued_fraction.
std::complex< double > cerf_series (const std::complex< double > &z)
std::complex< double > cerf_rybicki (const std::complex< double > &z)
std::complex< double > erf (const std::complex< double > &z)
 Error function for complex argument.
double erfinv (double x)
 Inverse of error function.
double Qfunc (double x)
vec erf (const vec &x)
 Error function.
mat erf (const mat &x)
 Error function.
cvec erf (const cvec &x)
 Error function.
cmat erf (const cmat &x)
 Error function.
vec erfinv (const vec &x)
 Inverse of error function.
mat erfinv (const mat &x)
 Inverse of error function.
vec erfc (const vec &x)
 Complementary error function.
mat erfc (const mat &x)
 Complementary error function.
vec Qfunc (const vec &x)
mat Qfunc (const mat &x)
template<typename Ftn >
double quad (Ftn f, double a, double b, double tol=std::numeric_limits< double >::epsilon())
ITPP_EXPORT double quad (double(*f)(double), double a, double b, double tol=std::numeric_limits< double >::epsilon())
template<typename Ftn >
double quadl (Ftn f, double a, double b, double tol=std::numeric_limits< double >::epsilon())
ITPP_EXPORT double quadl (double(*f)(double), double a, double b, double tol=std::numeric_limits< double >::epsilon())
vec log2 (const vec &x)
 log-2 of the elements
mat log2 (const mat &x)
 log-2 of the elements
double log_add (double log_a, double log_b)
 Safe substitute for log(exp(log_a) + exp(log_b))
double logb (double b, double x)
 Base-b logarithm.
int pow2i (int x)
 Calculate two to the power of x (2^x); x is integer.
double pow2 (double x)
 Calculate two to the power of x (2^x)
double pow10 (double x)
 Calculate ten to the power of x (10^x)
double dB (double x)
 Decibel of x (10*log10(x))
double inv_dB (double x)
 Inverse of decibel of x.
int int2bits (int n)
 Calculate the number of bits needed to represent an integer n.
int levels2bits (int n)
 Calculate the number of bits needed to represent n different values (levels).
double trunc_log (double x)
 Truncated natural logarithm function.
double trunc_exp (double x)
 Truncated exponential function.
vec exp (const vec &x)
 Exp of the elements of a vector x.
cvec exp (const cvec &x)
 Exp of the elements of a complex vector x.
mat exp (const mat &m)
 Exp of the elements of a matrix m.
cmat exp (const cmat &m)
 Exp of the elements of a complex matrix m.
vec pow (const double x, const vec &y)
 Calculates x to the power of y (x^y)
mat pow (const double x, const mat &y)
 Calculates x to the power of y (x^y)
vec pow (const vec &x, const double y)
 Calculates x to the power of y (x^y)
mat pow (const mat &x, const double y)
 Calculates x to the power of y (x^y)
vec pow2 (const vec &x)
 Calculates two to the power of x (2^x)
mat pow2 (const mat &x)
 Calculates two to the power of x (2^x)
vec pow10 (const vec &x)
 Calculates ten to the power of x (10^x)
mat pow10 (const mat &x)
 Calculates ten to the power of x (10^x)
vec log (const vec &x)
 The natural logarithm of the elements.
mat log (const mat &x)
 The natural logarithm of the elements.
cvec log (const cvec &x)
 The natural logarithm of the elements.
cmat log (const cmat &x)
 The natural logarithm of the elements.
vec log10 (const vec &x)
 log-10 of the elements
mat log10 (const mat &x)
 log-10 of the elements
vec logb (double b, const vec &x)
 log-b of x
mat logb (double b, const mat &x)
 log-b of x
vec dB (const vec &x)
 Calculates 10*log10(x)
mat dB (const mat &x)
 Calculates 10*log10(x)
vec inv_dB (const vec &x)
 Calulates the inverse of dB, 10^(x/10)
mat inv_dB (const mat &x)
 Calculates the inverse of dB, 10^(x/10)
ivec int2bits (const ivec &v)
 Calculate the number of bits needed to represent each integer in a vector.
ivec levels2bits (const ivec &v)
 Calculate the number of bits needed to represent a numer of levels saved in a vector.
template<class T >
max (const Vec< T > &v)
 Maximum value of vector.
template<class T >
max (const Vec< T > &v, int &index)
 Maximum value of vector, also returns the index position of max value.
template<class T >
Vec< T > max (const Mat< T > &m, int dim=1)
template<class T >
Vec< T > max (const Mat< T > &m, ivec &index, int dim=1)
template<class T >
min (const Vec< T > &in)
 Minimum value of vector.
template<class T >
min (const Vec< T > &in, int &index)
 Minimum value of vector, also returns the index position of min value.
template<class T >
Vec< T > min (const Mat< T > &m, int dim=1)
template<class T >
Vec< T > min (const Mat< T > &m, ivec &index, int dim=1)
template<class T >
int max_index (const Vec< T > &in)
 Return the postion of the maximum element in the vector.
template<class T >
void max_index (const Mat< T > &m, int &row, int &col)
 Return the postion of the maximum element in the matrix.
template<class T >
int min_index (const Vec< T > &in)
 Return the postion of the minimum element in the vector.
template<class T >
void min_index (const Mat< T > &m, int &row, int &col)
 Return the postion of the minimum element in the matrix.
std::string itpp_version ()
 Returns IT++ library version number, e.g. "3.7.1".
bool is_bigendian ()
 Returns true if machine endianness is BIG_ENDIAN.
bool is_int (double x)
 Return true if x is an integer.
bool is_even (int x)
 Return true if x is an even integer.
bool check_big_endianness ()
 This function is deprecated. Please use is_bigendian() instead.
vec asinh (const vec &x)
 Inverse sine hyperbolic function.
mat asinh (const mat &x)
 Inverse sine hyperbolic function.
vec acosh (const vec &x)
 Inverse cosine hyperbolic function.
mat acosh (const mat &x)
 Inverse cosine hyperbolic function.
vec atanh (const vec &x)
 Inverse tan hyperbolic function.
mat atanh (const mat &x)
 Inverse tan hyperbolic function.
double sinc (double x)
 Sinc function: sinc(x) = sin(pi*x)/pi*x.
vec sin (const vec &x)
 Sine function.
mat sin (const mat &x)
 Sine function.
vec cos (const vec &x)
 Cosine function.
mat cos (const mat &x)
 Cosine function.
vec tan (const vec &x)
 Tan function.
mat tan (const mat &x)
 Tan function.
vec asin (const vec &x)
 Inverse sine function.
mat asin (const mat &x)
 Inverse sine function.
vec acos (const vec &x)
 Inverse cosine function.
mat acos (const mat &x)
 Inverse cosine function.
vec atan (const vec &x)
 Inverse tan function.
mat atan (const mat &x)
 Inverse tan function.
vec sinc (const vec &x)
 Sinc function, sin(pi*x)/(pi*x)
mat sinc (const mat &x)
 Sinc function, sin(pi*x)/(pi*x)
vec sinh (const vec &x)
 Sine hyperbolic function.
mat sinh (const mat &x)
 Sine hyperbolic function.
vec cosh (const vec &x)
 Cosine hyperbolic function.
mat cosh (const mat &x)
 Cosine hyperbolic function.
vec tanh (const vec &x)
 Tan hyperbolic function.
mat tanh (const mat &x)
 Tan hyperbolic function.
bmat graycode (int m)
 Generate Gray code of blocklength m.The codes are contained as binary codewords {0,1} in the rows of the returned matrix. See also the gray() function in math/scalfunc.h.
int hamming_distance (const bvec &a, const bvec &b)
 Calculate the Hamming distance between a and b.
int weight (const bvec &a)
 Calculate the Hamming weight of a.
vec waterfilling (const vec &alpha, double P)
 Compute the water-filling solutionThis function computes the solution of the water-filling problem

\[ \max_{p_0,...,p_{n-1}} \sum_{i=0}^{n-1} \log\left(1+p_i\alpha_i\right) \]

subject to

\[ \sum_{i=0}^{n-1} p_i \le P \]


int reverse_int (int length, int in)
int weight_int (int length, int in)
int compare_spectra (ivec v1, ivec v2)
int compare_spectra (ivec v1, ivec v2, vec weight_profile)
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &is, GF &ingf)
 Input stream operator for GF.
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const GF &ingf)
 Output stream operator for GF.
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const GFX &ingfx)
 Output stream operator for GFX.
GFX divgfx (const GFX &c, const GFX &g)
 Division of two GFX (local help function)
GFX modgfx (const GFX &a, const GFX &b)
 Modulo function of two GFX (local help function)
ITPP_EXPORT GFX operator* (const GF &ingf, const GFX &ingfx)
 Multiplication of GF and GFX.
ITPP_EXPORT GFX operator* (const GFX &ingfx, const GF &ingf)
 Multiplication of GFX and GF.
ITPP_EXPORT GFX operator/ (const GFX &ingfx, const GF &ingf)
 Division of GFX by GF.
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const LDPC_Code &C)
 Print some properties of the LDPC codec in plain text.
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const LLR_calc_unit &lcu)
 Print some properties of the LLR calculation unit in plain text.
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Modulator_NRD &m)
 Print some properties of the MIMO modulator (mainly to aid debugging)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Modulator_NCD &m)
 Print some properties of the MIMO modulator (mainly to aid debugging)
GFX formal_derivate (const GFX &f)
 Local help function.
smat wcdma_spreading_codes (int SF)
 Generates the OVSF (orthogonal variable spreading factor) spreading codes used in WCDMA.The codes are written row-wise in the return matrix.
int calculate_uncoded_size (Punctured_Turbo_Codec &tc, int punctured_size, int &fill_bits)
ivec wcdma_turbo_interleaver_sequence (int interleaver_size)
 Generates the interleaver sequence for the internal turbo encoder interleaver used in WCDMA.
ivec lte_turbo_interleaver_sequence (int interleaver_size)
 Generates the interleaver sequence for the internal turbo encoder interleaver used in LTE.
int assert_shifts (const CFix &x, const CFix &y)
 Check that x.shift==y.shift OR x==0 OR y==0 and return the shift (for the non-zero argument)
int assert_shifts (const CFix &x, const Fix &y)
 Check that x.shift==y.shift OR x==0 OR y==0 and return the shift (for the non-zero argument)
int assert_shifts (const CFix &x, int y)
 Check that x.shift==0 OR x==0 OR y==0 and return x.shift.
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &is, CFix &x)
 Input bit representation and, optionally, the shift.
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const CFix &x)
 Output bit representation and, optionally, the shift.
int assert_shifts (const Fix &x, const Fix &y)
 Check that x.shift==y.shift OR x==0 OR y==0 and return the shift (for the non-zero argument)
int assert_shifts (const Fix &x, int y)
 Check that x.shift==0 OR x==0 OR y==0 and return x.shift.
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &is, Fix &x)
 Input bit representation and, optionally, the shift.
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Fix &x)
 Output bit representation and, optionally, the shift.
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const output_mode &o)
 Set output mode.
void create_elements< Fix > (Fix *&ptr, const int n, const Factory &f)
 Create an n-length array of Fix using Fix_Factory f.
void create_elements< CFix > (CFix *&ptr, const int n, const Factory &f)
 Create an n-length array of CFix using Fix_Factory f.
const Fix_Factory FIX1 (1, TC, WRAP)
 Fix_Factories for signed Fix/CFix with wrap-around (FIX1, FIX2, ..., FIX64)
const Fix_Factory UFIX1 (1, US, WRAP)
 Fix_Factories for unsigned Fix/CFix with wrap-around (UFIX1, UFIX2, ..., UFIX64)
const Fix_Factory SFIX1 (1, TC, SAT)
 Fix_Factories for unsigned Fix/CFix with wrap-around (SFIX1, SFIX2, ..., SFIX64)
const Fix_Factory SUFIX1 (1, US, SAT)
 Fix_Factories for unsigned Fix/CFix with saturation (SUFIX1, SUFIX2, ..., SUFIX64)
vec to_vec (const fixvec &v)
 Converts a fixvec to vec.
cvec to_cvec (const cfixvec &v)
 Converts a cfixvec to cvec.
mat to_mat (const fixmat &m)
 Converts a fixmat to mat.
cmat to_cmat (const cfixmat &m)
 Converts a cfixmat to cmat.
Fix abs (const Fix &x)
 Absolute value.
Fix real (const CFix &x)
 Real part of complex value.
Fix imag (const CFix &x)
 Imaginary part of complex value.
CFix conj (const CFix &x)
 Conjugate of complex value.
template<class T >
bool is_fix (const T &)
 Return true only if argument is of type Fix or CFix (or an Array/Vec/Mat of Fix or CFix)
bool is_fix (const Fix &)
 Return true only if argument is of type Fix or CFix (or an Array/Vec/Mat of Fix or CFix)
bool is_fix (const fixvec &)
 Return true only if argument is of type Fix or CFix (or an Array/Vec/Mat of Fix or CFix)
bool is_fix (const fixmat &)
 Return true only if argument is of type Fix or CFix (or an Array/Vec/Mat of Fix or CFix)
bool is_fix (const CFix &)
 Return true only if argument is of type Fix or CFix (or an Array/Vec/Mat of Fix or CFix)
template<class T >
bool is_fix (const Array< T > &)
 Return true only if argument is of type Fix or CFix (or an Array/Vec/Mat of Fix or CFix)
void set_fix (Fix &y, double x, int n)
 Set y = x * pow2(n) using the quantization mode of y.
void set_fix (Fix &y, double x, int n, q_mode q)
 Set y = x * pow2(n) using the specified quantization mode q.
void set_fix (fixvec &y, const vec &x, int n)
 Set y = x * pow2(n) using the quantization mode of y.
void set_fix (fixvec &y, const vec &x, int n, q_mode q)
 Set y = x * pow2(n) using the specified quantization mode q.
void set_fix (fixmat &y, const mat &x, int n)
 Set y = x * pow2(n) using the quantization mode of y.
void set_fix (fixmat &y, const mat &x, int n, q_mode q)
 Set y = x * pow2(n) using the specified quantization mode q.
void set_fix (double &y, double x, int)
 Set y = x. Useful in templated code.
void set_fix (double &y, double x, int, q_mode)
 Set y = x. Useful in templated code.
void set_fix (vec &y, const vec &x, int)
 Set y = x. Useful in templated code.
void set_fix (vec &y, const vec &x, int, q_mode)
 Set y = x. Useful in templated code.
void set_fix (mat &y, const mat &x, int)
 Set y = x. Useful in templated code.
void set_fix (mat &y, const mat &x, int, q_mode)
 Set y = x. Useful in templated code.
void set_fix (CFix &y, std::complex< double > x, int n)
 Set y = x * pow2(n) using the quantization mode of y.
void set_fix (CFix &y, double real, double imag, int n)
 Set y = (real + i*imag) * pow2(n) using the quantization mode of y.
void set_fix (CFix &y, std::complex< double > x, int n, q_mode q)
 Set y = x * pow2(n) using the specified quantization mode q.
void set_fix (CFix &y, double real, double imag, int n, q_mode q)
 Set y = (real + i*imag) * pow2(n) using the specified quantization mode q.
void set_fix (cfixvec &y, const cvec &x, int n)
 Set y = x * pow2(n) using the quantization mode of y.
void set_fix (cfixvec &y, const vec &real, const vec &imag, int n)
 Set y = (real + i*imag) * pow2(n) using the quantization mode of y.
void set_fix (cfixvec &y, const cvec &x, int n, q_mode q)
 Set y = x * pow2(n) using the specified quantization mode q.
void set_fix (cfixvec &y, const vec &real, const vec &imag, int n, q_mode q)
 Set y = (real + i*imag) * pow2(n) using the specified quantization mode q.
void set_fix (cfixmat &y, const cmat &x, int n)
 Set y = x * pow2(n) using the quantization mode of y.
void set_fix (cfixmat &y, const mat &real, const mat &imag, int n)
 Set y = (real + i*imag) * pow2(n) using the quantization mode of y.
void set_fix (cfixmat &y, const cmat &x, int n, q_mode q)
 Set y = x * pow2(n) using the specified quantization mode q.
void set_fix (cfixmat &y, const mat &real, const mat &imag, int n, q_mode q)
 Set y = (real + i*imag) * pow2(n) using the specified quantization mode q.
void set_fix (std::complex< double > &y, const std::complex< double > &x, int)
 Set y = x. Useful in templated code.
void set_fix (std::complex< double > &y, double real, double imag, int)
 Set y = real + i*imag. Useful in templated code.
void set_fix (std::complex< double > &y, const std::complex< double > &x, int, q_mode)
 Set y = x. Useful in templated code.
void set_fix (std::complex< double > &y, double real, double imag, int, q_mode)
 Set y = real + i*imag. Useful in templated code.
void set_fix (cvec &y, const cvec &x, int)
 Set y = x. Useful in templated code.
void set_fix (cvec &y, const vec &real, const vec &imag, int)
 Set y = real + i*imag. Useful in templated code.
void set_fix (cvec &y, const cvec &x, int, q_mode)
 Set y = x. Useful in templated code.
void set_fix (cvec &y, const vec &real, const vec &imag, int, q_mode)
 Set y = real + i*imag. Useful in templated code.
void set_fix (cmat &y, const cmat &x, int)
 Set y = x. Useful in templated code.
void set_fix (cmat &y, const mat &real, const mat &imag, int)
 Set y = real + i*imag. Useful in templated code.
void set_fix (cmat &y, const cmat &x, int, q_mode)
 Set y = x. Useful in templated code.
void set_fix (cmat &y, const mat &real, const mat &imag, int, q_mode)
 Set y = real + i*imag. Useful in templated code.
template<class T1 , class T2 >
void set_fix (Array< T1 > &y, const Array< T2 > &x, int n)
 Call set_fix for each Array element.
template<class T1 , class T2 >
void set_fix (Array< T1 > &y, const Array< T2 > &real, const Array< T2 > &imag, int n)
 Call set_fix for each Array element.
template<class T1 , class T2 >
void set_fix (Array< T1 > &y, const Array< T2 > &x, int n, q_mode q)
 Call set_fix for each Array element.
template<class T1 , class T2 >
void set_fix (Array< T1 > &y, const Array< T2 > &real, const Array< T2 > &imag, int n, q_mode q)
 Call set_fix for each Array element.
void lshift_fix (Fix &y, int n)
 Left shift n bits.
void rshift_fix (Fix &y, int n)
 Right shift n bits using the quantization mode of y.
void rshift_fix (Fix &y, int n, q_mode q)
 Right shift n bits using the specified quantization mode q.
void lshift_fix (fixvec &y, int n)
 Left shift n bits.
void rshift_fix (fixvec &y, int n)
 Right shift n bits using the quantization mode of y.
void rshift_fix (fixvec &y, int n, q_mode q)
 Right shift n bits using the specified quantization mode q.
void lshift_fix (fixmat &y, int n)
 Left shift n bits.
void rshift_fix (fixmat &y, int n)
 Right shift n bits using the quantization mode of y.
void rshift_fix (fixmat &y, int n, q_mode q)
 Right shift n bits using the specified quantization mode q.
void lshift_fix (double &, int)
 Dummy function useful in templated code.
void rshift_fix (double &, int)
 Dummy function useful in templated code.
void rshift_fix (double &, int, q_mode)
 Dummy function useful in templated code.
void lshift_fix (vec &, int)
 Dummy function useful in templated code.
void rshift_fix (vec &, int)
 Dummy function useful in templated code.
void rshift_fix (vec &, int, q_mode)
 Dummy function useful in templated code.
void lshift_fix (mat &, int)
 Dummy function useful in templated code.
void rshift_fix (mat &, int)
 Dummy function useful in templated code.
void rshift_fix (mat &, int, q_mode)
 Dummy function useful in templated code.
void lshift_fix (CFix &y, int n)
 Left shift n bits.
void rshift_fix (CFix &y, int n)
 Right shift n bits using the quantization mode of y.
void rshift_fix (CFix &y, int n, q_mode q)
 Right shift n bits using the specified quantization mode q.
void lshift_fix (std::complex< double > &, int)
 Dummy function useful in templated code.
void rshift_fix (std::complex< double > &, int)
 Dummy function useful in templated code.
void rshift_fix (std::complex< double > &, int, q_mode)
 Dummy function useful in templated code.
void lshift_fix (cvec &, int)
 Dummy function useful in templated code.
void rshift_fix (cvec &, int)
 Dummy function useful in templated code.
void rshift_fix (cvec &, int, q_mode)
 Dummy function useful in templated code.
void lshift_fix (cmat &, int)
 Dummy function useful in templated code.
void rshift_fix (cmat &, int)
 Dummy function useful in templated code.
void rshift_fix (cmat &, int, q_mode)
 Dummy function useful in templated code.
template<class T >
void lshift_fix (Array< T > &y, int n)
 Call lshift_fix for each Array element.
template<class T >
void rshift_fix (Array< T > &y, int n)
 Call rshift_fix for each Array element.
template<class T >
void rshift_fix (Array< T > &y, int n, q_mode q)
 Call rshift_fix for each Array element.
void assert_fixshift (double, int)
 If x is a fixed-point variable, assert that x has the specified shift value, otherwise do nothing.
void assert_fixshift (const std::complex< double > &, int)
 If x is a fixed-point variable, assert that x has the specified shift value, otherwise do nothing.
void assert_fixshift (const Fix &x, int shift)
 If x is a fixed-point variable, assert that x has the specified shift value, otherwise do nothing.
void assert_fixshift (const CFix &x, int shift)
 If x is a fixed-point variable, assert that x has the specified shift value, otherwise do nothing.
template<class T >
to (double x)
 Convert double to T.
template<class T >
to (const Fix &x)
 Convert Fix to T.
template<class T >
to (const std::complex< double > &x)
 Convert std::complex<double> to T.
template<class T >
to (const CFix &x)
 Convert CFix to T.
template<class T >
to (double real, double imag)
 Convert double (real and imaginary parts) to T.
template<class T >
to (const Fix &real, const Fix &imag)
 Convert Fix (real and imaginary parts) to T.
template<class T , class U >
Vec< T > to (const Vec< U > &x)
 Convert Vec<U> to Vec<T>
vec to< double > (const vec &x)
 Convert vec to vec.
cvec to< std::complex< double > > (const cvec &x)
 Convert cvec to cvec.
fixvec to< Fix > (const fixvec &x)
 Convert fixvec to fixvec.
cfixvec to< CFix > (const cfixvec &x)
 Convert cfixvec to cfixvec.
template<class T , class U >
Vec< T > to (const Vec< U > &real, const Vec< U > &imag)
 Convert Vec<U> (real and imaginary parts) to Vec<T>
template<class T , class U >
Mat< T > to (const Mat< U > &x)
 Convert Mat<U> to Mat<T>
mat to< double > (const mat &x)
 Convert mat to mat.
cmat to< std::complex< double > > (const cmat &x)
 Convert cmat to cmat.
fixmat to< Fix > (const fixmat &x)
 Convert fixmat to fixmat.
cfixmat to< CFix > (const cfixmat &x)
 Convert cfixmat to cfixmat.
template<class T , class U >
Mat< T > to (const Mat< U > &real, const Mat< U > &imag)
 Convert Mat<U> (real and imaginary parts) to Mat<T>
template<class T , class U >
Array< typename ConvertU2T< T,
U >::result > 
to (const Array< U > &x)
 Convert Array<U>, where U can be an Array/Vec/Mat, to a corresponding Array with T elements.
template<class T , class U >
Array< typename ConvertU2T< T,
U >::result > 
to (const Array< U > &real, const Array< U > &imag)
 Convert Array<U> (real and imaginary parts), where U can be an Array/Vec/Mat, to a corresponding Array with T elements.
double unfix (const Fix &x)
 Convert Fix to double by multiplying the bit representation with pow2(-shift)
std::complex< double > unfix (const CFix &x)
 Convert CFix to std::complex<double> by multiplying the bit representation with pow2(-shift)
vec unfix (const fixvec &x)
 Convert fixvec to vec by multiplying the bit representations with pow2(-shift)
mat unfix (const fixmat &x)
 Convert fixmat to mat by multiplying the bit representations with pow2(-shift)
double unfix (double x)
 Convert double to double i.e. do nothing.
std::complex< double > unfix (const std::complex< double > &x)
 Convert std::complex<double> to std::complex<double> i.e. do nothing.
vec unfix (const vec &x)
 Convert vec to vec i.e. do nothing.
cvec unfix (const cvec &x)
 Convert cvec to cvec i.e. do nothing.
mat unfix (const mat &x)
 Convert mat to mat i.e. do nothing.
cmat unfix (const cmat &x)
 Convert cmat to cmat i.e. do nothing.
template<class T >
Array< typename Convert< T >
::to_double > 
unfix (const Array< T > &x)
 Convert floating- or fixed-point Array to floating-point Array.
Fix operator+ (const Fix &x, const Fix &y)
 Fix + Fix.
Fix operator- (const Fix &x, const Fix &y)
 Fix - Fix.
Fix operator* (const Fix &x, const Fix &y)
 Fix * Fix.
Fix operator/ (const Fix &x, const Fix &y)
 Fix / Fix using quantization mode TRN.
Fix operator+ (const Fix &x, const int y)
 Fix + int.
Fix operator- (const Fix &x, const int y)
 Fix - int.
Fix operator* (const Fix &x, const int y)
 Fix * int.
Fix operator/ (const Fix &x, const int y)
 Fix / int using quantization mode TRN.
Fix operator+ (const int x, const Fix &y)
 int + Fix
Fix operator- (const int x, const Fix &y)
 int - Fix
Fix operator* (const int x, const Fix &y)
 int * Fix
Fix operator/ (const int x, const Fix &y)
 int / Fix using quantization mode TRN
fixvec operator+ (const fixvec &a, const ivec &b)
 fixvec + ivec
Fix operator* (const fixvec &a, const ivec &b)
 fixvec * ivec
fixmat operator+ (const fixmat &a, const imat &b)
 fixmat + imat
fixmat operator* (const fixmat &a, const imat &b)
 fixmat * imat
CFix operator+ (const CFix &x, const CFix &y)
 CFix + CFix.
CFix operator- (const CFix &x, const CFix &y)
 CFix - CFix.
CFix operator* (const CFix &x, const CFix &y)
 CFix * CFix.
CFix operator/ (const CFix &x, const CFix &y)
 CFix / CFix using quantization mode TRN.
CFix operator+ (const CFix &x, const Fix &y)
 CFix + Fix.
CFix operator- (const CFix &x, const Fix &y)
 CFix - Fix.
CFix operator* (const CFix &x, const Fix &y)
 CFix * Fix.
CFix operator/ (const CFix &x, const Fix &y)
 CFix / Fix using quantization mode TRN.
CFix operator+ (const Fix &x, const CFix &y)
 Fix + CFix.
CFix operator- (const Fix &x, const CFix &y)
 Fix - CFix.
CFix operator* (const Fix &x, const CFix &y)
 Fix * CFix.
CFix operator/ (const Fix &x, const CFix &y)
 Fix / CFix using quantization mode TRN.
CFix operator+ (const CFix &x, const int y)
 CFix + int.
CFix operator- (const CFix &x, const int y)
 CFix - int.
CFix operator* (const CFix &x, const int y)
 CFix * int.
CFix operator/ (const CFix &x, const int y)
 CFix / int using quantization mode TRN.
CFix operator+ (const int x, const CFix &y)
 int + CFix
CFix operator- (const int x, const CFix &y)
 int - CFix
CFix operator* (const int x, const CFix &y)
 int * CFix
CFix operator/ (const int x, const CFix &y)
 int / CFix using quantization mode TRN
cfixvec operator+ (const cfixvec &a, const fixvec &b)
 cfixvec + fixvec
CFix operator* (const cfixvec &a, const fixvec &b)
 cfixvec * fixvec
cfixmat operator+ (const cfixmat &a, const fixmat &b)
 cfixmat + fixmat
cfixmat operator* (const cfixmat &a, const fixmat &b)
 cfixmat * fixmat
fixvec operator+ (const fixvec &v, const int s)
 fixvec + int
fixvec operator+ (const int s, const fixvec &v)
 int + fixvec
fixvec operator- (const fixvec &v, const int s)
 fixvec - int
fixvec operator- (const int s, const fixvec &v)
 int - fixvec
fixvec operator* (const fixvec &v, const int s)
 fixvec * int
fixvec operator* (const int s, const fixvec &v)
 int * fixvec
fixvec operator/ (const fixvec &v, const int s)
 fixvec / int using quantization mode TRN
fixmat operator+ (const fixmat &v, const int s)
 fixmat + int
fixmat operator+ (const int s, const fixmat &v)
 int + fixmat
fixmat operator- (const fixmat &v, const int s)
 fixmat - int
fixmat operator- (const int s, const fixmat &v)
 int - fixmat
fixmat operator* (const fixmat &v, const int s)
 fixmat * int
fixmat operator* (const int s, const fixmat &v)
 int * fixmat
fixmat operator/ (const fixmat &v, const int s)
 fixmat / int using quantization mode TRN
fixvec operator+ (const ivec &a, const fixvec &b)
 ivec + fixvec
fixvec operator- (const fixvec &a, const ivec &b)
 fixvec - ivec
fixvec operator- (const ivec &a, const fixvec &b)
 ivec - fixvec
Fix operator* (const ivec &a, const fixvec &b)
 ivec * fixvec
fixmat operator+ (const imat &a, const fixmat &b)
 imat + fixmat
fixmat operator- (const fixmat &a, const imat &b)
 fixmat - imat
fixmat operator- (const imat &a, const fixmat &b)
 imat - fixmat
fixmat operator* (const imat &a, const fixmat &b)
 imat * fixmat
cfixvec operator+ (const fixvec &v, const CFix &s)
 fixvec + CFix
cfixvec operator+ (const CFix &s, const fixvec &v)
 CFix + fixvec.
cfixvec operator- (const fixvec &v, const CFix &s)
 fixvec - CFix
cfixvec operator- (const CFix &s, const fixvec &v)
 CFix - fixvec.
cfixvec operator* (const fixvec &v, const CFix &s)
 fixvec * CFix
cfixvec operator* (const CFix &s, const fixvec &v)
 CFix * fixvec.
cfixvec operator/ (const fixvec &v, const CFix &s)
 fixvec / CFix using quantization mode TRN
cfixmat operator+ (const fixmat &m, const CFix &s)
 fixmat + CFix
cfixmat operator+ (const CFix &s, const fixmat &m)
 CFix + fixmat.
cfixmat operator- (const fixmat &m, const CFix &s)
 fixmat - CFix
cfixmat operator- (const CFix &s, const fixmat &m)
 CFix - fixmat.
cfixmat operator* (const fixmat &m, const CFix &s)
 fixmat * CFix
cfixmat operator* (const CFix &s, const fixmat &m)
 CFix * fixmat.
cfixmat operator/ (const fixmat &m, const CFix &s)
 fixmat / CFix using quantization mode TRN
cfixvec operator+ (const ivec &v, const CFix &s)
 ivec + CFix
cfixvec operator+ (const CFix &s, const ivec &v)
 CFix + ivec.
cfixvec operator- (const ivec &v, const CFix &s)
 ivec - CFix
cfixvec operator- (const CFix &s, const ivec &v)
 CFix - ivec.
cfixvec operator* (const ivec &v, const CFix &s)
 ivec * CFix
cfixvec operator* (const CFix &s, const ivec &v)
 CFix * ivec.
cfixvec operator/ (const ivec &v, const CFix &s)
 ivec / CFix using quantization mode TRN
cfixmat operator+ (const imat &m, const CFix &s)
 imat + CFix
cfixmat operator+ (const CFix &s, const imat &m)
 CFix + imat.
cfixmat operator- (const imat &m, const CFix &s)
 imat - CFix
cfixmat operator- (const CFix &s, const imat &m)
 CFix - imat.
cfixmat operator* (const imat &m, const CFix &s)
 imat * CFix
cfixmat operator* (const CFix &s, const imat &m)
 CFix * imat.
cfixmat operator/ (const imat &m, const CFix &s)
 imat / CFix using quantization mode TRN
cfixvec operator+ (const cfixvec &v, const Fix &s)
 cfixvec + Fix
cfixvec operator+ (const Fix &s, const cfixvec &v)
 Fix + cfixvec.
cfixvec operator- (const cfixvec &v, const Fix &s)
 cfixvec - Fix
cfixvec operator- (const Fix &s, const cfixvec &v)
 Fix - cfixvec.
cfixvec operator* (const cfixvec &v, const Fix &s)
 cfixvec * Fix
cfixvec operator* (const Fix &s, const cfixvec &v)
 Fix * cfixvec.
cfixvec operator/ (const cfixvec &v, const Fix &s)
 cfixvec / Fix using quantization mode TRN
cfixmat operator+ (const cfixmat &m, const Fix &s)
 cfixmat + Fix
cfixmat operator+ (const Fix &s, const cfixmat &m)
 Fix + cfixmat.
cfixmat operator- (const cfixmat &m, const Fix &s)
 cfixmat - Fix
cfixmat operator- (const Fix &s, const cfixmat &m)
 Fix - cfixmat.
cfixmat operator* (const cfixmat &m, const Fix &s)
 cfixmat * Fix
cfixmat operator* (const Fix &s, const cfixmat &m)
 Fix * cfixmat.
cfixmat operator/ (const cfixmat &m, const Fix &s)
 cfixmat / Fix using quantization mode TRN
cfixvec operator- (const cfixvec &a, const fixvec &b)
 cfixvec - fixvec
cfixmat operator- (const cfixmat &a, const fixmat &b)
 cfixmat - fixmat
vec fminunc (double(*function)(const vec &), vec(*gradient)(const vec &), const vec &x0)
 Unconstrained minimization.
const Sequence_Numbermin (const Sequence_Number &n1, const Sequence_Number &n2)
const Sequence_Numbermax (const Sequence_Number &n1, const Sequence_Number &n2)
vec fir1 (int N, double cutoff)
 Design a Nth order FIR filter with cut-off frequency cutoff using the window method.
void filter_design_autocorrelation (const int N, const vec &f, const vec &m, vec &R)
 Calculate autocorrelation from the specified frequency-response (suitable for filter design)
void modified_yule_walker (const int m, const int n, const int N, const vec &R, vec &a)
 Estimation of AR-part in an ARMA model given the autocorrelation.
void arma_estimator (const int m, const int n, const vec &R, vec &b, vec &a)
 Estimation of ARMA model given the autocorrelation.
void yulewalk (const int N, const vec &f, const vec &m, vec &b, vec &a)
 ARMA filter design using a least-squares fit to the specified frequency-response.
double cheb (int n, double x)
 Chebyshev polynomial of the first kindChebyshev polynomials of the first kind can be defined as follows:

\[ T(x) = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} \cos(n\arccos(x)),& |x| \leq 0 \\ \cosh(n\mathrm{arccosh}(x)),& x > 1 \\ (-1)^n \cosh(n\mathrm{arccosh}(-x)),& x < -1 \end{array} \right. \]


vec cheb (int n, const vec &x)
 Chebyshev polynomial of the first kindChebyshev polynomials of the first kind can be defined as follows:

\[ T(x) = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} \cos(n\arccos(x)),& |x| \leq 0 \\ \cosh(n\mathrm{arccosh}(x)),& x > 1 \\ (-1)^n \cosh(n\mathrm{arccosh}(-x)),& x < -1 \end{array} \right. \]


mat cheb (int n, const mat &x)
 Chebyshev polynomial of the first kindChebyshev polynomials of the first kind can be defined as follows:

\[ T(x) = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} \cos(n\arccos(x)),& |x| \leq 0 \\ \cosh(n\mathrm{arccosh}(x)),& x > 1 \\ (-1)^n \cosh(n\mathrm{arccosh}(-x)),& x < -1 \end{array} \right. \]


template ITPP_EXPORT vec repeat (const vec &v, int norepeats)
template ITPP_EXPORT cvec repeat (const cvec &v, int norepeats)
template ITPP_EXPORT svec repeat (const svec &v, int norepeats)
template ITPP_EXPORT ivec repeat (const ivec &v, int norepeats)
template ITPP_EXPORT bvec repeat (const bvec &v, int norepeats)
template ITPP_EXPORT mat repeat (const mat &m, int norepeats)
template ITPP_EXPORT cmat repeat (const cmat &m, int norepeats)
template ITPP_EXPORT smat repeat (const smat &m, int norepeats)
template ITPP_EXPORT imat repeat (const imat &m, int norepeats)
template ITPP_EXPORT bmat repeat (const bmat &m, int norepeats)
template ITPP_EXPORT vec upsample (const vec &v, int usf)
template ITPP_EXPORT cvec upsample (const cvec &v, int usf)
template ITPP_EXPORT svec upsample (const svec &v, int usf)
template ITPP_EXPORT ivec upsample (const ivec &v, int usf)
template ITPP_EXPORT bvec upsample (const bvec &v, int usf)
template ITPP_EXPORT mat upsample (const mat &v, int usf)
template ITPP_EXPORT cmat upsample (const cmat &v, int usf)
template ITPP_EXPORT smat upsample (const smat &v, int usf)
template ITPP_EXPORT imat upsample (const imat &v, int usf)
template ITPP_EXPORT bmat upsample (const bmat &v, int usf)
template ITPP_EXPORT void upsample (const vec &v, int usf, vec &u)
template ITPP_EXPORT void upsample (const cvec &v, int usf, cvec &u)
template ITPP_EXPORT void upsample (const svec &v, int usf, svec &u)
template ITPP_EXPORT void upsample (const ivec &v, int usf, ivec &u)
template ITPP_EXPORT void upsample (const bvec &v, int usf, bvec &u)
template ITPP_EXPORT void upsample (const mat &v, int usf, mat &u)
template ITPP_EXPORT void upsample (const cmat &v, int usf, cmat &u)
template ITPP_EXPORT void upsample (const smat &v, int usf, smat &u)
template ITPP_EXPORT void upsample (const imat &v, int usf, imat &u)
template ITPP_EXPORT void upsample (const bmat &v, int usf, bmat &u)
template ITPP_EXPORT vec lininterp (const vec &v, int usf)
template ITPP_EXPORT cvec lininterp (const cvec &v, int usf)
template ITPP_EXPORT mat lininterp (const mat &v, int usf)
template ITPP_EXPORT cmat lininterp (const cmat &v, int usf)
template ITPP_EXPORT void lininterp (const vec &v, int usf, vec &u)
template ITPP_EXPORT void lininterp (const cvec &v, int usf, cvec &u)
template ITPP_EXPORT void lininterp (const mat &v, int usf, mat &u)
template ITPP_EXPORT void lininterp (const cmat &v, int usf, cmat &u)
template ITPP_EXPORT mat lininterp (const mat &m, double f_base, double f_ups, int nrof_samples, double t_start)
template ITPP_EXPORT cmat lininterp (const cmat &m, double f_base, double f_ups, int nrof_samples, double t_start)
template ITPP_EXPORT vec lininterp (const vec &v, double f_base, double f_ups, int nrof_samples, double t_start)
template ITPP_EXPORT cvec lininterp (const cvec &v, double f_base, double f_ups, int nrof_samples, double t_start)
template<class T >
Vec< T > repeat (const Vec< T > &v, int norepeats)
 Repeat each element in the vector norepeats times in sequence.
template<class T >
Mat< T > repeat (const Mat< T > &m, int norepeats)
 Repeats each column norepeats times in sequence.
template<class T >
void upsample (const Vec< T > &v, int usf, Vec< T > &u)
 Upsample a vector by inserting (usf-1) zeros after each sample.
template<class T >
Vec< T > upsample (const Vec< T > &v, int usf)
 Upsample a vector by inserting (usf-1) zeros after each sample.
template<class T >
void upsample (const Mat< T > &v, int usf, Mat< T > &u)
 Upsample each column by inserting (usf-1) zeros after each column.
template<class T >
Mat< T > upsample (const Mat< T > &v, int usf)
 Upsample each column by inserting (usf-1) zeros after each column.
template<class T >
void lininterp (const Mat< T > &m, int usf, Mat< T > &u)
 Upsample each column by a factor of (usf-1) by linear interpolation.
template<class T >
Mat< T > lininterp (const Mat< T > &m, double f_base, double f_ups, int nrof_samples, double t_start=0)
 Upsample each column of matrix m to achieve f_ups frequency using linear interpolation.
template<class T >
Mat< T > lininterp (const Mat< T > &m, int usf)
 Upsample each column by a factor of (usf-1) by linear interpolation.
template<class T >
void lininterp (const Vec< T > &v, int usf, Vec< T > &u)
 Upsample by a factor of (usf-1) by linear interpolation.
template<class T >
Vec< T > lininterp (const Vec< T > &v, int usf)
 Upsample by a factor of (usf-1) by linear interpolation.
template<class T >
Vec< T > lininterp (const Vec< T > &v, double f_base, double f_ups, int nrof_samples, double t_start=0)
 Upsample vector v to achieve f_ups frequency using linear interpolation.
cvec xcorr (const cvec &x, const int max_lag=-1, const std::string scaleopt="none")
 Cross Correlation.
cvec xcorr (const cvec &x, const cvec &y, const int max_lag=-1, const std::string scaleopt="none")
 Cross Correlation.
void xcorr (const cvec &x, const cvec &y, cvec &out, const int max_lag=-1, const std::string scaleopt="none", bool autoflag=true)
 Cross Correlation.
mat cov (const mat &X, bool is_zero_mean=false)
 Covariance matrix calculation.
vec spectrum (const vec &v, int nfft=256, int noverlap=0)
 Power spectrum calculation.
vec spectrum (const vec &v, const vec &w, int noverlap=0)
 Power spectrum calculation.
vec filter_spectrum (const vec &a, int nfft=256)
 Power spectrum calculation of a filter.
vec filter_spectrum (const vec &a, const vec &b, int nfft=256)
 Power spectrum calculation of a filter.
ITPP_EXPORT bool have_fourier_transforms ()
 Run-time test if library is built with Fast Fourier Transforms enabled.
ITPP_EXPORT void fft (const cvec &in, cvec &out)
 Fast Fourier Transform.
ITPP_EXPORT cvec fft (const cvec &in)
 Fast Fourier Transform.
ITPP_EXPORT cvec fft (const cvec &in, const int N)
 Fast Fourier Transform with zero-padding up to size N.
ITPP_EXPORT void ifft (const cvec &in, cvec &out)
 Inverse Fast Fourier Transform.
ITPP_EXPORT cvec ifft (const cvec &in)
 Inverse Fast Fourier Transform.
ITPP_EXPORT cvec ifft (const cvec &in, const int N)
 Inverse Fast Fourier Transform with zero-padding up to size N.
ITPP_EXPORT void fft_real (const vec &in, cvec &out)
 Real Fast Fourier Transform.
ITPP_EXPORT cvec fft_real (const vec &in)
 Real Fast Fourier Transform.
ITPP_EXPORT cvec fft_real (const vec &in, const int N)
 Real Fast Fourier Transform with zero-padding up to size N.
ITPP_EXPORT void ifft_real (const cvec &in, vec &out)
 Inverse Real Fast Fourier Transform.
ITPP_EXPORT vec ifft_real (const cvec &in)
 Inverse Real Fast Fourier Transform.
ITPP_EXPORT vec ifft_real (const cvec &in, const int N)
 Inverse Real Fast Fourier Transformon with zero-padding up to size N.
ITPP_EXPORT bool have_cosine_transforms ()
 Run-time test if library is built with cosine transforms enabled.
ITPP_EXPORT void dct (const vec &in, vec &out)
 Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT)
ITPP_EXPORT vec dct (const vec &in)
 Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT)
ITPP_EXPORT vec dct (const vec &in, const int N)
 Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) with zero-padding up to size N.
ITPP_EXPORT void idct (const vec &in, vec &out)
 Inverse Discrete Cosine Transform (IDCT)
ITPP_EXPORT vec idct (const vec &in)
 Inverse Discrete Cosine Transform (IDCT)
ITPP_EXPORT vec idct (const vec &in, const int N)
 Inverse Discrete Cosine Transform (IDCT) with zero-padding up to size N.
template<class T >
Vec< T > dht (const Vec< T > &v)
 Fast Hadamard Transform.
template<class T >
void dht (const Vec< T > &vin, Vec< T > &vout)
 Fast Hadamard Transform.
template<class T >
void self_dht (Vec< T > &v)
 Fast Hadamard Transform - memory efficient. Stores the result in v.
template<class T >
Vec< T > dwht (const Vec< T > &v)
 Fast Walsh Hadamard Transform.
template<class T >
void dwht (const Vec< T > &vin, Vec< T > &vout)
 Fast Walsh Hadamard Transform.
template<class T >
void self_dwht (Vec< T > &v)
 Fast Walsh Hadamard Transform - memory efficient (result in v)
template<class T >
Mat< T > dht2 (const Mat< T > &m)
 Fast 2D Hadamard Transform.
template<class T >
Mat< T > dwht2 (const Mat< T > &m)
 Fast 2D Walsh Hadamard Transform.
template<class T >
void bitrv (Vec< T > &out)
 Bit reverse.
vec hamming (int size)
 Hamming window.
vec hanning (int n)
 Hanning window.
vec hann (int n)
 Hanning window compatible with matlab.
vec blackman (int n)
 Blackman window.
vec triang (int n)
 Triangular window.
vec sqrt_win (int n)
 Square root window.
vec chebwin (int n, double at)
 Dolph-Chebyshev window.
bool is_valid (const Audio_Stream_Description &d)
 validity check for stream description d
vec snd_read_channel (const char *fname, int ch=0)
 Read audio channel.
vec snd_read_channel (const char *fname, int ch, int len, std::streamoff beg=0)
 Read len audio channel samples starting at position beg.
mat snd_read (const char *fname)
 Read audio data.
mat snd_read (const char *fname, int len, std::streamoff beg=0)
 Read len audio samples starting at position beg.
bool snd_write_channel (const char *fname, const Audio_Stream_Description &descr, const vec &s, int ch=0)
 Write audio channel from vector s using stream description descr.
bool snd_write (const char *fname, const Audio_Stream_Description &descr, const mat &s)
 Write audio data.
template<typename T , T max_abs>
limit_audio_sample (double s)
 Helper function for scaling and limiting of audio samples.
template<typename T , T down_scaling>
double audio_sample_to_double (T s)
 Helper function for scaling and limiting of audio samples.
template<typename Binary_Out_Stream >
Binary_Out_Stream & operator<< (Binary_Out_Stream &s, Sample_24 v)
 insertion operator for 24-bit PCM sample
template<typename Binary_In_Stream >
Binary_In_Stream & operator>> (Binary_In_Stream &s, Sample_24 &v)
 extraction operator for 24-bit PCM sample
std::size_t encoded_sample_size (Audio_Encoding e)
 Size of encoded sample based on the encoding type e.
std::pair< int16_t, int16_t > ulaw_range ()
 G.711 u-Law compressor input range. Returns (min,max) input values in std::pair.
uint8_t ulaw_compress (int16_t s)
 G.711 u-Law compression function. Returns encoded value for sample s.
int16_t ulaw_expand (uint8_t s)
 G.711 u-Law expansion function. Returns decoded value for previously compressed sample s.Expansion is performed by the table look up.
std::pair< int16_t, int16_t > alaw_range ()
 G.711 a-Law compressor input range. Returns (min,max) input values in std::pair.
uint8_t alaw_compress (int16_t s)
 G.711 a-Law compression function. Returns encoded value for sample s.
int16_t alaw_expand (uint8_t s)
 G.711 u-Law expansion function. Returns decoded value for previously compressed sample s.Expansion is performed by the table look up.
ITPP_EXPORT GMM gmmtrain (Array< vec > &TrainingData, int M, int NOITER=30, bool VERBOSE=true)
ITPP_EXPORT vec chirp (const vec &a, double factor)
 Returns a chirped version of the input vector.
ITPP_EXPORT double sd (const vec &In1, const vec &In2)
 Spectral distortion between two vectors, in dB.
ITPP_EXPORT double sd (const vec &In1, const vec &In2, double highestfreq)
 Spectral distortion between two vectors, in dB, up to highest frequency highestfreq.
ITPP_EXPORT vec lerouxguegenrc (const vec &R, int order)
 Computes reflection coefficients from autocorrelation, using the Le-Roux-Guegen algorithm.
ITPP_EXPORT vec levinson (const vec &R2, int order)
 Levinson - Levinson-Durbin recursion.
ITPP_EXPORT vec autocorr (const vec &x, int order)
 Computes the autocorrelation function.
ITPP_EXPORT vec lpc (const vec &x, int order)
 lpc - Linear Predictive Coefficients using autocorrelation method.
ITPP_EXPORT vec schurrc (const vec &R, int order)
 schurrc - Schur algorithm.
ITPP_EXPORT vec ac2rc (const vec &ac)
 ac2rc - Autocorrelation sequence to reflection coefficients conversion.
ITPP_EXPORT vec ac2poly (const vec &ac)
 ac2poly - Autocorrelation sequence to prediction polynomial conversion.
ITPP_EXPORT vec is2rc (const vec &is)
 is2rc - Inverse sine parameters to reflection coefficients conversion.
ITPP_EXPORT vec lar2rc (const vec &lar)
 lar2rc - Log area ratios to reflection coefficients conversion.
ITPP_EXPORT vec lsf2poly (const vec &lsf)
 lsf2poly - Line spectral frequencies to prediction polynomial conversion.
ITPP_EXPORT vec poly2ac (const vec &poly)
 poly2ac - Prediction polynomial to autocorrelation sequence conversion.
ITPP_EXPORT vec poly2lsf (const vec &poly)
 poly2lsf - Prediction polynomial to line spectral frequencies conversion.
ITPP_EXPORT vec poly2rc (const vec &poly)
 poly2rc - Prediction polynomial to reflection coefficients conversion.
ITPP_EXPORT vec poly2cepstrum (const vec &a)
 poly2cepstrum - Prediction polynomial to cepstrum conversion.
ITPP_EXPORT vec poly2cepstrum (const vec &a, int num)
 poly2cepstrum - Prediction polynomial to cepstrum conversion, to the specified order.
ITPP_EXPORT vec cepstrum2poly (const vec &c)
 cepstrum2poly - Cepstrum to prediction polynomial conversion.
ITPP_EXPORT vec rc2ac (const vec &rc)
 rc2ac - Reflection coefficients to autocorrelation sequence conversion.
ITPP_EXPORT vec rc2is (const vec &rc)
 rc2is - Reflection coefficients to inverse sine parameters conversion.
ITPP_EXPORT vec rc2lar (const vec &rc)
 rc2lar - Reflection coefficients to log area ratios conversion.
ITPP_EXPORT vec rc2poly (const vec &rc)
 rc2poly - Reflection coefficients to prediction polynomial conversion.
ITPP_EXPORT char pnm_type (const std::string &filename)
 Determines the type of a PNM file, based on magic numbers. The returned value is a character between '1' and '6'. If an error occured, the returned value is the character '0'.
ITPP_EXPORT bool pnm_info (const std::string &filename, char &pnm_type, int &width, int &height, int &max_val, std::string &comments)
 Retrieve some information about an pnm file.
ITPP_EXPORT bool pgm_read (const std::string &filename, imat &m, std::string &comments)
 Read the entire graymap into the matrix m or return false if the function failed.
ITPP_EXPORT bool pgm_read (const std::string &filename, imat &m, int r1, int r2, int c1, int c2)
 Read a part of the graymap into the matrix m.
ITPP_EXPORT imat pgm_read (const std::string &filename)
 Read a pgm file of name filename and return the corresponding matrix of integers. Return a void matrix if an error ocurred.
ITPP_EXPORT bool pgm_write (const std::string &filename, const imat &m, const std::string &comments="Generated by IT++ (")
 Create an image file from the matrix of integer.
ITPP_EXPORT bool ppm_read (const std::string &filename, imat &r, imat &g, imat &b, std::string &comments)
 Read the color image file in the format ppm. The image is retrieved as a set of three matrices, each of whom is a plan of RGB component.
ITPP_EXPORT bool ppm_read (const std::string &filename, imat &r, imat &g, imat &b)
 Read the color image file in the PPM format.
ITPP_EXPORT bool ppm_read (const std::string &filename, imat &r, imat &g, imat &b, int r1, int r2, int c1, int c2)
 Read a part of the pixmap into the matrix m. The parameters r1, r2, c1 and c2 are the rows and columns (inclusive) of the subimage.
ITPP_EXPORT bool ppm_write (const std::string &filename, const imat &r, const imat &g, const imat &b, const std::string &comments="Generated by IT++ (", int max_val=255)
 Write the matrix m as a pixmap.
ITPP_EXPORT imat img_double2int (const mat &m, int max_val=255, double double_min=0, double double_max=1)
 Prepare a matrix of double to be writted as an image.
ITPP_EXPORT mat img_int2double (const imat &m, int max_val=255, double double_min=0, double double_max=1)
 Return a matrix of double which is a scaled version of the input matrix m of integers.
ITPP_EXPORT int scalar_encode (double x, vec &Levels)
ITPP_EXPORT ivec scalar_encode (vec &x, vec &Levels)
double scalar_quantize (double x, vec &Levels)
vec scalar_quantize (vec &x, vec &Levels)
ITPP_EXPORT double kmeansiter (Array< vec > &DB, mat &codebook)
ITPP_EXPORT mat kmeans (Array< vec > &DB, int SIZE, int NOITER=9999, bool VERBOSE=true)
ITPP_EXPORT mat lbg (Array< vec > &DB, int SIZE, int NOITER=9999, bool VERBOSE=true)
ITPP_EXPORT mat vqtrain (Array< vec > &DB, int SIZE, int NOITER, double STARTSTEP=0.2, bool VERBOSE=true)
 Function for vector quantization training.
ITPP_EXPORT vec sqtrain (const vec &inDB, int SIZE)
ITPP_EXPORT ivec bitalloc (const vec &variances, int nobits)
double mean (const vec &v)
 The mean value.
std::complex< double > mean (const cvec &v)
 The mean value.
double mean (const svec &v)
 The mean value.
double mean (const ivec &v)
 The mean value.
double mean (const mat &m)
 The mean value.
std::complex< double > mean (const cmat &m)
 The mean value.
double mean (const smat &m)
 The mean value.
double mean (const imat &m)
 The mean value.
double norm (const cvec &v)
 Calculate the 2-norm: norm(v)=sqrt(sum(abs(v).^2))
double norm (const cvec &v, int p)
 Calculate the p-norm: norm(v,p)=sum(abs(v).^2)^(1/p)
double norm (const cvec &v, const std::string &s)
 Calculate the Frobenius norm for s = "fro" (equal to 2-norm)
double norm (const mat &m, int p)
double norm (const cmat &m, int p)
double norm (const mat &m, const std::string &s)
 Calculate the Frobenius norm of a matrix for s = "fro".
double norm (const cmat &m, const std::string &s)
 Calculate the Frobenius norm of a matrix for s = "fro".
double variance (const cvec &v)
 The variance of the elements in the vector. Normalized with N-1 to be unbiased.
double moment (const vec &x, const int r)
 Calculate the central moment of vector x.
double skewness (const vec &x)
 Calculate the skewness excess of the input vector x.
double kurtosisexcess (const vec &x)
 Calculate the kurtosis excess of the input vector x.
template<class T >
double geometric_mean (const Vec< T > &v)
 The geometric mean of a vector.
template<class T >
double geometric_mean (const Mat< T > &m)
 The geometric mean of a matrix.
template<class T >
double median (const Vec< T > &v)
 The median.
template<class T >
double norm (const Vec< T > &v)
 Calculate the 2-norm: norm(v)=sqrt(sum(abs(v).^2))
template<class T >
double norm (const Vec< T > &v, int p)
 Calculate the p-norm: norm(v,p)=sum(abs(v).^2)^(1/p)
template<class T >
double norm (const Vec< T > &v, const std::string &s)
 Calculate the Frobenius norm for s = "fro" (equal to 2-norm)
template<class T >
double variance (const Vec< T > &v)
 The variance of the elements in the vector. Normalized with N-1 to be unbiased.
template<class T >
double energy (const Vec< T > &v)
 Calculate the energy: squared 2-norm. energy(v)=sum(abs(v).^2)
bool within_tolerance (double x, double xref, double tol=1e-14)
 Return true if the input value x is within the tolerance tol of the reference value xref.
bool within_tolerance (std::complex< double > x, std::complex< double > xref, double tol=1e-14)
 Return true if the input value x is within the tolerance tol of the reference value xref.
bool within_tolerance (const vec &x, const vec &xref, double tol=1e-14)
 Return true if the input vector x is elementwise within the tolerance tol of the reference vector xref.
bool within_tolerance (const cvec &x, const cvec &xref, double tol=1e-14)
 Return true if the input vector x is elementwise within the tolerance tol of the reference vector xref.
bool within_tolerance (const mat &X, const mat &Xref, double tol=1e-14)
 Return true if the input matrix X is elementwise within the tolerance tol of the reference matrix Xref.
bool within_tolerance (const cmat &X, const cmat &Xref, double tol=1e-14)
 Return true if the input matrix X is elementwise within the tolerance tol of the reference matrix Xref.
double kurtosis (const vec &x)
 Calculate the kurtosis of the input vector x.
void MOG_diag_ML (MOG_diag &model_in, Array< vec > &X_in, int max_iter_in, double var_floor_in, double weight_floor_in, bool verbose_in)
void MOG_diag_MAP (MOG_diag &, MOG_diag &, Array< vec > &, int, double, double, double, bool)
void MOG_diag_kmeans (MOG_diag &model_in, Array< vec > &X_in, int max_iter_in, double trust_in, bool normalise_in, bool verbose_in)
vec filter (const vec &b, const vec &a, const vec &input)
 ARMA filter functionThese functions implements a autoregressive moving average (ARMA) filter according to

\[ a(0)*y(n) = b(0)*x(n) + b(1)*x(n-1) + \ldots + b(N_b)*x(n-N_b) - a(1)*y(n-1) - \ldots - a(N_a)*y(n-N_a) \]


cvec filter (const vec &b, const vec &a, const cvec &input)
 ARMA filter functionThese functions implements a autoregressive moving average (ARMA) filter according to

\[ a(0)*y(n) = b(0)*x(n) + b(1)*x(n-1) + \ldots + b(N_b)*x(n-N_b) - a(1)*y(n-1) - \ldots - a(N_a)*y(n-N_a) \]


cvec filter (const cvec &b, const cvec &a, const cvec &input)
 ARMA filter functionThese functions implements a autoregressive moving average (ARMA) filter according to

\[ a(0)*y(n) = b(0)*x(n) + b(1)*x(n-1) + \ldots + b(N_b)*x(n-N_b) - a(1)*y(n-1) - \ldots - a(N_a)*y(n-N_a) \]


cvec filter (const cvec &b, const cvec &a, const vec &input)
 ARMA filter functionThese functions implements a autoregressive moving average (ARMA) filter according to

\[ a(0)*y(n) = b(0)*x(n) + b(1)*x(n-1) + \ldots + b(N_b)*x(n-N_b) - a(1)*y(n-1) - \ldots - a(N_a)*y(n-N_a) \]


vec filter (const vec &b, const int one, const vec &input)
 ARMA filter functionThese functions implements a autoregressive moving average (ARMA) filter according to

\[ a(0)*y(n) = b(0)*x(n) + b(1)*x(n-1) + \ldots + b(N_b)*x(n-N_b) - a(1)*y(n-1) - \ldots - a(N_a)*y(n-N_a) \]


cvec filter (const vec &b, const int one, const cvec &input)
 ARMA filter functionThese functions implements a autoregressive moving average (ARMA) filter according to

\[ a(0)*y(n) = b(0)*x(n) + b(1)*x(n-1) + \ldots + b(N_b)*x(n-N_b) - a(1)*y(n-1) - \ldots - a(N_a)*y(n-N_a) \]


cvec filter (const cvec &b, const int one, const cvec &input)
 ARMA filter functionThese functions implements a autoregressive moving average (ARMA) filter according to

\[ a(0)*y(n) = b(0)*x(n) + b(1)*x(n-1) + \ldots + b(N_b)*x(n-N_b) - a(1)*y(n-1) - \ldots - a(N_a)*y(n-N_a) \]


cvec filter (const cvec &b, const int one, const vec &input)
 ARMA filter functionThese functions implements a autoregressive moving average (ARMA) filter according to

\[ a(0)*y(n) = b(0)*x(n) + b(1)*x(n-1) + \ldots + b(N_b)*x(n-N_b) - a(1)*y(n-1) - \ldots - a(N_a)*y(n-N_a) \]


vec filter (const int one, const vec &a, const vec &input)
 ARMA filter functionThese functions implements a autoregressive moving average (ARMA) filter according to

\[ a(0)*y(n) = b(0)*x(n) + b(1)*x(n-1) + \ldots + b(N_b)*x(n-N_b) - a(1)*y(n-1) - \ldots - a(N_a)*y(n-N_a) \]


cvec filter (const int one, const vec &a, const cvec &input)
 ARMA filter functionThese functions implements a autoregressive moving average (ARMA) filter according to

\[ a(0)*y(n) = b(0)*x(n) + b(1)*x(n-1) + \ldots + b(N_b)*x(n-N_b) - a(1)*y(n-1) - \ldots - a(N_a)*y(n-N_a) \]


cvec filter (const int one, const cvec &a, const cvec &input)
 ARMA filter functionThese functions implements a autoregressive moving average (ARMA) filter according to

\[ a(0)*y(n) = b(0)*x(n) + b(1)*x(n-1) + \ldots + b(N_b)*x(n-N_b) - a(1)*y(n-1) - \ldots - a(N_a)*y(n-N_a) \]


cvec filter (const int one, const cvec &a, const vec &input)
 ARMA filter functionThese functions implements a autoregressive moving average (ARMA) filter according to

\[ a(0)*y(n) = b(0)*x(n) + b(1)*x(n-1) + \ldots + b(N_b)*x(n-N_b) - a(1)*y(n-1) - \ldots - a(N_a)*y(n-N_a) \]


vec filter (const vec &b, const vec &a, const vec &input, const vec &state_in, vec &state_out)
 ARMA filter functionThese functions implements a autoregressive moving average (ARMA) filter according to

\[ a(0)*y(n) = b(0)*x(n) + b(1)*x(n-1) + \ldots + b(N_b)*x(n-N_b) - a(1)*y(n-1) - \ldots - a(N_a)*y(n-N_a) \]


cvec filter (const vec &b, const vec &a, const cvec &input, const cvec &state_in, cvec &state_out)
 ARMA filter functionThese functions implements a autoregressive moving average (ARMA) filter according to

\[ a(0)*y(n) = b(0)*x(n) + b(1)*x(n-1) + \ldots + b(N_b)*x(n-N_b) - a(1)*y(n-1) - \ldots - a(N_a)*y(n-N_a) \]


cvec filter (const cvec &b, const cvec &a, const cvec &input, const cvec &state_in, cvec &state_out)
 ARMA filter functionThese functions implements a autoregressive moving average (ARMA) filter according to

\[ a(0)*y(n) = b(0)*x(n) + b(1)*x(n-1) + \ldots + b(N_b)*x(n-N_b) - a(1)*y(n-1) - \ldots - a(N_a)*y(n-N_a) \]


cvec filter (const cvec &b, const cvec &a, const vec &input, const cvec &state_in, cvec &state_out)
 ARMA filter functionThese functions implements a autoregressive moving average (ARMA) filter according to

\[ a(0)*y(n) = b(0)*x(n) + b(1)*x(n-1) + \ldots + b(N_b)*x(n-N_b) - a(1)*y(n-1) - \ldots - a(N_a)*y(n-N_a) \]


vec filter (const vec &b, const int one, const vec &input, const vec &state_in, vec &state_out)
 ARMA filter functionThese functions implements a autoregressive moving average (ARMA) filter according to

\[ a(0)*y(n) = b(0)*x(n) + b(1)*x(n-1) + \ldots + b(N_b)*x(n-N_b) - a(1)*y(n-1) - \ldots - a(N_a)*y(n-N_a) \]


cvec filter (const vec &b, const int one, const cvec &input, const cvec &state_in, cvec &state_out)
 ARMA filter functionThese functions implements a autoregressive moving average (ARMA) filter according to

\[ a(0)*y(n) = b(0)*x(n) + b(1)*x(n-1) + \ldots + b(N_b)*x(n-N_b) - a(1)*y(n-1) - \ldots - a(N_a)*y(n-N_a) \]


cvec filter (const cvec &b, const int one, const cvec &input, const cvec &state_in, cvec &state_out)
 ARMA filter functionThese functions implements a autoregressive moving average (ARMA) filter according to

\[ a(0)*y(n) = b(0)*x(n) + b(1)*x(n-1) + \ldots + b(N_b)*x(n-N_b) - a(1)*y(n-1) - \ldots - a(N_a)*y(n-N_a) \]


cvec filter (const cvec &b, const int one, const vec &input, const cvec &state_in, cvec &state_out)
 ARMA filter functionThese functions implements a autoregressive moving average (ARMA) filter according to

\[ a(0)*y(n) = b(0)*x(n) + b(1)*x(n-1) + \ldots + b(N_b)*x(n-N_b) - a(1)*y(n-1) - \ldots - a(N_a)*y(n-N_a) \]


vec filter (const int one, const vec &a, const vec &input, const vec &state_in, vec &state_out)
 ARMA filter functionThese functions implements a autoregressive moving average (ARMA) filter according to

\[ a(0)*y(n) = b(0)*x(n) + b(1)*x(n-1) + \ldots + b(N_b)*x(n-N_b) - a(1)*y(n-1) - \ldots - a(N_a)*y(n-N_a) \]


cvec filter (const int one, const vec &a, const cvec &input, const cvec &state_in, cvec &state_out)
 ARMA filter functionThese functions implements a autoregressive moving average (ARMA) filter according to

\[ a(0)*y(n) = b(0)*x(n) + b(1)*x(n-1) + \ldots + b(N_b)*x(n-N_b) - a(1)*y(n-1) - \ldots - a(N_a)*y(n-N_a) \]


cvec filter (const int one, const cvec &a, const cvec &input, const cvec &state_in, cvec &state_out)
 ARMA filter functionThese functions implements a autoregressive moving average (ARMA) filter according to

\[ a(0)*y(n) = b(0)*x(n) + b(1)*x(n-1) + \ldots + b(N_b)*x(n-N_b) - a(1)*y(n-1) - \ldots - a(N_a)*y(n-N_a) \]


cvec filter (const int one, const cvec &a, const vec &input, const cvec &state_in, cvec &state_out)
 ARMA filter functionThese functions implements a autoregressive moving average (ARMA) filter according to

\[ a(0)*y(n) = b(0)*x(n) + b(1)*x(n-1) + \ldots + b(N_b)*x(n-N_b) - a(1)*y(n-1) - \ldots - a(N_a)*y(n-N_a) \]


void polystab (const vec &a, vec &out)
 Polynomial Stabilization.
void polystab (const cvec &a, cvec &out)
 Polynomial Stabilization.
vec polystab (const vec &a)
 Polynomial Stabilization.
cvec polystab (const cvec &a)
 Polynomial Stabilization.
void freqz (const cvec &b, const cvec &a, const int N, cvec &h, vec &w)
 Frequency response of filter.
cvec freqz (const cvec &b, const cvec &a, const int N)
 Frequency response of filter.
cvec freqz (const cvec &b, const cvec &a, const vec &w)
 Frequency response of filter.
void freqz (const vec &b, const vec &a, const int N, cvec &h, vec &w)
 Frequency response of filter.
cvec freqz (const vec &b, const vec &a, const int N)
 Frequency response of filter.
cvec freqz (const vec &b, const vec &a, const vec &w)
 Frequency response of filter.
void poly (const vec &r, vec &p)
 Create a polynomial of the given rootsCreate a polynomial p with roots r.
void poly (const cvec &r, cvec &p)
 Create a polynomial of the given rootsCreate a polynomial p with roots r.
vec poly (const vec &r)
 Create a polynomial of the given rootsCreate a polynomial p with roots r.
cvec poly (const cvec &r)
 Create a polynomial of the given rootsCreate a polynomial p with roots r.
void roots (const vec &p, cvec &r)
 Calculate the roots of the polynomialCalculate the roots r of the polynomial p.
void roots (const cvec &p, cvec &r)
 Calculate the roots of the polynomialCalculate the roots r of the polynomial p.
cvec roots (const vec &p)
 Calculate the roots of the polynomialCalculate the roots r of the polynomial p.
cvec roots (const cvec &p)
 Calculate the roots of the polynomialCalculate the roots r of the polynomial p.
vec polyval (const vec &p, const vec &x)
 Evaluate polynomialEvaluate the polynomial p (of length $N+1$ at the points x The output is given by

\[ p_0 x^N + p_1 x^{N-1} + \ldots + p_{N-1} x + p_N \]


cvec polyval (const vec &p, const cvec &x)
 Evaluate polynomialEvaluate the polynomial p (of length $N+1$ at the points x The output is given by

\[ p_0 x^N + p_1 x^{N-1} + \ldots + p_{N-1} x + p_N \]


cvec polyval (const cvec &p, const vec &x)
 Evaluate polynomialEvaluate the polynomial p (of length $N+1$ at the points x The output is given by

\[ p_0 x^N + p_1 x^{N-1} + \ldots + p_{N-1} x + p_N \]


cvec polyval (const cvec &p, const cvec &x)
 Evaluate polynomialEvaluate the polynomial p (of length $N+1$ at the points x The output is given by

\[ p_0 x^N + p_1 x^{N-1} + \ldots + p_{N-1} x + p_N \]


vec xcorr_old (const vec &x, const int max_lag=-1, const std::string scaleopt="none")
 Auto-correlation calculation.
vec xcorr (const vec &x, const int max_lag, const std::string scaleopt)
 Auto-correlation calculation.
vec xcorr (const vec &x, const vec &y, const int max_lag, const std::string scaleopt)
 Cross-correlation calculation.
vec xcorr_old (const vec &x, const vec &y, const int max_lag=-1, const std::string scaleopt="none")
 Cross-correlation calculation.
void xcorr (const vec &x, const vec &y, vec &out, const int max_lag, const std::string scaleopt)
 Cross-correlation calculation.
void xcorr_old (const vec &x, const vec &y, vec &out, const int max_lag=-1, const std::string scaleopt="none")
 Cross-correlation calculation.


 Default (dummy) factory.
Real_Timer __tic_toc_timer
 Global object for tic and toc functions.
const double log_double_max = std::log(std::numeric_limits<double>::max())
 Constant definition to speed up trunc_log() and trunc_exp()
const double log_double_min = std::log(std::numeric_limits<double>::min())
 Constant definition to speed up trunc_log(), trunc_exp() and log_add()
const double pi = 3.14159265358979323846
 Constant Pi.
const double m_2pi = 2 * pi
 Constant 2*Pi.
const double eps = std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()
 Constant eps.
template class ITPP_EXPORT Block_Interleaver< double >
template class ITPP_EXPORT Block_Interleaver< short >
template class ITPP_EXPORT Block_Interleaver< int >
template class ITPP_EXPORT Block_Interleaver< bin >
template class ITPP_EXPORT Cross_Interleaver< double >
template class ITPP_EXPORT Cross_Interleaver< short >
template class ITPP_EXPORT Cross_Interleaver< int >
template class ITPP_EXPORT Cross_Interleaver< bin >
template class ITPP_EXPORT Sequence_Interleaver< double >
template class ITPP_EXPORT Sequence_Interleaver< short >
template class ITPP_EXPORT Sequence_Interleaver< int >
template class ITPP_EXPORT Sequence_Interleaver< bin >
static const int LDPC_binary_file_version = 2
 Version of the binary file with generator and decoder data.
template class ITPP_EXPORT Pulse_Shape< double, double, double >
template class ITPP_EXPORT Root_Raised_Cosine< double >
template class ITPP_EXPORT Raised_Cosine< double >
double(* com_log )(double, double) = NULL
 Pointer to logarithmic branch metric function.
template class ITPP_EXPORT CFixed< 64, TC, WRAP >
const int MAX_WORDLEN = 64
 Max word length.
const uint64_t UINT64_POW2 [64]
 Table for fast multiplication or division by 2^n.
const double DOUBLE_POW2 [128]
 Table for fast multiplication by 2^(n-64)
template class ITPP_EXPORT Fixed< 64, TC, WRAP >
template class ITPP_EXPORT MA_Filter< double, double, double >
template class ITPP_EXPORT AR_Filter< double, double, double >
template class ITPP_EXPORT ARMA_Filter< double, double, double >

Detailed Description

itpp namespace

Typedef Documentation

typedef CFixed< 1, TC, WRAP > itpp::cfixed1

Typedefs for CFixed (cfixed1, cfixed2, ..., cfixed64)

Typedefs for saturated CFixed (scfixed1, scfixed2, ..., scfixed64)

Definition at line 105 of file cfixed.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

Sorting algorithms that can be used in a Sort class.

  • Introsort (the default and the fastest method in most cases)
  • Quicksort
  • Heapsort
  • Insertion Sort (suitable for very short vectors)

Definition at line 48 of file sort.h.

Function Documentation

template<class T >
const Array< T > itpp::concat ( const T &  e,
const Array< T > &  a 

Append element e to the beginning of the Array a.

Concat element e to the beginning of the Array a.

Definition at line 498 of file array.h.

References itpp::Array< T >::size().

ITPP_EXPORT GF2mat operator* ( const GF2mat &  X,
const GF2mat &  Y 

GF(2) matrix multiplication.

Multiplication operator.

Definition at line 847 of file gf2mat.cpp.

References it_assert, mult_trans(), and itpp::GF2mat::transpose().

Referenced by operator*().

ITPP_EXPORT bvec operator* ( const GF2mat &  X,
const bvec &  y 

GF(2) matrix multiplication with "regular" binary vector.

Multiplication operator with binary vector.

Definition at line 873 of file gf2mat.cpp.

References it_assert, length(), and mult_trans().

ITPP_EXPORT GF2mat operator+ ( const GF2mat &  X,
const GF2mat &  Y 

GF(2) matrix addition.

Addition operator.

Subtraction is not implemented because it is equivalent to addition.

Definition at line 948 of file gf2mat.cpp.

References it_assert.

ITPP_EXPORT std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const GF2mat &  X 

Output stream (plain text) operator for dense GF(2) matrices.

Output stream operator (plain text)

Definition at line 1001 of file gf2mat.cpp.

References itpp::GF2mat::density(), and itpp::GF2mat::get().

ITPP_EXPORT it_file & itpp::operator<< ( it_file &  f,
const GF2mat &  X 

/relatesalso GF2mat /brief Write GF(2) matrix to file.

Definition at line 1032 of file gf2mat.cpp.

References itpp::it_file::low_level_write(), and itpp::it_file::write_data_header().

ITPP_EXPORT it_ifile & itpp::operator>> ( it_ifile &  f,
GF2mat &  X 
template<class Num_T >
Mat< Num_T > itpp::concat_horizontal ( const Mat< Num_T > &  m1,
const Mat< Num_T > &  m2 

Horizontal concatenation of two matrices.

Concatenate the matrices m1 and m2 horizontally.

Definition at line 1194 of file mat.h.

References itpp::Mat< Num_T >::data, it_assert_debug, itpp::Mat< Num_T >::no_cols, and itpp::Mat< Num_T >::no_rows.

Referenced by itpp::Extended_Golay::Extended_Golay(), and fpica().

template<class Num_T >
Mat< Num_T > itpp::concat_vertical ( const Mat< Num_T > &  m1,
const Mat< Num_T > &  m2 

Vertical concatenation of two matrices.

Concatenate the matrices m1 and m2 vertically.

Definition at line 1216 of file mat.h.

References itpp::Mat< Num_T >::data, it_assert_debug, itpp::Mat< Num_T >::no_cols, and itpp::Mat< Num_T >::no_rows.

template<class Num_T >
Mat< Num_T > itpp::operator+ ( const Mat< Num_T > &  m,
Num_T  t 

Addition of a matrix and a scalar.

Addition of matrix and scalar.

Definition at line 1331 of file mat.h.

References itpp::Mat< Num_T >::data, itpp::Mat< Num_T >::datasize, itpp::Mat< Num_T >::no_cols, and itpp::Mat< Num_T >::no_rows.

template<class Num_T >
Mat< Num_T > itpp::operator+ ( Num_T  t,
const Mat< Num_T > &  m 

Addition of a scalar and a matrix.

Addition of scalar and matrix.

Definition at line 1342 of file mat.h.

References itpp::Mat< Num_T >::data, itpp::Mat< Num_T >::datasize, itpp::Mat< Num_T >::no_cols, and itpp::Mat< Num_T >::no_rows.

template<class Num_T >
Mat< Num_T > itpp::operator- ( const Mat< Num_T > &  m1,
const Mat< Num_T > &  m2 

Subtraction of two matrices.

Subtraction of m2 from m1.

Definition at line 1382 of file mat.h.

References itpp::Mat< Num_T >::data, it_assert_debug, itpp::Mat< Num_T >::no_cols, and itpp::Mat< Num_T >::no_rows.

template<class Num_T >
Mat< Num_T > itpp::operator- ( const Mat< Num_T > &  m,
Num_T  t 

Subtraction of matrix and scalar.

Subtraction of scalar from matrix.

Definition at line 1410 of file mat.h.

References itpp::Mat< Num_T >::data, itpp::Mat< Num_T >::no_cols, and itpp::Mat< Num_T >::no_rows.

template<class Num_T >
Mat< Num_T > itpp::operator- ( Num_T  t,
const Mat< Num_T > &  m 

Subtraction of scalar and matrix.

Subtract matrix from scalar.

Definition at line 1427 of file mat.h.

References itpp::Mat< Num_T >::data, itpp::Mat< Num_T >::no_cols, and itpp::Mat< Num_T >::no_rows.

template<class Num_T >
Mat< Num_T > itpp::operator- ( const Mat< Num_T > &  m)

Negation of matrix.

Subtraction of matrix.

Definition at line 1444 of file mat.h.

References itpp::Mat< Num_T >::data, itpp::Mat< Num_T >::no_cols, and itpp::Mat< Num_T >::no_rows.

template<class Num_T >
Vec< Num_T > itpp::operator* ( const Mat< Num_T > &  m,
const Vec< Num_T > &  v 

Multiplication of matrix and vector.

Multiplication of matrix m and vector v (column vector)

Definition at line 1536 of file mat.h.

References itpp::Mat< Num_T >::_data(), itpp::Mat< Num_T >::cols(), it_assert_debug, itpp::Mat< Num_T >::rows(), and itpp::Vec< Num_T >::size().

template<class Num_T >
std::istream & itpp::operator>> ( std::istream &  is,
Mat< Num_T > &  m 

Input stream for matrices.

The input can be on the form "1 2 3; 4 5 6" or "[[1 2 3][4 5 6]]", i.e. with brackets or semicolons as row delimiters. The first form is compatible with the set method, while the second form is compatible with the ostream operator. The elements on a row can be separated by blank space or commas. Rows that are shorter than the longest row are padded with zero elements. "[]" means an empty matrix.

Definition at line 1765 of file mat.h.

References itpp::Mat< Num_T >::set(), and itpp::Mat< Num_T >::set_size().

template<class T >
Sparse_Mat< T > itpp::operator+ ( const Sparse_Mat< T > &  m1,
const Sparse_Mat< T > &  m2 

m1+m2 where m1 and m2 are sparse matrices

Addition m1+m2 where m1 and m2 are sparse matrices.

Definition at line 760 of file smat.h.

References it_assert_debug.

template<class T >
Sparse_Mat< T > itpp::operator* ( const T &  c,
const Sparse_Mat< T > &  m 

c*m where c is a scalar and m is a sparse matrix

Multiplication c*m where c is a scalar and m is a sparse matrix.

Definition at line 774 of file smat.h.

References itpp::Sparse_Mat< T >::set_new().

template<class T >
Sparse_Mat< T > itpp::operator* ( const Sparse_Mat< T > &  m1,
const Sparse_Mat< T > &  m2 

m1*m2 where m1 and m2 are sparse matrices

Multiplication m1*m2 where m1 and m2 are sparse matrices.

Definition at line 789 of file smat.h.

References itpp::Sparse_Mat< T >::compact(), itpp::Sparse_Vec< T >::get_nz_data(), itpp::Sparse_Vec< T >::get_nz_index(), it_assert_debug, and itpp::Sparse_Vec< T >::nnz().

template<class T >
Sparse_Vec< T > itpp::operator* ( const Sparse_Mat< T > &  m,
const Sparse_Vec< T > &  v 

m*v where m is a sparse matrix and v is a sparse vector

Multiplication m*v where m is a sparse matrix and v is a sparse vector.

Definition at line 860 of file smat.h.

References itpp::Sparse_Vec< T >::get_nz_data(), itpp::Sparse_Vec< T >::get_nz_index(), it_assert_debug, itpp::Sparse_Vec< T >::nnz(), and itpp::Sparse_Vec< T >::size().

template<class T >
Vec< T > itpp::operator* ( const Sparse_Mat< T > &  m,
const Vec< T > &  v 

m*v where m is a sparse matrix and v is a full column vector

Multiplication m*v where m is a sparse matrix and v is a full column vector.

Definition at line 886 of file smat.h.

References it_assert_debug, and itpp::Vec< Num_T >::size().

template<class T >
Vec< T > itpp::operator* ( const Vec< T > &  v,
const Sparse_Mat< T > &  m 

v'*m where m is a sparse matrix and v is a full column vector

Multiplication v'*m where m is a sparse matrix and v is a full column vector.

Definition at line 902 of file smat.h.

References it_assert_debug, and itpp::Vec< Num_T >::size().

template<class T >
Mat< T > itpp::trans_mult ( const Sparse_Mat< T > &  m)

m'*m where m is a sparse matrix

Multiplication m'*m where m is a sparse matrix. Returns a full, dense matrix.

Definition at line 916 of file smat.h.

References itpp::Mat< Num_T >::cols().

Referenced by mult_trans().

template<class T >
Sparse_Mat< T > itpp::trans_mult_s ( const Sparse_Mat< T > &  m)

m'*m where m is a sparse matrix

Multiplication m'*m where m is a sparse matrix, Returns a sparse matrix.

Definition at line 934 of file smat.h.

template<class T >
Sparse_Mat< T > itpp::trans_mult ( const Sparse_Mat< T > &  m1,
const Sparse_Mat< T > &  m2 

m1'*m2 where m1 and m2 are sparse matrices

Multiplication m1'*m2 where m1 and m2 are sparse matrices.

Definition at line 957 of file smat.h.

References it_assert_debug.

template<class T >
Vec< T > itpp::trans_mult ( const Sparse_Mat< T > &  m,
const Vec< T > &  v 

m'*v where m is a sparse matrix and v is a full column vector

Multiplication m'*v where m is a sparse matrix and v is a full column vector.

Definition at line 973 of file smat.h.

template<class T >
Sparse_Mat< T > itpp::mult_trans ( const Sparse_Mat< T > &  m1,
const Sparse_Mat< T > &  m2 

m1*m2' where m1 and m2 are sparse matrices

Multiplication m1*m2' where m1 and m2 are sparse matrices.

Definition at line 983 of file smat.h.

References trans_mult(), and itpp::Sparse_Mat< T >::transpose().

template<class T >
Sparse_Vec< T > itpp::operator+ ( const Sparse_Vec< T > &  v1,
const Sparse_Vec< T > &  v2 

v1+v2 where v1 and v2 are sparse vector

Addition v1+v2 where v1 and v2 are sparse vector.

Definition at line 1171 of file svec.h.

References itpp::Sparse_Vec< T >::compact(), it_assert_debug, and itpp::Sparse_Vec< T >::resize_data().

template<class T >
T itpp::operator* ( const Sparse_Vec< T > &  v1,
const Sparse_Vec< T > &  v2 

v1*v2 where v1 and v2 are sparse vectors

Scalar product v1*v2 where v1 and v2 are sparse vectors.

Definition at line 1041 of file svec.h.

References itpp::Sparse_Vec< T >::full(), it_assert_debug, and sum().

template<class T >
T itpp::operator* ( const Sparse_Vec< T > &  v1,
const Vec< T > &  v2 

v1*v2 where v1 is a sparse vector and v2 is a dense vector

Scalar product v1*v2 where v1 is a sparse vector and v2 is a dense vector.

Definition at line 1057 of file svec.h.

References it_assert_debug, itpp::Sparse_Vec< T >::size(), itpp::Vec< Num_T >::size(), and sum().

template<class T >
T itpp::operator* ( const Vec< T > &  v1,
const Sparse_Vec< T > &  v2 

v1*v2 where v1 is a dense vector and v2 is a sparse vector

Scalar product v1*v2 where v1 is a dense vector and v2 is a sparse vector.

Definition at line 1069 of file svec.h.

References it_assert_debug, itpp::Sparse_Vec< T >::size(), itpp::Vec< Num_T >::size(), and sum().

template<class T >
Sparse_Vec< T > itpp::elem_mult ( const Sparse_Vec< T > &  v1,
const Sparse_Vec< T > &  v2 

Elementwise multiplication of two sparse vectors returning a sparse vector.

Element wise multiplication of two sparse vectors.

Definition at line 1081 of file svec.h.

References itpp::Sparse_Vec< T >::compact(), it_assert_debug, and itpp::Sparse_Vec< T >::resize_data().

template<class T >
Vec< T > itpp::elem_mult ( const Sparse_Vec< T > &  v1,
const Vec< T > &  v2 

Elementwise multiplication of a sparse vector and a dense vector returning a dense vector.

Element wise multiplication of a sparse vector and a dense vector.

Definition at line 1105 of file svec.h.

References it_assert_debug, and itpp::Vec< Num_T >::size().

template<class T >
Sparse_Vec< T > itpp::elem_mult_s ( const Sparse_Vec< T > &  v1,
const Vec< T > &  v2 

Elementwise multiplication of a sparse vector and a dense vector returning a sparse vector.

Element wise multiplication of a sparse vector and a dense vector returning a sparse vector.

Definition at line 1118 of file svec.h.

References it_assert_debug, and itpp::Vec< Num_T >::size().

template<class T >
Vec< T > itpp::elem_mult ( const Vec< T > &  v1,
const Sparse_Vec< T > &  v2 

Elementwise multiplication of a dense vector and a sparse vector returning a dense vector.

Element wise multiplication of a a dense vector and a sparse vector.

Definition at line 1138 of file svec.h.

References it_assert_debug, and itpp::Vec< Num_T >::size().

template<class T >
Sparse_Vec< T > itpp::elem_mult_s ( const Vec< T > &  v1,
const Sparse_Vec< T > &  v2 

Elementwise multiplication of a dense vector and a sparse vector returning a sparse vector.

Element wise multiplication of a a dense vector and a sparse vector returning a sparse vector.

Definition at line 1151 of file svec.h.

References it_assert_debug, and itpp::Vec< Num_T >::size().

template<class Num_T >
Vec< Num_T > itpp::operator- ( const Vec< Num_T > &  v1,
const Vec< Num_T > &  v2 

Subtraction of a vector from a vector.

Subtraction of v2 from v1.

Definition at line 943 of file vec.h.

References itpp::Vec< Num_T >::data, itpp::Vec< Num_T >::datasize, and it_assert_debug.

template<class Num_T >
Vec< Num_T > itpp::operator- ( const Vec< Num_T > &  v,
Num_T  t 

Subtraction of a scalar from a vector.

Subtraction of scalar from vector.

Definition at line 956 of file vec.h.

References itpp::Vec< Num_T >::data, and itpp::Vec< Num_T >::datasize.

template<class Num_T >
Vec< Num_T > itpp::operator- ( Num_T  t,
const Vec< Num_T > &  v 

Subtraction of vector from scalar. Results in a vector.

Subtraction of vector from scalar.

Definition at line 968 of file vec.h.

References itpp::Vec< Num_T >::data, and itpp::Vec< Num_T >::datasize.

template<class Num_T >
Mat< Num_T > itpp::outer_product ( const Vec< Num_T > &  v1,
const Vec< Num_T > &  v2,
bool  hermitian = false 

Outer product of two vectors v1 and v2.

When v1 and v2 are complex vectors (cvec), the third boolean argument hermitian can be set to true to conjugate v2 (Matlab's v1 * v2' operation). This parameter is ignored for types other then cvec.

Definition at line 1021 of file vec.h.

References itpp::Vec< Num_T >::_data(), it_assert_debug, and itpp::Vec< Num_T >::length().

Referenced by itpp::Newton_Search::search().

template<class Num_T >
Vec< Num_T > itpp::operator* ( const Vec< Num_T > &  v,
Num_T  t 

Multiplication of a vector and a scalar.

Elementwise multiplication of vector and scalar.

Definition at line 1044 of file vec.h.

References itpp::Vec< Num_T >::data, and itpp::Vec< Num_T >::datasize.

template<class Num_T >
Vec< Num_T > itpp::operator* ( Num_T  t,
const Vec< Num_T > &  v 

Multiplication of a scalar and a vector. Results in a vector.

Elementwise multiplication of vector and scalar.

Definition at line 1055 of file vec.h.

References operator*().

template<class Num_T >
Vec< Num_T > itpp::elem_mult ( const Vec< Num_T > &  a,
const Vec< Num_T > &  b 

Element-wise multiplication of two vectors.

Elementwise multiplication.

Definition at line 1061 of file vec.h.

References elem_mult_out().

template<class Num_T >
Vec< Num_T > itpp::elem_mult ( const Vec< Num_T > &  a,
const Vec< Num_T > &  b,
const Vec< Num_T > &  c 

Element-wise multiplication of three vectors.

Elementwise multiplication of three vectors.

Definition at line 1069 of file vec.h.

References elem_mult_out().

template<class Num_T >
Vec< Num_T > itpp::elem_mult ( const Vec< Num_T > &  a,
const Vec< Num_T > &  b,
const Vec< Num_T > &  c,
const Vec< Num_T > &  d 

Element-wise multiplication of four vectors.

Elementwise multiplication of four vectors.

Definition at line 1078 of file vec.h.

References elem_mult_out().

template<class Num_T >
void itpp::elem_mult_out ( const Vec< Num_T > &  a,
const Vec< Num_T > &  b,
Vec< Num_T > &  out 

Element-wise multiplication of two vectors, storing the result in vector out.

Elementwise multiplication, storing the result in vector out.

Definition at line 1087 of file vec.h.

References itpp::Vec< Num_T >::data, itpp::Vec< Num_T >::datasize, it_assert_debug, and itpp::Vec< Num_T >::set_size().

template<class Num_T >
void itpp::elem_mult_out ( const Vec< Num_T > &  a,
const Vec< Num_T > &  b,
const Vec< Num_T > &  c,
Vec< Num_T > &  out 

Element-wise multiplication of three vectors, storing the result in vector out.

Elementwise multiplication of three vectors, storing the result in vector out.

Definition at line 1097 of file vec.h.

References itpp::Vec< Num_T >::data, itpp::Vec< Num_T >::datasize, it_assert_debug, and itpp::Vec< Num_T >::set_size().

template<class Num_T >
void itpp::elem_mult_out ( const Vec< Num_T > &  a,
const Vec< Num_T > &  b,
const Vec< Num_T > &  c,
const Vec< Num_T > &  d,
Vec< Num_T > &  out 

Element-wise multiplication of four vectors, storing the result in vector out.

Elementwise multiplication of four vectors, storing the result in vector out.

Definition at line 1108 of file vec.h.

References itpp::Vec< Num_T >::data, itpp::Vec< Num_T >::datasize, it_assert_debug, and itpp::Vec< Num_T >::set_size().

template<class Num_T >
void itpp::elem_mult_inplace ( const Vec< Num_T > &  a,
Vec< Num_T > &  b 

In-place element-wise multiplication of two vectors. Faster version of b = elem_mult(a,b).

In-place element-wise multiplication of two vectors. Fast version of b = elem_mult(a,b).

Definition at line 1123 of file vec.h.

References itpp::Vec< Num_T >::data, itpp::Vec< Num_T >::datasize, and it_assert_debug.

template<class Num_T >
Num_T itpp::elem_mult_sum ( const Vec< Num_T > &  a,
const Vec< Num_T > &  b 

Element-wise multiplication of two vectors, followed by summation of the resultant elements. Fast version of sum(elem_mult(a,b)).

Element-wise multiplication of two vectors, followed by summation of the resultant elements. Fast version of sum(elem_mult(a,b))

Definition at line 1132 of file vec.h.

References itpp::Vec< Num_T >::data, itpp::Vec< Num_T >::datasize, and it_assert_debug.

template<class Num_T >
Vec< Num_T > itpp::operator/ ( const Vec< Num_T > &  v,
Num_T  t 

Division of all elements in v with t.

Elementwise division.

Definition at line 1143 of file vec.h.

References itpp::Vec< Num_T >::data, and itpp::Vec< Num_T >::datasize.

template<class Num_T >
Vec< Num_T > itpp::operator/ ( Num_T  t,
const Vec< Num_T > &  v 

Division of t with all elements in v.

Elementwise division.

Definition at line 1155 of file vec.h.

References itpp::Vec< Num_T >::data, and itpp::Vec< Num_T >::datasize.

template<class Num_T >
Vec< Num_T > itpp::elem_div ( const Vec< Num_T > &  a,
const Vec< Num_T > &  b 

Elementwise division of two vectors.

Elementwise division.

Definition at line 1196 of file vec.h.

References elem_div_out().

template<class Num_T >
Vec< Num_T > itpp::elem_div ( Num_T  t,
const Vec< Num_T > &  v 

This function is deprecated. Please use operator/(Num_T, const Vec<Num_T &) instead.

This function is deprecated. Please use operator/(Num_T, const Vec<Num_T> &) instead.

Definition at line 1167 of file vec.h.

References it_warning, and operator/().

template<class Num_T >
void itpp::elem_div_out ( const Vec< Num_T > &  a,
const Vec< Num_T > &  b,
Vec< Num_T > &  out 

Elementwise division of two vectors, storing the result in vector out.

Elementwise division.

Definition at line 1204 of file vec.h.

References itpp::Vec< Num_T >::data, itpp::Vec< Num_T >::datasize, it_assert_debug, itpp::Vec< Num_T >::set_size(), and itpp::Vec< Num_T >::size().

template<class Num_T >
Num_T itpp::elem_div_sum ( const Vec< Num_T > &  a,
const Vec< Num_T > &  b 

Elementwise division of two vectors, followed by summation of the resultant elements. Fast version of sum(elem_div(a,b))

Elementwise division, followed by summation of the resultant elements. Fast version of sum(elem_mult(a,b))

Definition at line 1215 of file vec.h.

References itpp::Vec< Num_T >::data, itpp::Vec< Num_T >::datasize, and it_assert_debug.

template<class Num_T >
Vec< Num_T > itpp::concat ( const Vec< Num_T > &  v,
Num_T  a 

Append element a to the end of the vector v.

Append element t to the end of the vector v.

Definition at line 1324 of file vec.h.

References itpp::Vec< Num_T >::data, size(), and itpp::Vec< Num_T >::size().

template<class Num_T >
Vec< Num_T > itpp::concat ( Num_T  a,
const Vec< Num_T > &  v 

Concat element a to the beginning of the vector v.

Insert element t at the beginning of the vector v.

Definition at line 1334 of file vec.h.

References itpp::Vec< Num_T >::data, size(), and itpp::Vec< Num_T >::size().

template<class Num_T >
Vec< Num_T > itpp::concat ( const Vec< Num_T > &  v1,
const Vec< Num_T > &  v2 

Concat vectors v1 and v2.

Concatenate vectors v1 and v2.

Definition at line 1344 of file vec.h.

References itpp::Vec< Num_T >::data, and itpp::Vec< Num_T >::size().

template<class Num_T >
Vec< Num_T > itpp::concat ( const Vec< Num_T > &  v1,
const Vec< Num_T > &  v2,
const Vec< Num_T > &  v3 

Concat vectors v1, v2 and v3.

Concatenate vectors v1, v2 and v3.

Definition at line 1355 of file vec.h.

References itpp::Vec< Num_T >::data, and itpp::Vec< Num_T >::size().

template<class Num_T >
Vec< Num_T > itpp::concat ( const Vec< Num_T > &  v1,
const Vec< Num_T > &  v2,
const Vec< Num_T > &  v3,
const Vec< Num_T > &  v4 

Concat vectors v1, v2, v3 and v4.

Concatenate vectors v1, v2, v3 and v4.

Definition at line 1369 of file vec.h.

References itpp::Vec< Num_T >::data, and itpp::Vec< Num_T >::size().

template<class Num_T >
Vec< Num_T > itpp::concat ( const Vec< Num_T > &  v1,
const Vec< Num_T > &  v2,
const Vec< Num_T > &  v3,
const Vec< Num_T > &  v4,
const Vec< Num_T > &  v5 

Concat vectors v1, v2 v3, v4 and v5.

Concatenate vectors v1, v2, v3, v4 and v5.

Definition at line 1385 of file vec.h.

References itpp::Vec< Num_T >::data, and itpp::Vec< Num_T >::size().

std::complex<double> itpp::cerfc_continued_fraction ( const std::complex< double > &  z)

Abramowitz and Stegun: Eq. (7.1.14) gives this continued fraction for erfc(z)

erfc(z) = sqrt(pi).exp(-z^2). 1 1/2 1 3/2 2 5/2 — — — — — — ... z + z + z + z + z + z +

This is evaluated using Lentz's method, as described in the narative of Numerical Recipes in C.

The continued fraction is true providing real(z) > 0. In practice we like real(z) to be significantly greater than 0, say greater than 0.5.

Definition at line 52 of file error.cpp.

References abs(), eps, exp(), min(), pi, and sqrt().

Referenced by cerf_continued_fraction().

std::complex<double> itpp::cerf_series ( const std::complex< double > &  z)

Abramawitz and Stegun: Eq. (7.1.5) gives a series for erf(z) good for all z, but converges faster for smallish abs(z), say abs(z) < 2.

Definition at line 100 of file error.cpp.

References abs(), min(), pi, sqrt(), and sum().

Referenced by erf().

std::complex<double> itpp::cerf_rybicki ( const std::complex< double > &  z)

Numerical Recipes quotes a formula due to Rybicki for evaluating Dawson's Integral:

exp(-x^2) integral exp(t^2).dt = 1/sqrt(pi) lim sum exp(-(z-n.h)^2) / n 0 to x h->0 n odd

This can be adapted to erf(z).

Definition at line 124 of file error.cpp.

References exp(), pi, and sum().

Referenced by erf().

int itpp::reverse_int ( int  length,
int  in 

Reverses the bitrepresentation of in (of size length) and converts to an integer

Definition at line 1442 of file convcode.cpp.

Referenced by itpp::Rec_Syst_Conv_Code::set_generator_polynomials().

int itpp::weight_int ( int  length,
int  in 

Calculate the Hamming weight of the binary representation of in of size length

Definition at line 1460 of file convcode.cpp.

References length().

int itpp::compare_spectra ( ivec  v1,
ivec  v2 

Compare two distance spectra. Return 1 if v1 is less, 0 if v2 less, and -1 if equal.

Definition at line 1472 of file convcode.cpp.

References it_assert_debug.

int itpp::compare_spectra ( ivec  v1,
ivec  v2,
vec  weight_profile 

Compare two distance spectra using a weight profile.

Return 1 if v1 is less, 0 if v2 less, and -1 if equal.

Definition at line 1492 of file convcode.cpp.

std::istream& itpp::operator>> ( std::istream &  is,
GF &  ingf 

Input stream operator for GF.

Input stream for GF(q)

Definition at line 93 of file galois.cpp.

References itpp::GF::get_size(), and itpp::GF::set().

std::ostream& itpp::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const GF &  ingf 

Output stream operator for GF.

Output stream for GF(q)

Definition at line 125 of file galois.cpp.

ITPP_EXPORT std::ostream & itpp::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const GFX &  ingfx 

Output stream operator for GFX.

Output stream.

Definition at line 135 of file galois.cpp.

GFX itpp::operator* ( const GF &  ingf,
const GFX &  ingfx 

Multiplication of GF and GFX.

Multiply a GF element with a GF(q)[x].

Definition at line 543 of file galois.h.

References itpp::GF::get_size(), and it_assert_debug.

GFX itpp::operator* ( const GFX &  ingfx,
const GF &  ingf 

Multiplication of GFX and GF.

Multiply a GF(q)[x] with a GF element.

Definition at line 552 of file galois.h.

GFX itpp::operator/ ( const GFX &  ingfx,
const GF &  ingf 

Division of GFX by GF.

Divide a GF(q)[x] with a GF element.

Definition at line 557 of file galois.h.

References itpp::GF::get_size(), and it_assert_debug.

ITPP_EXPORT std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const LDPC_Code &  C 

Print some properties of the LDPC codec in plain text.

Print some properties of the codec in plain text.

Definition at line 1791 of file ldpc.cpp.

References itpp::LDPC_Code::get_decoding_method(), itpp::LDPC_Code::get_ncheck(), itpp::LDPC_Code::get_nvar(), itpp::LDPC_Code::get_rate(), max(), and zeros_i().

ITPP_EXPORT std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const Modulator_NRD mod 

Print some properties of the MIMO modulator (mainly to aid debugging)

Output some properties of the MIMO modulator (mainly to aid debugging)

Definition at line 679 of file modulator_nd.cpp.

References itpp::Modulator_ND::bitmap, itpp::Modulator_ND::get_llrcalc(), itpp::Modulator_ND::k, itpp::Array< T >::left(), itpp::Modulator_ND::M, itpp::Modulator_ND::nt, and itpp::Modulator_NRD::symbols.

int itpp::calculate_uncoded_size ( Punctured_Turbo_Codec &  tc,
int  punctured_size,
int &  fill_bits 

Calculates length of the turbo code input block required to produce output block of length punctured_size. Some puncturing patterns might not allow to create block with such a length and then fill_bits of dummy bits must be used.

tcInstance of Punctured_Turbo_Codec
punctured_sizeRequired size of punctured encoded block
fill_bitsNumber of dummy bits that must be attached to the encoded block (parameter calculated within the function)

Definition at line 874 of file turbo.cpp.

References ceil(), and itpp::Punctured_Turbo_Codec::Period.

ITPP_EXPORT ivec lte_turbo_interleaver_sequence ( int  interleaver_size)

Generates the interleaver sequence for the internal turbo encoder interleaver used in LTE.

qdelfin and Stephan Ludwig

Definition at line 1135 of file turbo.cpp.

References it_assert.

void itpp::MOG_diag_MAP ( MOG_diag &  model_in,
MOG_diag &  prior_model_in,
Array< vec > &  X_in,
int  max_iter_in = 10,
double  alpha_in = 0.5,
double  var_floor_in = 0.0,
double  weight_floor_in = 0.0,
bool  verbose_in = false 

NOT YET IMPLEMENTED. Maximum a Posteriori (MAP) Expectation Maximisation optimiser for Mixtures of Gaussians.

model_inThe model to optimise (MOG_diag)
prior_model_inThe model representing the prior
X_inThe training data (array of vectors)
max_iter_inMaximum number of iterations
alpha_inCoefficient for combining the parameters with the prior. 0 <= _alpha <= 1.
var_floor_inVariance floor (lowest allowable variance). Set to 0.0 to use the default.
weight_floor_inWeight floor (lowest allowable weight). Set to 0.0 to use the default.
The variance and weight floors are set to std::numeric_limits<double>::min() if they are below that value. The largest allowable weight floor is 1/K, where K is the number of Gaussians.

Definition at line 322 of file mog_diag_em.cpp.

References it_error.

Variable Documentation

const int itpp::LDPC_binary_file_version = 2

Version of the binary file with generator and decoder data.

This has to be global since it is used in LDPC_Generator and LDPC_Code classes

Definition at line 42 of file ldpc.cpp.

Referenced by itpp::LDPC_Generator_Systematic::load(), itpp::BLDPC_Generator::load(), itpp::LDPC_Code::load_code(), itpp::LDPC_Generator_Systematic::save(), itpp::BLDPC_Generator::save(), and itpp::LDPC_Code::save_code().

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